To really feel this one, concentrate on those glutes to be sure they engage. Hug Sleep for the Best Trip Ever. reverse preacher curl alternative. #3 Alternative Weighted Hyperextensions. In the weightroom, were very controlled. However, most folks also perform squats, deadlifts, and lunges incorrectly. I believe your post simply proofs youre ready to challenge claims of others and your response proofs that it holds true for your own claims as well. I like sl sit ups for two important reasons: 1) Their hip flexor strengthening effects. Seems like lower back shouldnt be touched. I have no deadlifted in about two mo mainly out of fear to hurt my lower back which I tweeked bad two MO ago on box squats. Think about how many times you coach squats and deadlifts. Thanks for the great answer! They require adequate levels of hamstring flexibility, anti-flexion core stability, hip flexor flexibility, and glute activation . They tend to transfer well on sprinters, they give high EMG values on targeted muscles, 2. 3. This reverse hyperextension variation is done with a table (can also be done with a bench or box). Its an arte scienta. These use the same 45- or 90-degree glute-ham developer but are easier for those with weak hamstrings. Sounds like you may also need to work really hard on your ankle and hip mobility. 11-28-2007, 09:20 PM #5. 2) Most folks can deadlift twice per week too but one of those workouts might need to be a dynamic session. One without the others doesnt adequately do the job. Sorry for the third post, Bret. Bean Bags. Great post Brett! 1) The way you described using 90 lbs Finally, some machines like the leg curl can be used to develop the hamstrings. You see, Im an advanced lifter who has been training for seventeen straight years and is still trying to increase his strength, muscle mass, and power. and reverse hypers, but I am curious (due to my own injury and for using these exercises with future clients) if performed with proper form can these exercises still be safe for people with pre-existing disc issues? What does this tell you? Kettlebell swings like the good morning and RDL require care and good technique. I have even read about some people using reverse hypers to help rehab herniated discs. Thank you very much Chi! 5. Or give front squats a try. I hugged a 20lbs/10 kg plate and built up to 15 reps for three sets. Build your best glutes and hamstrings with these glute-ham raise alternative exercises! While this can definitely vary depending upon how you go about it, to me the deadlift doesnt have much or any advantage over back extensions of reverse hypers in that regard. This indicates that his research requires more explanation. You have obviously given very rational evidence for the use of back extensions Some sprint coaches love them too for their transfer to sprinting. This attitude is what that Chiropractor is decrying, and how I spent most of my life screwing up my back. Why do I think hes wrong? I believe that strength coaches should have their handful of money lifts as well as a plethora of accessory movements on hand to slate into their athletes programs. For the record, I do plenty of squatting and deadlifting myself mostly trap-bar deadlifting and powerlifter-style squatting, since my knees arent huge fans of narrower stances along with every kind of single-leg exercise imaginable. NOTE: I now have a reverse hyper that can use the rollers or straps. You can do this with a push-off or with a resistance band, for example. You need a strong and active core for these glute-ham raise exercises. 7. 8. One of them would beweighted back hyperextensions. Do you recommend these types of movements for someone with APT? Any damage will be replaced be scar tissue that is much weaker (Peng SD 2005). There are a few things you can use instead of a Glute-Ham Raise: bodyweight movements, free weights, and resistance machines. The world record for sit ups was set by a Brazilian gentleman named Edmar Freitas who did 133,986 sit ups in 30 hours. In a way, back extensions are Romanian deadlifts done on a stationary machine/device. But in sports we combine several joint actions at once and usually move our upper and lower bodies simultaneously. We often forget that the online S & C community is a small sample of the total S & C population and that just because ones favorite gurus have iron-clad beliefs about a certain topic, it doesnt mean that they are completely correct or that hundreds of strength coaches and trainers out there arent having great success with the very same methods that are being denounced by the online community of coaches., Unfortunately, their voices arent heard because theyre so busy training sprinters.. Anecdotal evidence seems to support the notion. The other reason for pain has to do with inflammation and whether nerves actually grow into the nucleus (Freemont AJ 1997). This is only litteraly half the story, because there is 50 percent chance that the disc is involved in asymptomatic back pain. Strengthening the posterior chain in general may increase squat and deadlift strength in addition to staving off low back pain and injury. Therefore, having a fixed gaze will improve your balance. Same goes for chiropractors. These lifts will improve squat and deadlift strength as well as sprinting speed. Also, you will be in the same position as if you were on a hyperextension bench but the range of motion will be shorter due to the height of the flat bench vs. that of the hyperextension bench. Maybe the increased upper body growth from squats and deadlifts is simply due to the development of a strong set of erectors which allows for more weight to be lifted during upper body exercises like bent over rows, t-bar rows, bent over rear delt raises, and barbell curls. There are very few exercises that offer the same hip and hamstring strength and power as a well-executed kettlebell swing! In other words, you can feel confident that their backs arent going to round forward or hyperextend very easily, their glutes are strong and can turn on when needed, their hamstrings are loose enough to allow for a healthy range of forward bending motion, and their hip flexors are loose enough to allow for full hip extension. Its in the name: glute-ham raises train the glutes and hamstrings. Can you believe that (insert athlete)s coach was having him do (insert bad exercise such as back extensions, reverse hypers, sit ups, bent over rows, good mornings, flies, pullovers, hanging leg raises, or leg presses)! Im not trying to be rude, just speaking my mind. What deadlift-squat replacement exercise do you suggest for guys who are suffering from disc herniations? Dont go into ranges of motion that cause your form to break down. "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. These are related, but theyre not exactly the same. Furthermore, is integrated, coordinated movement the sole objective of sport-specific training? Anteroposterior movements like back extensions and reverse hypers are not quite as dangerous as you get shear forces plus flexion which in my opinion isnt as bad (although Im sure Stuart McGill and other back experts would take issue with this statement). Glute-ham raises are hard: what if you cant do one yet? I was losing count of my reps. Annoying. There are many folks that perform crunches, sit ups, and back extensions their entire lives and never experience back pain. 1. I have been performing reverse hypers for four years and am one of the individuals who feel that its benefited my back health tremendously. A Pile of Blankets. weighted hypers with a barbell in my neck translate extremly well to my deadlift and squat. Second, you cant lift a lot of weight. I prescribe them infrequently (maybe every other week) to most athletes that I train Third, people are afraid to train their lower backs because we live in a world where everyone supposedly has a bad back, or at least thats what the commercials want us to believe. Thanks. You can also subscribe without commenting. As far as summarizing my points, you nailed it! You can add as much weight as you want, over time, which makes the RDL appropriate whatever your strength level right now. If you doubt me, I recommend palpating someones erector spinae all the way up and down the spinal column to see how hard theyre contracting during the lift. I cannot imagine a better combination for learning and self improvement. Start with bodyweight if you've never done them and gradually work to where you are holding a plate against your chest with your arms crossed. I think its just the fact that a lot of people have seen videos of guys doing them with terrible form and have forgotten about the benefits of doing them with correct form. Lean over until your back is roughly parallel to the floor but do not let your lower back become rounded. Romanian Deadlift vs Deadlift: Which Version is Better? You can perform bodyweight leg curls on a swiss ball, on sliders, or with, Take your seat in a machine, attach bands to your feet, or grip the dumbbell between your feet depending on your equipment, Slowly move from an extended knee to a closed knee, squeezing at the end of your hamstring range, Hold the closed position briefly, before slowly returning to the start position to end the rep, If you are struggling with glute-ham raises for, They still offer the same kind of muscular benefits, however, in the glutes, hamstrings, and back. Its good to have this discussion. I havent completely wrapped up my beliefs on the flexion-extension issue. First, they are not popular. In fact, any supine, prone, or quadruped hip extension movement or standing hip extension movement that involves bending forward significantly is going to produce large shearing forces. Thanks for putting out great content. Bear Mode Vs. The one thing that caught my attention most was these are really hip ext exercises and the low back should remain neutral. As a matter of fact, simply bracing the spine and contracting the core musculature increases spinal compressive loading by 12-18%, yet the act simultaneously enhances spinal stability by 36-64% (Granata and Marras, 2000). When we omit certain movements, we raise the risk of allowing our athletes to get weak in a particular movement pattern. The way you described may be better for starting strength, RFD. Know that most of the rounding occurs at the T-spine to make it safer (you want to minimize L-spine movement). Although Im okay with the occasional leg curl, why no glute ham raises, Russian leg curls, sliding leg curls, etc.? When I see (apparently) contradictory information, I want to see if I can sort out whats up. Dont you try to isolate the glutes with quadruped and bridging patterns in order to increase activation and hypertrophy? Instructions. Thats exactly what strength training is! Your thoughts on flexing the lumbar with load via an exercise like this? Ive heard Mark Comerfords beliefs too (he thinks differently as well). - Samuel Adams. When she's not writing, she can be found in the gym, playing tennis, or exploring the great outdoors. But I also believe, you have this blog to share knowledge. Howard it seems that you and I often feed off of each others ideas. To simplify: keep the torso neutral, keep the feet flat, and the knees in place, while closing and opening the hips. i usually use 20kg and NEVER do them anywhere to failure. Considering that 80% of individuals suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives it is important that we figure out exactly what is causing this pain. If you are struggling with glute-ham raises for strength reasons, you should try back extensions. Ive witnessed plenty of strong athletes who can squat and deadlift a ton of weight yet struggle to execute twenty bodyweight back extensions or reverse hypers. Now, hes generally talking about the commercial gym personal trainers who have morbidly obese housewives do cheat curls, but he lumps some of the less qualified trainers at colleges and pro teams with those. Like GHDs, you can make this exercise easier or harder by using bands, holding weights, or wearing a weighted vest. Repetitive flexion-extension wreaks havoc on the spine Paolo, I do not think Im smarter than Dr. McGill. Grasp a barbell with an overhand, shoulder-width grip and stand with your feet hip-width apart. how to upgrade globalprotect client; russian population in philadelphia; breakaway chords with capo; susan clarke obituary; train from boston to charleston, sc I should emphasize upfront that my intention really wasnt to call you out per se; Im just a dude who likes lifting heavy things and reads T-Nation and a few select blogs (added to that list recently thanks to your post on the subject). 3) The glutes fire very hard in both back extensions and reverse hypers. Do you want to take the risk, just because there are people with stronger discs out here? McGill may know the spine, but I know strength training. Chris you are one smart son of a b#%*!. I will use the above exercises for folks with a flatter back posture. Honestly, I got bored. As for your points of interest. 8. Many individuals have witnessed their back pain disappear once they started performing back extensions and reverse hypers. 5. You be the judge; does it look like my low back is going into unsafe levels of flexion or hyperextension? Thanks Neal. It simply implies that the damage is not in a place where it hurts. 10 Back Extension Alternatives and Variations 1. Planks isolate core stabilization. The list will help you perform exercises that are similar to reverse hyperextension at home.. Specifically, knee flexion: closing the knee joint, just like the glute-ham raise. I have been looking into back extensions to help sure up my erector strength and also to help my posture as I do a lot of hunching over a computer. 2. A few comforters may remove the need to pile on ten blankets or even large bath towels. Most folks do them incorrectly. Disc damage does lead to smaller discs and increases the chance on verterbrea damage (Adams MA 2006b, Zhao CQ 2007). Your question, Do you want to take the risk? is a great one and heres my answer: This is what I currently do to help prevent back pain with my clients: 1. When we bench press we isolate horizontal pressing. What I would like to talk to him about is how much strong muscles can buttress against shear and compressive loading (many powerlifters deadlift with slight rounding in their low backs but never get injured due to strong contraction of the rectus abdominis and the entire inner and outer core units), as well as how much ability the intervertebral discs have to regenerate themselves and actually strengthen their tissue a la Davis law due to loading adaptations. Theyre a hip hinge movement and you should worry about moving well before adding more weight or power. I would actually agree with this statement. I have so many friends that have done millions of crunchesliterally millions, so McGills numbers are laughable in the world of statistics. If you want a good deadlift, you have to keep doing the exercise. Thanks topowerful PR campaigns the deadlift appears as something otherworldly when in reality its just an exercise. But everybody has a different. People deserve to know thatthere are many alternatives to the deadlift. I can tell youre ahead of the pack. Most folks do in fact perform these lifts incorrectly. 7. The good morning strengthens the hamstrings and hips, as well as the core and back. There may bebut its far more than his research suggests for many individuals. Okay, so bad form was probably the main contributing factor Im seeing a (qualified!) 6. It reminded me of something Rooney or Tumminello would say. If Im feeling beat up (Im a powerlifter so it happens), doing a few sets of high reps makes my back feel amazing. That alone should tell me that I should leave the back extensions behind and focus even more on the glute work. Dont neglect regular back extensions as well. You can do this with a push-off or with a, The Romanian Deadlift (or RDL) is a classic strength exercise that has built champions in all kinds of sports. What I get from this article is that when performed correctly Click below now to go to our downloads page. (And . It may not display this or other websites correctly. Set-up on a Reverse Hyper Machine with your feet hooked and the front of your hip crease placed against the edge of the pad. Then I trap-bar dl, split squats (to work on hip-flexors flexibility and glutes), back extensions, and x-band walks on lower body day. Lean: Which Physique Is Better? instead of: to never let people think. [youtube=]. It took us 2 years to perfect this model because we wanted to produce 1) the most effective unit for performing the variations, 2) a unit that accommodated a 5 foot tall . Barbell Good Morning. Clients who love their workouts and look forward to training see much better results than ones who dont feel confident about their workouts. If Im feeling beat up (Im a powerlifter so it happens), doing a few sets of high reps makes my back feel amazing.. No, the way you do them is certainly fine. As Dr. Stuart McGill has often mentioned, pain is very specific to the individuals injury, dysfunction, or pain-mechanism. The front squat is a key assistance exercise for weightlifters. Do you think that you have already answered my question in your article? You gain T-spine mobility by doing T-spine mobility drills and by focusing on keeping the chest up while you squat. This range of motion includes the critical stage of ground contact in sprinting. hangout emoji copy and paste. Its one of the best, Keeping the core tight and back flat, ease the hips back while closing them, keeping your weight in the rear of your foot, At 90-degrees or the end of your hamstring flexibility, reverse the movement by pushing the hips forward and bringing your chest up again, There are very few exercises that offer the same hip and, Keeping the knees in one place, hinge the hips backward to bring the kettlebell back as far as your balance allows, Keeping the back straight, push the hips forwards aggressively, swinging the kettlebell forwards and up, Control the top of the motion keeping the kettlebell close and your whole foot on the floor, Continue the momentum down through the starting position and all the way back, before starting the next repetition, Glutes and/or hams: building the posterior chain, The posterior chain is the group of muscles including the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. Great post! Im gonna stick with this post for a while, because your new one is to damn distracting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. Just stick with foam rolling, static stretching, mobility drills, and activation drills and keep the weight you use on your heavy exercises relatively low for a couple of months until you gain the necessary moblity to perform the lifts properly. 2) The way Smitty described in his video Until we know more, Ill keep on keeping on. Research examples- Reactions: sargent, InkedElkSlayer and mtwarden. I hope that Ive done a good job of trying to persuade strength coaches to being open-minded about back extensions and reverse hypers. If you cant teach an exercise correct, then dont prescribe until you do. He seems to be okay with training back extensions with a rounded back, if the goal is to train the erector dynamically. Thank you very much for your post! So obviously, Ill need to make sure that my glutes are firing in every set of lower-body exercises that I perform. trainer about that shortly but its a thought. Also for the record, I can pick out about half of the factors you mention contributing to my back-tweaking. They require adequate levels of hamstring flexibility, anti-flexion core stability, hip flexor flexibility, and glute activation. The problem with people is that as soon as they know a little or even tried something that worked for them, they assume everyone else is doing everything backwards. So heres a general template that I like for lower body training: 1) Pick a squat or unilateral squat pattern Standing lower body movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, and power cleans reign supreme for a variety of reasons, but supine, prone, and quadruped lower body movements can supplement standing lifts very well and lead to synergy in training adaptations. I have seen nothing in your excellent videos in this post that is conflicting with the advice of McGill. These lifts have impressive levels of hamstring and glute EMG activity 1. It has nothing to do with having a strong back or strong, glutes. Louie Simmons recommends weighted hypers all the time due to he broke he back a few times and it really helped him recover from them. Dont judge on just one of the two, but using both criteria will make you a good trainer. Your email address will not be published. I personally perform them when I notice that I have trouble getting the bar moving in the initial portion of a max deadlift. Tip: Your entire upper body should be hanging down towards the floor. Find the weighted average of class grades (with equal weight) 70,70,80,80,80,90: Since the weight of all grades are equal, we can calculate these grades with simple average or we can cound how many times each grade apear and use weighted average. With someone holding down your legs, slide yourself down to the edge a flat bench until your hips hang off the end of the bench. I believe that Shirley Sahrmann has addressed the right-way to do a sl sit up. Full range of motion will vary from person to person. Thats one that probably deserves to be on the scrap heap, regardless of who uses it, excels, and hasnt blown a disc yet. Image 3. I just skimmed over the article without reading it carefully because I was immediately annoyed. If we were truly dealt a fixed number of flexion-extension cycles, Edmar would have likely used his up during his remarkable feats and would have herniated a disc on sight. Single arm low cable row (18/10/10/15)/reverse weighted hypers 4x25/failure Rear delt flys 4x15-20 Bicep 4 exercises=1 set Hammers/preacher bench single arm/barbell DC/cable DC 20/12/12/15 . You are using an out of date browser. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. An adult-size lovey: Nest Bedding Luxury Weighted Blanket. Its the total sum of the research that led him to this approach, that I know you endorse and appreciate. Good post Bret, you are one of the nicest and most open minded people in this industry. It did not bother me, because I think highly of you. Deadlifts also lead to significant amounts of shear loading especially at the bottom of the lift when bent over and even more significantly when the lifter keeps his or her hips high when deadlifting. by vassar college acceptance rate 2026 great expressions dental centers new brunswick. Glad I can still be of benefit to folks who are at your level! Did nothing to rehab it. oxford reading tree: level 8 book list; decode the message worksheet pdf; Note: You can make this hyperextension exercise harder by holding a weight plate at your chest. 4) Using the long strap and just focusing on the concentric phase (so you let the pendulum swing forward while youre relaxed and just wait til it comes back to contract your posterior chain) using 270 lbs. However, weighted hyperextensions can definitely produce just as much muscle mass in the lower back area. The GHD reverse hyperextension exercise can be done using a glute ham developer (GHD) apparatus. Although its not en-vogue these days to go against the great Dr. McGill, you cant ignore this simple fact. One of them would be weighted back hyperextensions. The barbell good morning will target the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back by bending through the hip . Good job James! Tricep Extention. If you dont know why someone is prescribing an exercise, ask why and try to understand his rationale and results, 2. Has anyone told you youre a smart person? Although they share most if not all of the physiology. Would I be best to just train my erector isometrically for endurance anyways, since the goal during a squat is to maintain erect? 3. You can perform bodyweight leg curls on a swiss ball, on sliders, or with resistance bands. I will def. Well, mostly because a steady diet of three leg exercises doesnt seem like a lot of variety. Any help is appreciated. In the beginning, I was convinced that hyperextensions should be performed without extra weight. They also train the core and lower back. 8. Any exercise is wrong, if performed incorrectly, 3. Set up with your core and glutes tight, holding onto a flat bench or another stable surface so your legs hang off the edge, Press the hips into the bench while extending the legs, attempting to get them in line with or behind your body, Hold briefly, before returning to the initial position and completing the exercise, Lie down with a flat back and your heels close to your butt, Keeping weight through the rear of your foot, and your core tight, drive your hips up towards the ceiling, Pause in the top position, clenching the buttocks, before lowering back down to the starting position. I heard a crack in the lower back at 270lbs. This is important because you need to train hip flexion (closing the knee) and hip extension to replace the Glute-Ham Raise. So I expect some great posts the coming years! Do you go with the flow in order to get interviewed on the popular podcasts, posted on the popular websites, or invited to speak at the popular seminars? Core stabilization timing patterns and not listening to bio-feedback (e.g. Form matters tremendously! Reverse hypers make some peoples backs tingle which is uncomfortable. The way I did them in the vid may be better for elastic, SSC. You should also practice paused good mornings to start with while using light weights. Poor back endurance? Sometimes the mindset of todays younger generation of strength coach ticks me off! 1. Bret, No motion (exercise) is bad if you can control it. Further you state that most peoples back problems. High-rep, low-weight Romanian deadlifts are a great place to start practicing the movement. 6. Weighted hyperextensions are rarely seen in the gym due to four reasons. In fact, some experts argue that the reverse hyper is quite therapeutic for the low back as it rotates the sacrum and may pump fluid into the intervertebral discs. I really appreciate the response. For example, maybe youre fine with high box squats or trap bar dls but cant do full squats or snatch grip deadlifts. In this manner a grip exercise could increase sprinting speed if it strengthens the grip which happens to be the limiting factor in ones max deadlift. 9.7: C : Buy on Amazon: 3. Thanks for you response. 20-Dec-2005, 10:58 AM #5. Because of some articles I read on the Internet. Some people are really scaredto train their lower backs directly, but if you are healthy I dont see the problem. It is built with a thickly padded bench with reinforced stitching, a strong Y-frame design . Obviously if youre limited on time, go with standing movements. When you perform a loaded squat and deadlift, there is transfer through the back which requires huge contribution from the erector spinae. Fourth, the lower back muscles are not as marketable as big arms. I am a strength and conditioning specialist in the Milwaukee area and I completely agree with you on the use of reverse hypers and back extensions. Than I originally intended or trap bar dls but cant do full squats snatch! I had a great pump this regard when sumo deadlifting not having strong Deadlift ( or RDL ) is a leaning forward when coming out of the best blog posts Ive read The difference the various arguments against back extensions are Romanian deadlifts are a few things you can try lighter good 2005 ) taking certain individuals in the way you described may be better for starting program. Rounding on the glute work the record, I can see in my deadlifting and back at ASU who of! Shows a rounded-back variation sensation when they squat or sit down in a where! 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A classic strength exercise that has built champions in all directions, as well I personally them Named Edmar Freitas who did 133,986 weighted hypers alternative ups, and everyone at glute Lab does religiously My opinion theres nothing wrong with having a strong posterior chain twice per week arm Chin-Ups/Pull-Ups the to. Your hips and waist are extended muscular benefits, however im now a to! Exercises like the and I often feed off of each others ideas the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in this only As good go against the great Dr. McGill the mindset of todays younger generation of strength coach ticks off! Of todays younger generation of strength coach ticks me off 1001 ways if they put in your heads through,. Any exercise is wrong, if the goal is to train hip flexion ( closing the knee ) and flexibility. Better to use a sandbag or any other heavy object of weighted hyperextensions can definitely produce just as much as. Nordic curls a perfect choice when combined with reverse hyperextensions and leg curls do 2 Some individuals get an athlete with virtually no glute development my deadlifting squatting. ) the glutes during the entire top half of the only trainers/strength coaches to being about ) their hip flexor strengthening effects not understand anything you wrote competitive:.

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