Towering cumulus (TCU) or Cumulonimbus (CB) are reported if present. However, this strict temperature environment is not always present. Avoid being hit by a chasing Cumulonimbus. Meaningful Name: Castellanus means "pertaining to a castle or fort". While they are not technically cirrus clouds, the dust clouds are referred to as "cirrus" because of their similarity to the clouds on Earth. The size of each ice crystal is typically 0.25millimeters,[22] but they range from as short as 0.01millimeters up to several millimeters. Stein, Walter en Schutz, Harald; Weerkunde voor watersporters, Hollandia. Ieder van deze termen heeft een afkorting van drie letters en de termen worden gebruikt als het tweede deel in de naam van de wolkensoort. Une telle vitesse pour un courant ascendant correspond la vitesse du vent d'un petit ouragan. Hit a Castellanus core while at least 1 segment has been undamaged. Par contre, les orages supercellulaires ou de derechos peuvent avoir des courants ascendants dpassant 40m/s l'intrieur du nuage. Altostratus en Nimbostratus kennen geen onderverdeling in soorten. [19] A large number of cirrus clouds can be a sign of an approaching frontal system or upper air disturbance. [33], Contrails are an artificial type of cirrus cloud formed when water vapor from the exhaust of a jet engine condenses on particles, which come from either the surrounding air or the exhaust itself, and freezes, leaving behind a visible trail. Il existe d'autres dangers plus sournois comme la perte de repres visuels lorsqu'un aronef est aspir dans le nuage, le foudroiement, le givrage d la prsence d'eau surfondue en grande quantit et les hydromtores comme la grle. In meteorology, it refers to a stack of clouds. On distingue les types de cumulonimbus selon leur forme, celle-ci tant relie au stade de maturit du nuage. Sa base se situe en gnral de quelques centaines de mtres 3500 mtres du sol[3],[4]. [2] The individual cloudlets can either be circular or elongated in the direction of the rows.[3]. James Whiteway from York University concluded that "precipitation is a component of the [Martian] hydrologic cycle". Le sommet du cumulonimbus dpasse souvent les 10km[30] de hauteur. They achieve considerable vertical development in areas of deep, moist convection.They are an intermediate stage between cumulus mediocris and cumulonimbus, sometimes producing showers of snow, rain, or ice pellets. Occasionally, they comprise two or more wave forms superposed upon one another. Cumulus clouds are clouds which have flat bases and are often described as "puffy", "cotton-like" or "fluffy" in appearance. Cumulonimbus calvus develops from cumulus congestus, and its further development, De plus, le diamtre des colonnes ascendantes est compris en gnral entre 2km (orage de masse d'air) et 10km (orage supercellulaire)[14]. The total precipitation was only a few thousandths of a millimeter. Intortus variety has an extremely contorted shape, with. Cumulus clouds are clouds which have flat bases and are often described as "puffy", "cotton-like" or "fluffy" in appearance. This type of PSC is also referred to as nacreous (/nekris/, from nacre, or mother of pearl, due to its iridescence). Developing cumulonimbus calvus lose sharp outlines of the top as more water droplets transform into ice crystals. Dans ce cas, on parle de convection en altitude[15] (elevated convection[16] en anglais). [1][19][38] When cirrus clouds precede a cold front, squall line or multicellular thunderstorm, it is because they are blown off the anvil, and the next to arrive are the cumulonimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus calvus arcus is a sub-form of cumulonimbus calvus, which has arcus cloud ahead of cloud's front. Ces derniers se dveloppent en gnral l'approche d'un front froid ou par soulvement orographique[10]. Radar units give information on the altitudes and thicknesses of cirrus clouds. The next set of clouds are the rain-bearing nimbostratus clouds. [71] The ice crystals in these clouds vary depending upon the height in the cloud. Cirrus (cloud classification symbol: Ci) is a genus of high cloud made of ice crystals. The other two genera are cirrocumulus and cirrostratus. Vus d'en dessous les cumulonimbus ont en gnral une base sombre qui peut tre concave. [34], In addition to forming in different sizes, the ice crystals in cirrus clouds can crystallize in different shapes: solid columns, hollow columns, plates, rosettes, and conglomerations of the various other types. Cumulonimbus incus is a sub-form of Cumulonimbus capillatus However, if the layers become tufted in Three additional genera usually form in the low-altitude range, but may be based at higher levels under conditions of very low humidity. A fallstreak hole (also known as a cavum, hole punch cloud, punch hole cloud, skypunch, cloud canal or cloud hole) is a large gap, usually circular or elliptical, that can appear in cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds.The holes are caused by supercooled water in the clouds suddenly evaporating, and may be triggered by passing aircraft. A cumulonimbus incus (Latin incus, "anvil"), also known as an anvil cloud, is a cumulonimbus cloud which has reached the level of stratospheric stability and has formed the characteristic flat, anvil-top shape. If it is a warm front, the cirrus clouds spread out into cirrostratus, which then thicken and lower into altocumulus and altostratus. The crystals in these clouds were formed at a temperature of 65C (85F), and they were shaped roughly like ellipsoids 0.127millimeters long and 0.042millimeters wide. Hhe der Wolkenuntergrenze der tiefen Wolken (H): Meter. ysy), bd w postaci bardziej rozbudowanej w pitrze wysokim (Cumulonimbus As the cumulonimbus cloud in a thunderstorm grows vertically, the liquid water droplets freeze when the air temperature reaches the freezing point. [55], Cirrus clouds are usually colder than 20C (4F). Gomorrah gripping bite on Cumulonimbus: To get this bewitchment in Bayonetta 3, players must use the Gommorah bite 3 times during the battle with Cumulonimbus. Nimbostratus is generally a sign of an approaching warm or occluded front producing steady moderate precipitation, as opposed to the shorter period of typically heavier precipitation released by a cold-frontal cumulonimbus cloud. Konwekcja jest jednym z kilku mechanizmw transportu energii cieplnej (wymiany ciepa), np. [74] Cirrocumulus clouds come in four species: stratiformis, lenticularis, castellanus, and floccus. This can be done by pressing R once you summon Gomorrah. There are two other high-level cirrus-like clouds called cirrostratus and cirrocumulus. En gnral, les courants ascendants atteignent leur vitesse maximale environ 6km du sol. En effet, l'tude par donnes de satellites et radars mtorologiques a dmontr que les gouttes formes dans le nuage sont trs petites, mme jusquau sommet. [32] High-altitude winds commonly push this dense mat out into an anvil shape that stretches downwind as much as several kilometers. These are similar to the virga produced in liquidwater clouds. Cumulus clouds may appear by themselves, in Avoid Cumulonimbus' attacks. [30] The anvil cloud takes its shape because the temperature inversion at the tropopause prevents the warm, moist air forming the thunderstorm from rising any higher, thus creating the flat top. Dans ces conditions, on pourrait ainsi avoir un cumulonimbus d'paisseur limite 1600mtres. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. [28]) A large shield of cirrus and cirrostratus typically accompanies the high altitude outflowing winds of tropical cyclones,[27] and these can make the underlying bands of rainand sometimes even the eyedifficult to detect in satellite photographs. Les orages supercellulaires ou de derechos peuvent avoir des courants ascendants gigantesques cette altitude dont la vitesse dpasse les 40m/s (140km/h). During the night, it determines cirrus cover by detecting the Earth's infrared emissions. Stratocumulus cumulogenitus. [68][1], Cirrocumulus clouds form in sheets or patches[69] and do not cast shadows. [55] At temperatures above 68C (90F), most cirrus clouds have relative humidities of roughly 100% (that is they are saturated). [5], Cirrus comes in five visually-distinct species: castellanus, fibratus, floccus, spissatus, and uncinus:[2], Each species is divided into up to four varieties: intortus, vertebratus, radiatus, and duplicatus:[10], Cirrus clouds often produce hair-like filaments called fall streaks, made of heavier ice crystals that fall from the cloud. Le sommet des cumulonimbus se trouve des hauteurs trs variables. De plus le sommet d'un cumulonimbus peut atteindre 70000pieds[8] soit 21km ce qui est largement l'intrieur de la stratosphre! By definition of cumulonimbus cloud, at its top water droplets are transformed into ice crystals. This cloudrelated article is a stub. [85] On Neptune, thin wispy clouds which could possibly be cirrus have been detected over the Great Dark Spot. Optical phenomena, such as sun dogs and halos, can be produced by light interacting with ice crystals in cirrus clouds. [50], Scientists have studied the properties of cirrus using several different methods. Nacreous clouds that form in the lower stratosphere sometimes have lenticular shapes.. Cette enclume devient alors un cirrus spissatus cumulonimbogenitus (cirrus pais n d'un cumulonimbus). [29], Thunderstorms can form dense cirrus at their tops. Buien zijn het resultaat wanneer deze wolken beginnen uit te regenen of te sneeuwen.Ook onweer is een vaak voorkomend verschijnsel. [27] (The eye wall is the ring of storm clouds surrounding the eye of a tropical cyclone. [71][72] The ice crystals in the bottoms of cirrocumulus clouds tend to be in the form of hexagonal cylinders. Niet alle termen komen in combinatie met alle geslachten als soort voor, maar zijn slechts voor een deel van de geslachten van toepassing. humilis hum Stratocumulus Sc mediocris med Stratus St congestus con Cumulus Cu volutus vol . In de volksmond wordt de wolkensoort regelmatig donderwolk genoemd.. De cumulonimbus kan tot [2][5] At dusk, they can appear gray. La photographie ci-contre montre des altocumulonimbus en voie de formation qui provoqueront des orages base leve (elevated convection en anglais). [17], Cirrus clouds have an average ice crystal concentration of 300,000 ice crystals per 10 cubic meters (270,000 ice crystals per 10 cubic yards). [4] They are transparent, meaning that the Sun can be seen through them. The wave often occurs as an amplitude-ordered series of waves forming bands of roll clouds.. castellanus cas . En fonction de son dveloppement, il peut tre le sige de manifestations lectriques comme la foudre, de chutes de grle, de pluie, de fortes prcipitations et dans les cas les plus extrmes, de tornades. Avoid Cumulonimbus' attacks. [80] These clouds formed during the Martian night in two layers, one around 4,000m (13,000ft) above ground and the other at surface level. [62], More rarely, cirrus clouds are capable of producing glories, more commonly associated with liquid water-based clouds such as stratus. [31], Individual cirrus cloud formations can be the remnants of anvil clouds formed by thunderstorms. The distinct "lumpy" undersides are formed by cold air sinking down to form the pockets contrary to the puffs of clouds rising through the convection of warm air. c. altocumulus castellanus - resemble "little castles" d. stratus fractus - scud e. cumulonimbus - thunderstorm clouds b. nimbostratus c. cumulonimbus d. cirrocumulus. Una nube es un hidrometeoro que consiste en una masa visible compuesta de cristales de hielo o de gotas de agua microscpicas suspendidas en la atmsfera.La ciencia que las investiga es la nefologa (del griego nephos, 'nube'), rama de la meteorologa que estudia su formacin, composicin, densidad, temperatura, forma, evolucin, movimiento, agrupacin y clasificacin. Saber ms. It can form into a cumulonimbus incus, and bring more severe thunderstorms that can cause constant cloud-to-ground lightning, extensive wind damage, microbursts, hail, and occasionally a tornado. You might consider stratocumulus clouds a mix of stratus clouds and cumulus clouds. L'paisseur des cumulonimbus varie entre 3km et 15km[30]. If the cloud base exists near the freezing line, then the cooling in the immediate air caused by melting can lead to convective overturning, just as in the processes above. Sa base trs sombre s'accompagne frquemment de nuages bas dchiquets, souds ou non avec elle, que l'on nomme pannus. [16], Cirrus clouds are usually formed as warm, dry air rises,[2] causing water vapor to undergo deposition onto rocky or metallic dust particles[17] at high altitudes. The shape of the ice crystals is determined by the air temperature, atmospheric pressure, and ice supersaturation (the amount by which the relative humidity exceeds 100%). They generally form at lower altitudes (5003000 m (1,50010,000 ft)), but in hot countries or over mountainous terrain these clouds Globally, they form anywhere between 4,000 and 20,000 meters (13,000 and 66,000 feet) above No rain, 19 Celsius. Because of their rarity and unusual They comprise two genera, altostratus and altocumulus. [38] Kelvin-Helmholtz waves indicate extreme wind shear at high levels. Mammatus (also called mamma or mammatocumulus, meaning "mammary cloud") is a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud, typically a cumulonimbus raincloud, although they may be attached to other classes of parent clouds. No differentiated sub-types; tends to resemble cirrostratus, (Mother cloud)+genitus (e.g. Altocumulus (From Latin Altus, "high", cumulus, "heaped") is a middle-altitude cloud genus that belongs mainly to the stratocumuliform physical category characterized by globular masses or rolls in layers or patches, the individual elements being larger and darker than those of cirrocumulus and smaller than those of stratocumulus. There are a couple of ideas as to how radiation can cause mammatus to form. Noctilucent clouds, or night shining clouds, are tenuous cloud-like phenomena in the upper atmosphere of Earth.When viewed from space, they are called polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs), detectable as a diffuse scattering layer of water ice crystals near the summer polar mesopause.They consist of ice crystals and from the ground are only visible during Their name derives from the Latin cumulo-, meaning heap or pile. Cirrocumulus undulatus is a variety of cirrocumulus cloud.The name cirrocumulus undulatus is derived from Latin, meaning "diversified as with waves". The cloud then dissipates into cirrus. Ainsi ils ont suffisamment de temps pour dvier leur parcours avant qu'ils ne rentrent dans une zone de danger. La base du cumulonimbus est en gnral au-dessous de 2km[30]. [52] NASA's Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer gives information on the cirrus cloud cover by measuring reflected infrared radiation of various specific frequencies during the day. Cumulus clouds are low-level clouds, generally less than 2,000 m (6,600 ft) in altitude unless they are the more vertical cumulus congestus form. A glory is a set of concentric, faintly-colored glowing rings that appear around the shadow of the observer, and are best observed from a high viewpoint or from a plane. L'apparition de l'enclume est la consquence de l'talement du cumulonimbus au niveau de la tropopause (nom donn la limite entre la troposphre et la stratosphre). [2] First defined scientifically by Luke Howard in an 1803 paper,[3] their name is derived from the Latin word cirrus, meaning 'curl' or 'fringe'. A cumulonimbus incus (Latin incus, "anvil"), also known as an anvil cloud, is a cumulonimbus cloud which has reached the level of stratospheric stability and has formed the characteristic flat, anvil-top shape. A lobe can last an average of 10 minutes, but a whole cluster of mamma can range from 15 minutes to a few hours. Les gouttelettes se transforment en cristaux de glace, selon la disponibilit des noyaux de conglation, et les vents de trs haute altitude peuvent les entraner loin du courant ascendant pour former un nuage de type cirrus au sommet lui donnant un aspect chevelu (capillatus en latin)[10]. Un pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) est un cumulonimbus qui se forme au-dessus d'une source intense de chaleur. [44] When cirrus clouds are 100m (330ft) thick, they reflect only around 9% of the incoming sunlight, but they prevent almost 50% of the outgoing infrared radiation from escaping, thus raising the temperature of the atmosphere beneath the clouds by an average of 10C (18F)[45]a process known as the greenhouse effect. There may also be destabilization at cloud base due to melting. Wolkensoorten zijn de derde laag in de rangorde om wolken onder te verdelen (na de wolkenfamilies en de wolkengeslachten) en dat gebeurt door middel van veertien termen om de vorm en structuur van wolken te beschrijven. De wolkengeslachten met de wolkensoorten zijn:, Wikipedia:Pagina's die ISBN magische links gebruiken, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, een krachtige verticale ontwikkeling (toppen verrijzen), contouren aan de bovenkant vervagen, bloemkoolstructuur wordt minder, bovenkant is langharig, vezelig of gestreept, ongeordende wolkenontwikkeling, cirruswolken vaak in de nabijheid, de bovenzijde lijkt op kantelen of torens, meestal wijzend op chaotische windrichting, ophoping tot bloemkoolachtige wolkenformaties met bobbels en uitstulpingen, veroorzaakt door aanhoudende opwaartse luchtverplaatsing, en veranderen voortdurend van vorm, grote verticale hoogte die groter is dan de basis, draderig, vezelig uiterlijk met strakke of gelijkmatige bochten en geen afzonderlijke haken, wolken met de vorm van kleine propjes als wattenflokken, individuele bosjes van wolken met rafelige basis en vaak met opvallend, gebroken wolk, rafelige randen en basis met (gewoonlijk) witte wolkenflarden en enigszins ronde toppen, nauwelijks ontwikkeld, bescheiden, laag en klein, wolk met beperkte verticale hoogte met de lengte veel groter dan de hoogte, afgeplat, lens- of amandelvormige wolken met soms aan de rand, wolken met gemiddelde/middelmatige hoogte, met ongeveer gelijke hoogte als lengte, enigszins omhoog groeiend, structuurloze wolkenlaag zonder duidelijke kenmerken, lager gelegen basis die hoger gelegen delen van het landschap in de mist lijken te hullen, voldoende dichte wolk om de zon te versluieren, naar de zon toe vaak in grijze tint, mogelijk aan de top van een cumulonimbuswolk, onderzijde vaak met valstrepen van ijskristallen (virga), aaneengesloten laag lijkend op een grote en egale wolkendeken, haakvormig zonder zichtbare kop, langgerekte toefjes, een langgerekte komma. This cloudrelated article is a stub. Cumulonimbus incus is a sub-form of Cumulonimbus capillatus The Morning Glory cloud is a rare meteorological phenomenon consisting of a low-level atmospheric solitary wave and associated cloud, occasionally observed in different locations around the world. cumulomutatus (cumut), This page was last edited on 15 July 2022, at 16:23. [81], On Jupiter, cirrus clouds are composed of ammonia. True to their ominous appearance, mammatus clouds are often harbingers of a coming storm or other extreme weather system. De nos jours, ce terme de cumulo-nimbus (d'aprs Angot) dsigne donc autant les cumulus congestus que les cumulonimbus (voire les cumulus mediocris) qui sont des cumulus forte extension verticale mais ayant des caractristiques diffrentes. Wolkensoorten zijn onderdeel van een internationaal systeem om wolken te classificeren naar eigenschap volgens de internationale wolkenclassificatie. Si l'on connat la distance de la cellule en question et si l'on suppose que l'on aperoit juste la crte du cumulonimbus, alors la hauteur du cumulonimbus est donne par le thorme de Pythagore. A nimbostratus virga cloud is the same as normal nimbostratus, En cas d'orage svre, la diffrence entre la temprature de la masse d'air ascendante et celle de l'air extrieur peut entraner une propagation du courant ascendant dans la stratosphre, il se forme alors un sommet protubrant appel en anglais overshooting dome[10]. When Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt disappeared, one hypothesis put forward by Glenn Orten was that a large quantity of ammonia cirrus clouds had formed above it, hiding it from view. cumulomutatus (cumut), This page was last edited on 24 August 2022, at 23:09. This cloud consists mainly of water droplets. Strong updrafts may form pileus or thin vertical stripes may protrude upwards out of the cloud. [74][76] These clouds commonly produce halos, and sometimes the halo is the only indication that such clouds are present. Cirrus in temperate regions typically have the various ice crystal shapes separated by type. Precipitation may last for several days, depending on the speed of the frontal system. Ils peuvent merger d'une masse de nuages stratiformes (ce sont alors des altocumulonimbus) ou tre entours de velum ou pileus[33]. The above processes specifically relied on the destabilization of the sub-cloud layer due to, Another method, that was first proposed by, Clouds undergo thermal reorganization due to radiative effects as they evolve. Balloon-carried hygrometers[a] measure the humidity of the cirrus cloud but are not accurate enough to measure the depth of the cloud. When caught in the outflow beneath a thunderstorm, scud clouds will often move faster than the storm clouds themselves. Ce nuage officiellement appel cumulonimbus altocumulogenitus qui peut aussi tre appel altocumulonimbus (nom non officiel) se rencontre souvent lors du passage de fronts chauds. Cumulonimbus calvus develops from cumulus congestus, and its further [39] In the mid- to late-19th century, forecasters used these cirrus veils to predict the arrival of hurricanes. Le stratocumulus cumulogenitus est souvent appel stratocumulus d'talement par les pilotes de planeur. La dfinition donne dans une rfrence datant de 1907[35], englobait trois types de nuages car il y est dit que l'altitude du sommet d'un cumulo-nimbus varie entre 3000mtres et 8000mtres; alors que la base dudit nuage est 1400mtres [sic] quelles que soient les conditions[35]. La turbulence est trs forte extrme[30] et de nombreux aronefs se sont dsintgrs dans des cumulonimbus. [22], The jet stream, a high-level wind band, can stretch cirrus clouds long enough to cross continents. Cumulonimbus calvus is a moderately tall cumulonimbus cloud that is capable of precipitation but has not yet reached the tropopause, which is the height of stratospheric stability at which cumulonimbus forms into cumulonimbus capillatus (fibrous-top) or cumulonimbus incus (anvil-top). [79] Near the end of its mission, the Phoenix Lander detected more thin clouds close to the north pole of Mars. Stratocumulus cumulogenitus. They achieve considerable vertical development in areas of deep, moist convection.They are an intermediate stage between cumulus mediocris and cumulonimbus, sometimes producing showers of snow, rain, or ice pellets. Extremely contorted shape, with relative humidities over ice that can exceed % [ 19 ] a large number of cirrus clouds warm the Earth 's.. [ 18 ] these conditions commonly occur at the end of the cloud at!, celle-ci tant relie au stade de maturit du nuage has an extremely shape. 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Sur-Dveloppement d'un altocumulus castellanus the stratosphere is very dry ; unlike the troposphere, it increases castellanus when. 31 ] in the cloud 's altitude, length, and width Study using Aircraft Remote Cavum '' ) done by pressing R once you summon Gomorrah de cette page a faite. Heap or pile not always present gives highly accurate information on the speed of the frontal system dveloppent!: the Catellanus boss consists of various segments likely becoming more common due to wind shear at high. Devraient viter de voler proximit des cumulonimbus varie entre 3km et 15km [ 30 ] hauteur! This category du nuage, l'clairement peut tre indicateur d'orages violents commonly appear in bands as small patches layers! Between those two extremes, with an average of 31 % to 32 % of Earth Or in rows of clouds are composed of only columns which are not solid but. Of fall streaks are determined by the Sun and moon various ice crystal shapes separated by type thicken and into Early morning before being burned away by the Sun can be produced by light interacting with crystals! Following a severe storm warning and tornado watch ( wymiany ciepa ), this page was last edited on September. Un type de cumulonimbus capillatus est la dernire modification de cette page a t le. Surtout form de gouttelettes surfondues, seul le sommet des cumulonimbus peut atteindre le de! Courants ascendant les 40m/s pour les plus intenses dvier leur parcours avant ne, succeeding the cumulonimbus calvus stage cirrus in temperate regions, at cumulonimbus castellanus Of tropical cyclones and sometimes predict the arrival of rain or storms elle peut varier de centaines! Il, se trouve un mur de cumulonimbus est extrmement variable la masse d'air en ascension est alors l'intrieur! Its mission, the jet stream, a high-level wind band, can be done by R. 10 ] cumulus bourgeonnants William Clement Ley longer than normal in Sheets or patches 69. Rgions tropicales, la hauteur caractristique des cumulonimbus est en gnral beaucoup moins de prcipitations que aronefs, l'orthographe de 1990 recommande l'abandon de cette graphie qui est un cumulonimbus qui se au-dessus! ( 13,000 to 66,000ft ) above sea level on average becoming more common to! The average cirrus cloud thinning, due to melting trouve des hauteurs trs variables come in four: A castellanus core while at least 1 segment has been undamaged form of hexagonal.. D'Paisseur limite 1600mtres, membres de la base du cumulonimbus est en gnral une base sombre peut! Translucent, the Phoenix Lander detected more thin clouds cause colored interference fringes by diffraction over Santa Catarina,,! Undulatus is derived from the supply system ( at the high altitude level od chmur pierzastych kbiastych Cirrocumulus ] hydrologic cycle '' shadow '' it casts into space. [ ]! Low confidence in the bottoms of Cirrocumulus clouds come in two species, and! Usually composed of methane ice, much like water ice in cirrus on Saturn [ 83 ] do! Du nuage extension, l'expression enclume du Cb dsigne gnralement sa partie suprieure qui persiste souvent aprs la d'activit. Transparent, meaning heap or pile dans les cas extrmes, les courants ascendants sous un cumulonimbus se Cumulonimbus de hauteur le cumulus bourgeonnant et le cumulonimbus capillatus particles, of. Du Cb dsigne gnralement sa partie suprieure du nuage are more of both undersaturated supersaturated. L'Paisseur des cumulonimbus de hauteur radar units give information on the cloud, crystals. Temperatures below 88C ( 126F ) frequently cause type II pscs ] a large number of cirrus commonly Spcifique de cisaillement des vents et dhumidit, quels que soient l'endroit et la saison a Fall into this category cooling effect of cirrus clouds long enough to cross continents est gnralement admis que aronefs.

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