The Board placed the registered nurse license of Angelina C. Sams (099000651RN) on probation for 24 months due to a physical impairment. ODDS has developed and posted Workers Guides to provide additional information and guidance related to the recent changes to PSW overtime and weekly hours limitations.Worker's Guide: As of September 1st, 2016 relief care rates for Personal Support Workers (PSWs) have changed. This survey gathers information on staffing levels, job stability, wages and compensation, and focuses on the DSP workforce employed between 1/1/2020 -12/31/20. For each instance in which an individual is absent overnight from their residence, the provider must follow the direction included in the transmittal, as well as adhere to applicable standards and procedures to report the individuals absence. ODDS has posted a worker guide identifying the authorization and payment procedures that must be followed by Case Management Entities (CME's) and Providers for the delivery of Direct Nursing Services (DNS).Worker's Guide: Direct Nursing MMIS Authorization and Payment Procedures. The status of individual nurses or nursing assistants licensed in Oregon is available on the, The Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) took final disciplinary action against the following nurses or nursing assistants during its February16, 2022, Board Meeting. This policy replaces Presumed Eligible determination guidance for COVID19. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing an appointment and information about joining the meeting. She resides in Broken Bow, Okla. Washington The Board accepted the Voluntary Surrender of Darlene M. Hawley's registered nurse license (000026917RN) for neglecting a client, failing to document client care information, and failing to conform to the essential standards of acceptable nursing practice. The Nursing program utilizes state-of-the-art on-campus laboratories, including a nursing simulation laboratory and a multimedia computer laboratory, to facilitate student learning. ODDS and the Office of Training, Investigation and Safety (OTIS) are providing policy guidance to CDDP and OTIS staff responsible for completing investigations associated with reports of alleged abuse and neglect as required in ORS 430.731 to 430.765. If you haven't applied for an Oregon license since October 10, 2022, you must create a new user account in the Licensing Portal. She resides in Portland, Ore. Individuals eligible for and receiving case management services through ODDS may ODDS will adjust the current service rates in eXPRS SE158 -ORAFC-NA Plan of Care. ODDS has two new websites for their Oregon Administrative Rules. NEW! The intent of this policy is to assure that eligibility for services based on citizenship status is consistent with state and federal requirements and those of other DHS programs. When a foster care provider, certified or licensed by Developmental Disabilities or a Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Certified Agency receives a Notice of Imposition of Conditions on Medicaid Agency Certificate or Foster Care license or certificate that includes an Imposition of Conditions that restrict admissions and/or transfers unless approved by both the Community Developmental Disabilities Program (CDDP) and the Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS) the foster care provider or Medicaid Certified Agency must work closely with their CDDP prior to accepting any new entries or approving an internal transfer. NEW! This transmittal has been updated to provide more detail about the process for ODDS and CMEs to authorize the correct rate to PSWs who have the Professional Development Credential. ODDS has developed a worker guide for Case Management Entities to determine the correct rate of pay for PSWs with non-standard rates or differentials.Worker's Guide: PSW Differentials and Non-Standard Rates, ODDS requires CMEs to monitor services and verify that services delivered align with those authorized. The Board placed the registered nurse license of Rachel E. Beyer (098003060RN) on probation for 12 months with conditions for neglecting a client, falsifying data, and failing to conform to the essential standards of nursing practice. The status of individual nurses or nursing assistants licensed in Oregon is available on the, The Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) took final disciplinary action against the following nurses or nursing assistants during its November 17, 2021, Board Meeting. Upon publication on 7/12/2021 of the Expenditure Guidelines, there was an error in the Category 3 (Tier 4, 5, 6) Job Coaching rate for On-Going and Maintenance rates. These states include: Alabama Kentucky New York Texas ODDS acknowledges the need to track data related to the correlation between serious incidences and the COVID-19 pandemic. A lock icon ( ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. She resides in Crescent City, Calif. Kentucky The Board denied the RN application of Rechelle K. Wilkerson due to previous discipline in Kentucky. The Social Security Administration will be implementing a 2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security recipients as of January 1, 2018. Annually, all eligibility specialists must participate in Department sponsored eligibility trainings and required training hours as established in rule or in the re-opening guide policy. Communication regarding Seasonal Flu and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention for Homecare and Personal Support Workers. She resides in Portland, Ore. The Board accepted the Voluntary Surrender of Jolene A. Patricks registered nurse license (200941184RN) for failing to administer medications in a manner consistent with state and federal law. Training opportunity for adult foster care providers who want to access more information about Covid-19. In order to improve access, ODDS needs to better understand reasons that Community Developmental Disabilities Program (CDDP) eligibility determinations are not made within 90 days from the intake. Due to ongoing difficulties accessing OIS classes to renew an OIS G certification, ODDS will be extending the OIS expiration date of all Independent Providers of Professional Behavior Services to align with the expiration date of OIS instructors. ODDS has published a guide to exceptions that is now available online. Senate Bill 905 (SB 905) was passed during Oregons 2019 Legislative Session and took effect on July 1, 2019. The Board reprimanded the practical nurse license of Carrie Z. Perkins (200930326LPN) and imposed a $3,000 civil penalty for violating a person's rights of privacy and confidentiality and failing to answer questions truthfully during an investigation. He resides in Medford, Ore. She resides in St. Petersburg, Fla. Idaho The Board reprimanded the registered nurse license of Graziella C. Stanculescu (090006810RN) with conditions for neglecting a client and failing to communicate client status information to members of the healthcare team. In addition to criminal history checks being extended,ODDS is also extending Provider Enrollment Agreements and Applications (PEAAs). This guide explains the service enrollment process following eligibility determination. Johnson's CNA application for misrepresentation during the application process. Effective immediately, no new approvals and/or authorizations for Family Support Services or Expanded Family Support Funds are allowable. The Worker's Guide for Admission Types and Discharge Processes from the Oregon State Hospital (OSH) is intended to provide guidance to the field when working with individuals being discharged from OSH back into the community. Additionally, ODDS requires screening for any non-resident (and preferably, resident if they leave the home) entering the home, to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Personal Agents and Service Coordinators must assure that an individuals Enhanced or Exceptional status is correct. Home maintenance and repair are the responsibility of the homeowner and cannot be funded utilizing Department funds. Requests for Department prior approval using the updated form and procedures are not required if a request was submitted before 10/1/2018. The changes made in version 3 are required beginning December 11, 2015. She resides in Estacada, Ore. The intent of this transmittal is to clarify the best practices and requirements regarding who participates in the Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) interview, what documentation is used, who fills out the ONA, and who receives copies of the completed ONA. The 2019 schedule for Professional Behavior Services technical assistance webinars is available. Providers are asked to take specific action in response to the current public health risk presented by COVID-19. This is affecting checks authorized starting 8/6 until the issue was identified on 9/13. OIS Instructors with an OIS expiration date of 04/30/2020 will automatically be extended to 10/31/2020. 309-081-0020 Criteria for The Oregon Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program. The Board accepted the Voluntary Surrender of Tina D. Kearneys practical nurse license (200130062LPN) for failing to maintain professional boundaries with a client, soliciting money and property from a client, and demonstrated incidents of abusive behavior. OAR 411-390-0160 requires that the person being considered as HCA completes Department-approved training prior to their appointment as HCA and prior to making any health care decisions on behalf of the individual. The Board accepted the Voluntary Surrender of Caroline Dion's practical nurse license (202000714LPN) for performing acts beyond her authorized scope of practice and failing to conform to the essential standards of acceptable nursing practice. Guide, with links to supporting documents and flowcharts, is available for use. An executive director is the person designated by a Board of Directors or corporate owner of an agency that is responsible for the administration of the services delivered by the agency. Attached to this transmittal, please find preliminary service determination results. Due to the ongoing hospital and Skilling Nursing Facility (SNF)/Nursing Facility (NF) capacity concerns, the Oregon Legislature approved the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to provide a discharge incentive of $5,000 to any AFH or I/DD residential group home provider that admits a new individual to their home directly from a The Centralized Abuse Management system (CAM) can be used to collect this data. ODDS and the Office of Adult Abuse Prevention and Investigations (OAAPI) received advice from the Oregon Attorney Generals Office to more closely follow statute and rule when screening allegations of abuse. ODDS requires that Community Living Supports provider agencies immediately review their written emergency plans, as well as their policies and procedures for maintaining health and safety, in order to ensure they sufficiently address strategies to mitigate and respond to an outbreak or pandemic of infectious disease including COVID-19. These rates are effective for all services beginning 9/1/2021. On March 23, 2020 Governor Brown issued Executive Order 20-12, Stay at Home, Save Lives which requires that people stay at home except to provide or obtain essential services. This action request updates the process for submitting Adult In-Home Needs Assessments (ANA) and Children In-Home Needs Assessments (CNA) and clarifies the current standards for ANA/CNA training. ODDS Licensing created a new licensing email box dedicated to sending and receiving information regarding corrections from Plan of Corrections (POC), Advisory Letters, and Serious Violation Letters. Eligible Agencies will be reimbursed for the registration cost of pre-approved online Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) curriculums. This rule change became effective 10/01/2020. The Governors executive order 20-12, Stay at Home, Save Lives, is having substantial impact on how those functions are carried out. This is a web portal where Employers and PSWs can securely complete paperwork online with the assistance of a PPL Enrollment specialist in their required language. The ODDS Death Reporting Worker's Guide is available. ODDS will launch a pilot from November 2018 to March 28, 2019, regarding our proposed Discovery Profile and the accompanying policy. Subsequent surveys will be released every six months. WashingtonThe Board reprimanded the practical nurse license of Jill C. Deis (201700229LPN) for engaging in other unacceptable behavior towards a client and failing to answer questions truthfully. ODDS is moving forward with the Compass Project rate model implementation for 24-hour residential group homes scheduled for July 1, 2022. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' Other Situations that Cause an ISP to LapseV. PERM is a system of audits conducted by CMS contractors for identification of improper payments in the Medicaid waiver, State Plan and CHIP programs. OHP 729 (2/18 version) should be used and has replaced the revised version in the form server as well as on the Administrative Exams Policy Page. The status of individual nurses or nursing assistants licensed in Oregon is available on the, The Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) took final disciplinary action against the following nurses or nursing assistants during its December15, 2021, Board Meeting. TANF, SNAP, OSIP) may receive or have received a letter that informs them they may only have one Authorized Representative for these other benefits. This flexibility is no longer in effect now that schools are reopened, and most children are attending in-person learning. She resides in Hood River, Ore. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Recently, there have been questions regarding the process when someone does not meet Level of Care (LOC) requirements in the ONA as outlined in OAR 411-425. OAR 411-390-0220(3) requires the case manager and at least one other member of the ISP team receive Department-approved training before appointing an HCA. Effective July 1, 2022, ODDS will implement a new rate structure for ODDS Funded Community Transportation. The DHS Office of Adult Abuse Prevention & Investigations (OAAPI) is modifying the process by which ODDS Stabilization and Crisis Unit (SACU) staff that have been substantiated for abuse in an OAAPI investigation may request administrative review of those determinations. One of the provisions of SB 1548 provides a temporary pause to state building code requirements for sprinkler systems in ODDS-licensed residential settings serving five or fewer individuals. She resides in Vancouver, Wash. Washington The Board revoked Melanie M. Estes's registered nurse license (200940437RN) for violating the terms and conditions of a Board Order. Administrative Errorsc. Masters, Doctoral degrees and Certificates. As part of the process of implementation for the Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) and rate methodologies in 24-hour residential homes, ODDS received permission from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to offer a new type of direct nursing services (DNS) provider type called direct nursing services agency (DNSA). How you know In order for the maximum number of individuals to access necessary services, and to preserve individual choice, when capacity is not available at a local brokerage, CDDPs will serve individuals until capacity is available at a brokerage, for individuals who continue to want it. As a first step in moving toward a single assessment tool and ensuring individuals have an annual functional needs assessment to inform the planning process, the practices in the original version of this document (PT-15-003) were required to be implemented beginning January 31, 2015. To qualify for Oregon CNA, applicants need to complete an OSBN-approved nursing assistant education program., You may pay by credit card only. All other criteria remain. This fall the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality should expand the programs carbon intensity reduction targets and maximize the potential of this program to The survey will be developed using the Survey Gizmo platform and released to CFH Certifiers in February 2022. Individuals who have been granted an exception to the ANA assessed service level must use the ODDS approved hours as the service level. The Board placed the registered nurse license of Kelly E. Deering (200742016RN) on probation for 24 months for practicing nursing while impaired. Online chemistry overview. If Professional Behavior Services are included or added to any ISP on or after March 1, 2018, Professional Behavior Services must be entered into Plan of Care with the appropriate modifier. This IM will supplant IM 14-045 regarding service rates for Residential Care Facilities (RCF) and Assisted Living Facilities (ALF) settings through Developmental Disability funding to update correct internet links. Effective September 1, 2017 the maximum number of absences that will be paid by ODDS is being reduced from 45 days to 21 days per year. This Act made those Afghan individuals who entered the U.S. under the status Humanitarian Parolee eligible for benefits and services to the same extent as refugees for a limited period of time. The Discovery Guidelines for Services Coordinators/Personal Agents and Discovery Providers, Workers Guide on the topic of training and qualification requirements for Employment Professionals, VR-DD Services Crosswalk with VR Services Addendum, ODDS D&E Eligibility Consultation Worker Guide & Protocols,, Worker's Guide: Attendant Care During an Inpatient Hospital Stay During the COVID-19 Pandemic, COVID-19 Employment and DSA Re Opening Worker's Guide, Worker's Guide: Hourly Stipend Payment for Required PSW Job Coach Training,, The Guide to Assistive Devices and Assistive Technology,,, Foster Care 2:1 Staffing Authorization Procedure Worker's Guide,, EVV Case Management Entity Worker's Guide, Worker's Guide for Core Competency Training Requirements, Case Management activities and the ONA workers guide, Worker's Guide for Employment Professional Qualifications and Training, Worker's Guide for Personal Support Worker Employment Services Enrollment, Benefits Counseling for Employment Path Services, ODDS Employment Services for Transition-age Individuals and Youth while Special Education and Related Services Remain Available under IDEA, Worker's Guide: PSW Differentials and Non-Standard Rates, Worker's Guide: Indirect Case Management Monitoring, Employment Stabilization Worker's Guide,, Worker's Guide: County-to-County Transfer Procedures, Foster Care 2:1 Support Needs Assessment Profile Exception Process Guidelines, Worker's Guide: Benefits Counseling for Employment Path Services, Worker's Guide: Case Management Activities and the ONA, Request for Continuing Education Hours for Employment Professionals Worker's Guide, Employment Professional Training and Credentialing Requirements Worker's Guide, ODDS Employment Services for Transition-age Individuals and Youth, Worker's Guide: Career Development Planning & Decision Not to Explore Employment Implementation Guide, Worker's Guide: Career Development Planning: Who is Required to Have a Career Development Plan or Decision Not to Explore Employment,, PSW Weekly Hour Limitations worker's guide, Case Management Contact Requirements Technical Guide, Worker's Guide: Foster Care 2:1 Staffing Authorization Procedure, Competitive Integrated Employment Requirements, Worker's Guide: Direct Nursing MMIS Authorization and Payment Procedures, Worker's Guide: Job Coaching Requirements, Worker's Guide: Terminating Case Management Services, Exceptions to Individual Support Plan Hourly Cap for PSWs, Worker's Guide: Independent Provider Terminations and Inactivations, Worker's Guide: Fairview Training Center and Eastern Oregon Training Center Family Reconnection Procedures, Personal Support Worker (PSW) Progress Notes Worker Guide, Career Development Planning: Who is Required to Have a Career Development Plan or Decision Not to Explore Employment, Career Development Planning and Decision Not to Explore Employment,, Worker's Guide on issuing Notification of Planned Action, DD 156 Room & Board General Fund Standards and Procedures, Process for Determining Service Rates for RCF and ALF Settings Through DD Funding,, Hospital and Nursing Facility Discharge Incentive Payments, Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of Oregon Videos, Updated Office of Developmental Disabilities Services COVID-19 Policy Guide, ONE DD Referrals Processes for Long-Term Care Services for Children, Changes to Assessment Request Form (0744), American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants Zoom Call, Eligibility Determinations Exceeding 90 Days, DD Eligibility Specialist Core Competency Reviews, In-Person Orientation Informational Sessions for Staff in Lane, Linn, and Benton Counties Who Work with Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, OHP Letters to Recipients Receiving Medicaid, Policy guidance to CDDP and OTIS staff responsible for completing interviews as part of the investigation process associated with reports of alleged abuse and neglect as required by ORS 430.731 and OAR 407-045-0250(1)(2), ODDS and VR Employment Services While Also Using SACU Services, Updated Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Translation of ONA Support Documents, NCI 2022 Adult In-Person Survey Requirement, Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) Flag Condition Desk Reviews, Licensing Unit Restructuring and Caseload Changes, TA Calls - 1:1 "Solo" Trainings for Employment Path and DSA, Address Change Report to OregONEligibility, Updates to COVID-19 PSW Overtime Exceptions, Attendant Care and Parents with I/DD Worker Guide, Updated Guide to Professional Behavior Services, Statewide Incident Management Analysis, January-March 2022, Updated Dates/Topics - Registration: Orientation Webinars for New Managers, Directors, Supervisors & Leads at Case Management Entities, Billable Services for Relief Care in a Camp Setting, ODDS Compass: 24-Hour Residential Settings for Adults Rate Model Staffing Assumptions, EOR for Personal Support Workers Communication and Check Sent in Error, Informational Sessions for Local Office Staff: 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between SEIU, Local 503 and the Oregon Home Care Commission, Expanding Personal Support Worker Qualifications, In-Person Orientation Informational Sessions for Staff in Clackamas and Jackson Counties Who Work With Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, New Online Payment Portal for Employed Persons with Disabilities (EPD), 344-Day Billing Structure for 24-Hour Residential Program Settings and Host Homes, DD Agency Providers Must Use an Electronic Visit Verification System for In-Home Attendant Care Services, Introduction of the Standard Model Agency, Required PSW Refresher Training Deadline and Next Steps, Unbundling Professional Behavior Services and Direct Nursing Services from 24-hour Residential Services, Community Transportation Changes Effective 7/1/2022, New Billing Codes for Employment Services Effective 07/01/2022, Compass Technical Assistance Calls Regarding Provider Rate Exceptions, Transitioning IDD Individuals in the Custody of the Department of Corrections Back Into a Community Setting, Working in eXPRS After July 1, 2022 Compass Implementation, Updated ODDS Request for Eligibility Determination Form (sds 0552), ODDS Worker's Guide: Long-Term Care Community Nursing (LTCCN) and Direct Nursing Services (DNS) During Employment or DSA Services, CMS Payment Error Rate Measurement Webinar Recording Available, Employment First: Oregon Project SEARCH Policies and Procedures, Rates and Dates Worker Guide - Timelines for Agency Provider Rate Changes, ABLE Accounts to be Excluded as a Resource for Medicaid Eligibility Decisions, eXPRS Implementation of Compass Project July 1, 2022, ODDS' Quarterly Incident Management Report, Required Refresher Training Due Date Extended to June 30, 2022, Policy Guidance to Community Developmental Disabilities Programs (CDDP) and OTIS Staff Responsible for Completing Intake Screening Activities Associated with Reports of Alleged Abuse as Required by ORS 430.731, APS External Referrals and Notifications Reference Tools, Updated Version of Adult Support Needs Assessment Profile (SNAP), ODDS Exceptions Form Update and Expiration of Provider Agency Rates, Sprinkler Requirement Paused for ODDS-Licensed Residential Settings Serving Five or Fewer Individuals, Returned Letters from Compass Project Mailing, Rate Increase for DD Adult Foster Care Services April 2022, ODDS Worker's Guides Impacting Job Coaching, Allegations of Abuse of Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities by an Educational Providers School Employee, Contractor, Agent, or Volunteer, Worker Guide: Enhanced/Exceptional Supports Status and Rates, Supported Employment Training Opportunity for Case Managers and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, AFH 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement Changes, NCI 2021 Staff Stability Survey Requirement, Certified ONA Assessor Initial Qualifications and Training, ONA Assessor Ongoing Qualifications and Training, Direct Nursing Services in 24-Hour Group Homes, Data Collection on Eligibility Determinations Exceeding 90 Days, Oregon Health Authority Administrative Exam Worker Guide Update, NCI 2021 Adult In-Person Survey Requirement Part II, ODDS Workday Learning Helpdesk and Resources, Enhanced and Exceptional Eligibility Notifications, ARPA Funding for Supported Living Providers, Implementing OHAs Interim Healthcare Isolation and Quarantine Guidance, Temporary Policy and Licensing Changes Addressing Staffing Crisis Expiration, eXPRS Plan of Care Super User Training and User Enrollment, ODDS Licensing Application and Provider Email Addresses, ODDS Variances - New Forms and Instructions Available, 2021-2023 Personal Support Worker Collective Bargaining Agreement, Placement Planning for Children in the Legal Custody of Child Welfare, Missing Eligibility Notification Corrective Action Requirements, Oregons Statewide First Episode Psychosis Program, Early Assessment and Support Alliance (EASA), Updated Version of Adult Supports Needs Assessment Profile (SNAP), Eligibility Specialist Core Competency Training - 2022, ODDS Reopening Policy Worker's Guides and Updates, Temporary Reduced Staffing Capacity Policies, Service Liability and Fee Notices from ONE, APD End of Year (2021) Processing Schedule and Updates, Documents Added to the Case Manager Resource Page, Rate Increase for DD Adult Foster Care Services July 2021, DD Personal Support Worker Rate Increase, Effective Jan 1, 2022, IDD Adult Foster Care Provider COVID Relief Payment, Survey Regarding ODDS Retention and Recruitment Funding, Informational Sessions for Staff About Required Training for Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, Resuming Developmental Disabilities Eligibility Redeterminations, 2022 Health Care Advocate (HCA) Training Schedule, RN Nursing Delegation Changes from the Oregon State Board of Nursing, CME Notification Regarding Nursing Delegation Changes and Possible Assistance to Registered Nurses, All-Program Non-Citizen Eligibility for Additional Group of Afghanistan Special Immigrant Visa Holders and Afghan Humanitarian Parolees, Keys Amendment - Annual Public Notification of Standards for Residential Facilities, Licensing Review Regarding OAR 333-019-1010, Weekly Provider Reporting on 24-Hour and Adult Foster Home Bed and Staff Vacancy, ODDS DD 56 Provider Rent Subsidy and DD 156 General Fund Room & Board, Senate Bill 710 Restraint and Involuntary Seclusion Requirements for I/DD Child Foster Home Settings, APS Internal Notifications and Referrals Tool, NCI 2021 Adult In-Person Survey Requirement, Frequently Asked Questions: Required Training for Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, Personal Care Attendants and Consumers, Ending Collection of Most Medical Assistance Overpayments, ODDS Notification Form for Children Entering Host Homes, Update to 2021 Health Care Advocate (HCA) Training Schedule, Temporary Allowances for Case Management Entity (CME) Staff to Work in Residential Settings Under Provider Agencies and Employers, Webinar: Introduction to ODDS 24-Hour Residential Settings Rate Model and Exceptions for Adults, Executive Order 21-29 Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination for Executive Branch and Workers, and Oregon Administrative Rule 333-019-1010 COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Healthcare Staff in Healthcare Settings, Provider Agency Plans for Backup Staffing Needed as a Result of OHA Rule Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination for Healthcare Workers and the DD Workforce, Documents Added to the ONA Assessor Resource Page, OTIS Child-In-Care Abuse Investigation Rules - Add DD Child Foster Homes and Notify of Planned Renumbering of OTIS Child-In-Care Rules to New Division 46, Policy Update to Direct Nursing Service Worker Guide, Podcast Announcement Required Trainings for Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, Restraints and Involuntary Seclusion for Children in Residential Settings, New Payment Portal for Host Homes and 24 Hour Residential Facilities, New Payment Portal for Adult Foster Homes, Carewell SEIU 503 Refresher Training Prize Drawing, Mandatory Training for Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, Childrens Support Needs Assessment (SNAP) Update Version, ODDS Nursing Technical Assistance Request Form, Asbestos Testing Prior to the Development of a Scope of Work, Case Management Entity (DD) Outlook Distribution Lists, Category 3 (Tier 4, 5, 6) On-Going and Maintenance Rate Adjustment, UPDATED: Purchasing Personal Air Purifiers Through OR 562, Service Groups in eXPRS and Agency Provider Rates, Temporary Housing Due to Wildfire Emergency, Elsevier Supported Employment Training Opportunity, Monthly Transmittal Contact Information Change, Steps to Refer Individuals to Behavioral Health Services, Long-Term Care Community Nursing (LTCCN) and Direct Nursing Services (DNS) During Employment or DSA Services, New CAM Reports for Incident Management Team Trending, Community Transportation Worker's Guide and Local Match Transportation Worker's Guide, APS Notifications and Investigations: ODDS Regulated Settings, Reminder of Transition from iLearn to Workday Learning, Resuming In-Person Visits for the Development of Scopes of Work, Core Competency Training Options During LMS Transition, Contingency Plan for Training Requirements During LMS Transition, Oregon State Hospital Discharge Types and Procedures, Updates to Childrens 24-Hour Residential Service Rate Exception Request Form and Exception Request Decision Notification Memo, New CAM Enhancements Coming on May 10th 2021, Civil Commitment Actions and Worker Guide, Eligibility Determination Notice Guide Version 2, Verification of a Child's Health Care Plan During Health Care Visits, Oregon Home Care Commissions Registry Changes, Guidance for Assisting Families with Medicaid Applications in ONE, Training on ODDS Community Transportation and Local Match Transportation, Incident Management Team Meetings Draft Quarterly Reporting Form, iLearn to Workday Transition - Information and FAQ Calls, OregONEligibility Medicaid Renewal Notifications, Training Requirements for ONA Case Manager Assessments, Updates to the Centralized Abuse Management (CAM) System, Updated County-to-County Transfer Worker Guide, Updated Employment Professional Qualifications and Training Worker's Guide, Changes to Medicaid COVID-19 Adverse Action Provisions, Vocational Rehabilitation and ODDS Service Crosswalk with VR Crosswalk Addendum, Investigating and Screening Abuse or Neglect Related to COVID-19 Infection Control Measures, ODDS Diagnoses & Evaluation Coordinator Eligibility Consultations, NCI 2020 Staff Stability Survey Requirement, Zoom Call to Discuss Local Match Transportation, Non-Citizen Eligibility Changes for COFA Residents, Eligibility Specialist Core Competency Training - 2021, Carewell SEIU 503 Refresher Training Pilot, COVID-19 Scenarios Update and Required Reporting Form, Rate Changes for Employment and DSA Services - Update, COVID-19 Vaccine Informational Flyer Sent to Personal Support Workers, OregONEligibility (ONE) Training for Oregon Health Authority Community Partners, Quality Assurance and Core Competency Reviews for ODDS, CHIP Medicaid Eligible for K Plan Services and Coding, OR310 Service Authorizations for Youth in Residential Settings, New Worker Training Series for Homecare and Personal Support Workers Now Available Statewide, DD 56 Provider Rent Subsidy and DD 156 General Fund Room & Board, ONA Service Groups and Children's Residential Services, Contacts for Central Coordination Unit (CCU) OregONEligibility DD Service Referrals, New Oregon OSHA COVID Rules for Workplaces - Effective 11/16/2020, Mandatory Training: Mass Mailing to Consumers, Common-Law Employers, Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants, OIS Expiration Extension for Independent Providers of Professional Behavior Services, ONE DD Referrals for Long-Term Care Services Processes, Annual Privacy and Security (ISPO) Training and CAM Users, Amending Definitions Used in Abuse Investigations (Adults w/DD), OregONEligibility Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and New Email Address, Purchasing Personal Air Purifiers Through OR 562, Udated Day of Service for Adult Foster Home Providers, Contractor Working with Direct Nursing Service Criteria, ODDS Children's Residential Group Home ONA Service Group Rate Implementation, Update to 24 Hour Residential Day of Service, Day of Service for Child Foster Home Providers Update, DD 53 Transportation Budget Tool No Longer Required, Replacement of Previously Authorized Items Lost or Missing Due to Fire or Evacuation, Changes Related to OregONEligibility Online Application Portal, ONE Medicaid Application Assistance - Oregon Health Authority Community Partnership Program for Medicaid Applications or Redeterminations, Print Plant Issue Sending Checks, Resolution, Attendant Care in a Hospital Setting Worker Guide, Wildfire Evacuations and Pandemic Precautions, Developmental Disabilities Services and Residential Mental Health Treatment, ODDS Extension of COVID-19 Related Exceptions, Summer Hours Extended; Attendant Care During 2020-2021 School Year, Updates to ODDS Guidance Related to Senate Bill 1606, Standardized Child Placement Referral Form and Checklist, Voiding Service Deliveries for DD Personal Support Workers in eXPRS, Agency Provider County Specific Service Location (Employment) in eXPRS, Health Care Advocate (HCA) Webinar Training Schedule for 2020, Expanded Family Support: Outstanding Approvals, DD Expanded Family Support Funds and DD Family Support Services, COVID-19 Points of Contact at ODDS Case Management Entities, Removal of the APD 539 Series from the Forms Server, COVID-19 Toolkit for Foster Care and 24-Hour Residential Providers, Pandemic Precautions for Foster Care (COVID-19), Pandemic Precautions for Case Management Entities (COVID-19), COLA for Adult Foster Home Service Rates & 2:1 Attendant Care Hourly Rates, OregONEligibility (the ONE Portal System) Updates, COVID-19 and CAM Reporting for Abuse Investigations and Death Reviews, DD Service Rate Increases to Implement the Remaining $10 Million GF Approved in the 19-21 Legislative Approved Budget, Investigations of Case Management Entities or Case Managers as the Accused Person, DD Agency Provider Full Implementation of Electronic Visit Verification, Personal Support Worker Rate Increase of $0.77, Effective July 1, 2020, Rate Increase for DD Adult Foster Care Services July 2020, Scenarios and Reporting Requirements for COVID-19, COVID-19 CARES Act Benefits and Resources, Adult Foster Home Training Opportunity (COVID-19), Stipend Payments for PSWs with Job Coach Specialty, ODDS Phase 1 Reopening Policy Worker's Guides, Temporary Policy Changes to Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Process for DD Assessments During COVID-19 Pandemic, Billing for Remote Employment and Day Services, ODDS State Licensing Review Changes - State of Emergency COVID-19, Temporary Changes to CDDP/CMHP Adult Abuse Investigation Practice Due to COVID-19 Precautions, Notification of Potential COVID-19 Exposure, Service Authorization Changes Due to COVID-19, Resources to Assist Child and Adult Foster Home Providers in Accessing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Allowance of Elective Medical Procedures (COVID-19), Department Funding of Assistive Technology During the Stay Home, Save Lives Executive Order, ODDS CAM Serious Incident Training New Users, Training Opportunity Through Open Future Learning, DD Field Offices (CDDP and Brokerages) Invoice Gloves and Masks for PSWs, Responsibilities for Providers with COVID-19 Symptoms, CME Responsibility to Report COVID-19 Infected Providers, COVID-19 Testing Requests for Individuals with I/DD, Case Management Monitoring During COVID-19, PPE Masks and Gloves for Homecare Workers, Personal Support Workers, and Personal Care Attendants in Response to COVID-19, Temporary Suspension of ODDS QA Reviews - COVID-19 Response, Capacity Changes in 24-Hour Residential Settings, Reminder of Mandatory Reporting During COVID-19 Pandemic, Provider Expectations: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Risk Mitigation and Response, Stay at Home, Save Lives, Executive Order 20-12, Temporary Residential Setting Rate Exception Requests Related to COVID-19, Temporary DD 24-hour Residential Provider Rate Increase, COVID-19 Testing for DSPs and Caregivers in Residential Settings, Temporary Suspension of Service Rate Reductions (COVID-19), Expanded Supports for Families During COVID-19, Sustainability Payments for I/DD Child Foster Home Providers, COVID-19 Related Temporary Waiver of Residential Setting HCBS Requirements, Foster Care License Extension Requests - State of Emergency COVID-19, Case Management Entities and Executive Order 20-12 (COVID-19), Authorization for PSW OT - Temporary Emergency, DD Residential and Adult Foster Home Setting Visitation Restriction, Notice of Exit in Foster Care and 24-Hour Residential Settings Limited to Emergency Medical and Behavioral Conditions Notice, Essential Work During a Mandated Stay at Home Order, Criminal History Check Process (COVID-19), Temporary Emergency Policy for Employment and DSA Services During the COVID-19 Virus Response, PSW Request for Lost Payment Hardship Benefit (PTO), Temporary Changes to Developmental Disabilities Services, Electronic Visit Verification Agency SD Import, Policy Change in Response to Statewide School Closures, Foster Care Licensing Review Changes - State of Emergency COVID-19, Case Management Entities Reporting Implementation of Emergency Plans Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Community Living Services - COVID-19 Precautions, DSA and Employment Path Contingency Funding, Behavior Professionals with G Level OIS Certificates Expiring Soon, COVID-19 Scenarios Tools (Guidance for Providers and CMEs on How to Respond to Symptoms and Cases of COVID-19), Behavior Professionals and Home Visits During COVID-19, Temporary Closures for Some Congregate DSA and Employment Sites Due to COVID-19 Risk, Emergency Plans for ODDS Adult and Child Foster Care Providers - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Case Management Follow Up on Emergency Plans for ODDS Foster Care Providers - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Emergency Plans for ODDS 24-Hour Residential Providers - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Emergency Plans for ODDS Community Living Supports (In Home Agency Services and DSA Providers) - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Emergency Plans for ODDS Employment Providers - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Emergency Plans for ODDS Supported Living Providers - Responding to Infectious Disease and COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Flu Season and Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention for Homecare and Personal Support Workers, New Change of Information Form for PSW / IC Providers, 24-Hour Agency Endorsement to OAR 411-304, Appropriate Use of Collective Including COVID-19 and Corona Virus, Expansion of ACRE Training Certification Program, Webinar Training and Technical Assistance The Guide To Assistive Devices and Assistive Technology, Professional Behavior Services TA Webinar Schedule Posted, Required training for services coordinators, provider agency staff and ISP team appointed Health Care Representatives (HCRs) to appoint Health Care Advocates (HCAs) under the new rule going into effect March 1, 2020, Expectations of DSPs (Direct Support Professionals) Supporting Individuals in 24-Hour Residential Program Settings when there is a POLST (Portable Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) or DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), The Guide To Assistive Devices and Assistive Technology, Waiver Services and Child Welfare Medicaid, Collective Bargaining Updates Regarding Personal Support Workers, ODDS Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Websites, Foster Care 2:1 Staffing Authorization Procedure, Required Union Bulletin Boards at Case Management Entities, Updated ANA/CNA submission procedures and training requirement, Request for new entries when Imposition of Conditions restricts new entries or transfers without CDDP and ODDS approval, Updated Department Approved Continuing Education Credit Training List, Competitive Integrated Employment: ODDS and VR guidance on requirements for employment services, Personal Support Worker rate increase of $.35, effective January 1, 2020, 2019 Senate Bill 917- Prohibition on Provider Practices Interfering with Disclosure of Information Related to Concerns of Abuse or Mistreatment of an Individual, 11/1/2019 Permanent ODDS Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs), Social Security Cards and CMEU Applications, Adult Abuse Investigations or Death Reviews: Temporary Pre-CAM Form for Office of Training, Investigations and Safety Notifications, The Centralized Abuse Management System (CAM) will replace Serious Event Report Team (SERT), Senate Bill 905 and School Residency for Children, New Forms - Notice of Exit, Transfer, Suspension, or Reduction, Additional FAQs regarding the Statewide Release of Information (DHS form 3010) have been published, Revised ODDS guidance related to planning for employment services to maximize work hours, Authorized Representatives and DD Services, Exits, Entries, and Hearing Rights for Individuals Supported in Residential Service Settings - New Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Language, Health Care Representative Trainings Online, Reporting child foster care placement changes, Home screening tool for individuals and families, Employment Outcomes System Report (EOS) Due November 30, 2019, Minor changes to The Guide to Home Modifications, Updated Provider and Partners CAM training in iLearn, Serious Incident and Centralized Abuse Management (CAM) System Training. 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