You can do this by creating a singular response and creating a variable with randInt. are used to keep track of how many infractions a user has, with an optional expiry time. This thread is archived. If you have any roles that conflict with the mute role, you can select roles to be removed when the mute is assigned and will be given back to them after the mute is done. report. Triggers when a message includes more than x unique mentions. go to the channel in Discord where you want the role menu to be created. Removes the specified role from the user, optionally with a duration after which the role is added back to the user. Each rule will have a combination of Trigger, Condition, and Effects. Added getChannelPins function to custom commands, it gives the pinned messages in a channel. Click the Settings button underneath the Autoroles module. I want to set the Reaction Role on the Webhook via "-rolemenu create [menu] -m [number]." I know that if I create the menu and just have YAGPDB post as a separate message, the Auto Role is removed once the member reacts to the verify role, but if it's possible, I'd like to have it as part of . Try using a bot which let's you configure the "mute" role. YAGPDB has a very configurable automoderator, for each rule you can set automoderator to mute, kick or ban after a certain number of violations within a . As you can see the bot started creating the menu. The first two are simple checkbox-sliders and they automatically detect sites that contain malware using Google safebrowsing or Scam link APIs by SinkingYachts and BitFlow, in addition to the ones provided. You can delete the last 100 messages of the user when they get kicked/banned. Try unbelievaboat to test this out. : The effect that the rule will cause. It will detect server invites and delete them. Remove role. Cleans 100 messages sent in the last 2 hours. Clean/Clear Syntax and examples. 'Normal' here means a normal server without YAGPDB Premium, 'Premium' means one with YAGPDB Premium. It'll ask you to add the emoji for a role. List roles, their id's, color hex code, and 'mention everyone' perms (useful if you wanna double check to make sure you didn't give anyone mention everyone perms that shouldn't have it) Usage: ListRoles Using the bot: I want to have an auto role but then it removes itself when someone assigns themselves a role from the role reaction menu. share. Remove roles on reaction remove, this means instead of the old toggling mode, adding reactions will strictly give you the role, and removing reactions will only take away the role from you yagpdb This bot includes many features that are standard for this style of bot- custom commands, role assignment, auto moderation, and server stats How to Click a Role with YAGPDB YAGPDB is a multi-purpose . You can either give yourself a role with a command or with a role menu: Group in several groups for multiple menus . Deletes a certain number of the users last messages in this channel. Triggers when a channel has more than x unique mentions in y seconds, Triggers when a message matches the provided regex, Triggers when a message does not match the provided regex, Triggers when a user sends x identical messages after each other, : The number of x identical messages to trigger the rule, Triggers when a member's nickname matches the provided regex, Triggers when a member's nickname does not match the provided regex, Triggers when a member has a nickname containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future), Triggers when a member has a nickname not containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future), Triggers when a user has more than x attachments within y seconds in a single channel, Number of "X" attachments needed to trigger the rule, The "Y" number of seconds that the attachment needs to occur within, Triggers when a channel has more than x attachments within y seconds, Number of "x" attachments needed to trigger the rule, The "y" number of seconds that the attachment needs to occur within, Triggers when a member's username matches the provided regex, Triggers when a member has a username containing words in the specified list (This is currently very easy to circumvent at the moment, and will likely be improved in the future), Triggers when a member joins with a username that contains a server invite, Triggers when a message does not contain an attachment, Triggers when a message contains an attachment, Triggers on messages that have scam links flagged by SinkingYachts and BitFlow AntiPhishing APIs, least one of these roles on the user to trigger the rule, Ignore users whose accounts age is less than the specified threshold, Ignore users whose accounts age is greater than the specified threshold, Require members to have been on the server for more than x minutes, Require members to have been on the server for less than x minutes, Ignore channels in the following categories, Only check channels in the following categories. . It explains how to add role-commands, create a rolemenu with an auto-generated message as well as how to create a rolemenu with a pre-written, custom message. Discord's in-built new member verification only works on members with no roles, rendering it useless if members are given roles right after they join. . and my code specifically removed the normal role and adds the muted role so they don't have any permissions. Learn how to add, setup, and get YAGPDB Reaction Roles in your Discord server in a few minutes! 2 hours ago Only assign the role after a member has completed Discord's Membership Screening: The autorole will only assign the set role after member has completed the server's Membership Screening. you wish to ban, again separated by either spaces or newlines. Number of "X" messages needed to trigger the rule. I have a members role in my server from before Membership screening was introduced, which allows people to view channels other than the information channels. Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot - Documentation. Remove the roles on the embed text. In this case, you can directly restore Facebook chats . Each violation name will act like a key which has its own separate count. Multiple parameters can be set but only one needs to activate to trigger the rule. Note that this means what it says - if this option is unticked and you remove this role manually from someone, it will be given back automatically. Triggers when a user has more than x violations within y minutes. Another self-explanatory rule! Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot - Documentation, Make sure that the bot has permission to manage roles. Made offline shard alert on control panel less frequent. Banned words only work on words - meaning not phrases. Percent of the message needed to be made up of caps. For those of you who are familiar with AutomodV2, rules are similar to rulesets, except they have less options. I have a line of code for a discord bot to remove a specific named role and add a role named "muted" for a specific amount of time. Cleans 100 messages containing pineapple. There are two things available across all rules, which we will talk about here. The answer is YES. Within these rules, you can set different options to customize it to what you like. Thnh lp phng Trng Quang Trng thuc thnh ph Qung Ngi trn c s ton b din tch v dn s ca th trn Sn Tnh. . In the Select Role box, select the role you want Dyno to give users upon join. Both condition needs to be met to cause the trigger. Triggers when a message contains more than x% of just capitalized letters. : If a person does not have one of the following roles on them they will not be given a role. : Requires that a member must be on the server for. Also, you will not be able to see deleted messages that have been deleted before the installation. This rule allows you to detect messages which contain more than a certain amount of mentions in them. Removes the specified role from the user, optionally with a duration after which the role is added back to the user. Now that we've gotten this out of the way, we can move on to the individual rules. Require one of these roles: Choose to require someone to have a role in order to use the commands. You can also add a Delay for Dyno to either add or remove the . List of custom commands. The former is a yes/no checkbox. See below for more details and examples. Syntax . This is very useful for doing an action after several violations have occurred, such as muting the user if, say, they have spammed three times in a row. Please read on to learn the rules and restrictions that govern your use of our website (s), products, services, proprietary bots, and other applications (the "Services"). 58,768 Fun Moderation Martine is a multipurpose bot that can boost the member engagement of your server! A simple way to have it is to keep all the basic stuff (invites, spam mentions, safebrowsing etc) in a single rule, then have a single violation counter and a rule for each tier of punishment (warn, kick, mute, ban). Assigns the mute role for a temporary duration. In case you forgot your prefix, you can simply check by mentioning YAGPDB, like so: prefix How do I setup selfroles/reaction roles? Multiple effects can be added and all of them will be activated whenever the trigger is activated. Yeah, about that, UnbelievaBoat is the primary bot in my server . Sau khi thnh lp, phng Trng Quang Trng c 926,40 ha din tch t nhin, dn . Bot Discord to know a particular Android or Magisk version or if a rom or twrp is official for a certain device and have OpenGapps easily or have Information of Google Play App. The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within. (Ideally without starting over, some of my server members have already assigned themselves roles!) A simple invite is all you need to start tracking, so what are you waiting for? Automod V2 is a completely new auto-moderator system made from the ground up. Basically, the server can only have 3 roles, one that can issue the command, a "normal" rank with normal permissions, and then a "muted" role. Violations are important in both Basic Automoderator and AutomodV2 (if you wish to transition to it later). YAGPDB has a built-in random response system for custom commands, but sometimes you may want to control the chances for certain responses to occur. Cleans 100 messages until it reaches a message with an ID less than or equal to. : The autorole will only assign the set role after member has completed the server's Membership Screening. Then use an if else if statement like this to print out your desired output. Then "mute" this user and he/she will have the role removed after a set time. The "Y" number of seconds that the word needs to occur within, Triggers when a user has sent more than x unique mentions in y seconds in a single channel, Number of "X" mentions needed to trigger the rule. Auto delete trigger/response: Toggle to enable/disable the auto delete for the trigger and response respectively and assign it a time to wait until deleting (1-60 Seconds). -rolemenu remove (message id) And then after fixing the order on the dashboard, then you can recreate the role reactions again. Sends the message on the channel the rule was triggered. How to set up Autoroles. YAGPDB learning resources - learnYAGPDB. YAGPDB - Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot. Leveling, giveaways, streams alerts and so much more to discover! You can enable to bot to set up the permissions for the mute role but you will still have to create the role yourself. Step 3 - Add a Reaction Role: Right-click the message again and choose Apps > "+ Reaction Role". Triggers when a message contains any valid link. Multiple conditions can be set and all must be valid in order to allow the trigger. Links 1. Self-assignable Roles. ( / ) Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List. Delete sent message after x seconds (0 for non-deletion): Channel to send message in (Leave None to send message in same channel): There are some limitations you need to be aware of when using Automoderator V2, which are listed below. The moderation features YAGPDB provides are: command, the bot will also log the last 100 messages in the channel the command was executed, including deleted messages. You can do this by creating a singular response and creating a variable with randInt. This is very useful for doing an action after several violations have occurred, such as muting the user if, say, they have spammed three times in a row. To all the people asking will YAGPDB moderation and Custom Commands work on voice channel texts ? A ruleset can be toggled on or off in the control panel with the. Welcome to, a service provided by Bot Labs. If you have any roles that conflict with the mute role, you can select roles to be removed when the mute is assigned and will be given back to them after the mute is done. You can use the default message or create your own. In each rule sets you have several options. 100% Upvoted. This rule allows you to delete messages with links. Automod V2 is a completely new auto-moderator system made from the ground up. This is helpful to find out what exactly happened. The violation key you are adding a violation too. Prefix : . Using this you can set up tiered punishments where repeated violations causes stricter punishments. Automoderator V2. Ratelimit in seconds between messages per user. New comments cannot be posted and . This means the maximum amount of triggers, conditions, and effect in total you may have per rule. , the rule will trigger. Head over to BetterDiscord and install the app on your PC. However, we can ignore the part about violations and ignore roles / channels, as they are shared across all rules. If you want to disable DMs, create a custom message, or add new role to your role menu, be sure to read until the end. In this tutor. 2: First you need to create a role menu category, so let's assume we're creating a . If they lose the role sometime after, the bot will not give it back to them. List is where you will enter a list of words or websites for the auto-moderation system to use such as a list of banned websites/banned words/banned names etc. Assigned conditions that will apply to every rule` in the rule set. If you been to any big discords you know what I am talking about, where you can select your region by clicking an emoji and it auto roles you into the role based on that region (i.e clicks NA region . that the role the bot is assigning is below the highest role the bot has. Any message sent in the. As we can see, there is only one option for this rule if we take out ignored roles / channels and violations. There are two options that you can set for this rule -, . This translates to "you can only ban words without spaces in them". Step 1. When starting out you will need to create a new ruleset. Taking those out, we are left with two very self-explanatory options: option to 2, the ruleset would trigger if we sent 5 messages in 2 seconds, but not 4 messages in 2 seconds. This rule allows you to delete messages with invite links. As we can see, there are several options available after you navigate to the slowmode rule tab. . If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these terms or the Services, please contact us at Email . (BTW the only thing I know how to do is role reaction menu) Thanks so much :) 1 comment. "The first thing you gotta discard, whenever you're learning about something, is your ego." // Luke Smith. How to Find Deleted Messages on Facebook for Androids Method 1: Unarchive Messages Sometimes, the fact is that you archive the messages instead of deleting them. This feature is very advanced. -rolemenu create (group name) -m (message . . Set a new nickname for the user, if you leave it empty, it will reset the nickname. This ruleset will not trigger if you send an invite for the current server you set the ruleset for, only other servers. With a simple but powerful web dashboard and a rich feature-set including automatic role giving and removing, Statbot is a must-have Discord bot for all communities. : Only assign the role to them once when they joined. The "x" number of violation needed to trigger the rule. Then, click, Basic Automoderator is fine for setting up a simple automod system, but for more complex auto moderation, you may want to look at. This rule allows you to only let users send a certain amount of messages within a given timespan. Fastest reaction roles, youtube alerts, auto moderation, and more. This is, which is how many mentions a user would need to mention, This ruleset will not trigger if you mention the, person, only if you mention different people. Rulesets are how you will group your auto moderation rules, you will need one to start out. For a full video on how to use the bot, check Give your server a fresh coat! . : Restrictions or parameters set to limit who can trigger the rule. Open Folder command - Command that displays the main page of the controllable embed on reaction reaction - Reaction code that edits the embed on . There are also three options that you can set for this rule -. The "y" number of minutes that the violation needs to occur within. If you need any help join the support server please and ask in the #help channel. Only assign the role after a member has completed Discord's Membership Screening : The autorole will only assign the set role after member has completed the server's Membership Screening. In Basic Automoderator. Note that here, you cannot ban specific subdomains and not the whole site -, . YAGPDB. Martine. Cleans 100 messages sent by @user in the last 5 hours containing pineapple, ignoring case sensitivity. In Basic Automoderator, violations are used to keep track of how many infractions a user has, with an optional expiry time. Ensure that the Autoroles module is enabled. For a full video guide, watch this video. There is also an auto-moderation feature as well. There you type -rolemenu create (role group name) (in my example, the role group name is "Gender"). Every time a rule is triggered, a log will be posted with the Date, User, Rule, and Trigger that caused it. 16. Enables Discord's builtin slowmode in the channel for the specified duration, or forever. Triggers when a user has more than x messages in y seconds in a single channel. In this video, you will learn how to utilize the power of Statbot's Statroles to auto-assign roles to members in your Discord server based on activity/statistics. What is a Statrole?Statroles assign and remove roles automatically. Cleans 100 messages that contain attachments. After you type in the command, you will be taken through the setup process. If it is enabled, YAGPDB will use its built-in swear word list (available, option is a simple list of all the words you wish to ban. This involves some manual input but that's the only idea I got. When starting out you will need to create a new ruleset. Cleans 100 messages with a maximum age of 30 minutes and a minimum age of 10 minutes, ignoring pinned messages. Gives the specified role to the user, optionally with a duration after which the role is removed from the user. The remaining reactions will still work. View Add Bot Upvote. If you need some help by setting up this bot or found a bug, join my Discord server. In this video, I show you how you can edit a self assignable role menu made with the YAGPDB Bot.If you want a guide on how to do it from scratch, here's the . auto roles dont work for some reason even tho the module is on. Yagpdb sticky message. hide. To ban. YAGPDB comes with a built-in list of bad words and sites which can be used, or you can configure your own! 'Normal' here means a normal server without YAGPDB Premium, 'Premium . I have an "unverified" role set as an Auto Role, too. Will be ignore if another violation trigger was activated that was higher up in punishment. To receive update notifications for these custom commands join my discord server and follow the announcement channel #cc-updates or give yourself the role that pings you on important updates.. Autohelp Embed. Head over to your account and select your server. This feature is only available for premium users and it scans the server completely, assigning the autorole to the eligible members (if they don't have the role already). : If a person has one of the following roles on them they will not be given a role. This one is extremely self explanatory - all you need to do is enable it. Be careful when using autorole to automatically give new members roles. YAGPDB learning resources. big girls do. : Will count a mention to a user even if I it was previously mention before within the Y seconds. Note that this means what it says - if this option is unticked and you remove this role manually from someone, it will be given back automatically. In every rule, you can configure giving violations after an optional expiry time, and act on them if the violations for a given user have gone past a defined amount. There is also an auto-moderation feature as well. =A discord bot is a bot that gets added to a Discord server to enhance and enrich the Discord community that it is invited to. Note the lack of the https protocol in front of the site. After choosing one or multiple roles, react to the linked message with your desired emoji. , as it provides more flexibility but is significantly more complex. Another sort of "auto" role thing I see and was wondering if it could be implemented in the control panel was using emojis as a -role example role. How To Create Role In Discord Overview. Autorole YAGPDB. It just makes my server look sloppy so I'd like to fix it if possible! The group mode and other restrictions from the role group and role still apply to the roles in the role menu. Support Server Control Panel Learning Center. Step 2. Cleans 100 messages containing pineapple, and ignoring case sensitivity. If you keep getting the order wrong, then either fix the order on YAGPDB's dashboard or on the customized text where you set the reaction. The three actions available are: Mute after (with configurable mute duration in minutes), To disable any one or all of these actions, you can set the option the amount of violations to punish after to, Violations are separate / different for each rule, meaning that a violation for, would not trigger a violation action set for, This one is rather self-explanatory - you can ignore given channels or roles from triggering the rule. These will be truncated if they go over the limit. A good feature would be an option to assign a role when Membership Screening is complete, or be able to disable the override which means members . YAGPDB has a built-in random response system for custom commands, but sometimes you may want to control the chances for certain responses to occur. Removes last x messages with optional filtering arguments available. For example, let's say we ignore the role, If we configured everything else correctly, anyone with the, role would not trigger slowmode. You can just view all the reactions for a message and delete YAGPDB's reaction that you don't want. Such as a ban violation if this was a kick violation. Basic Automoderator can be configured through different predefined. The number of unique mentions needed to trigger the rule. In this video, you will learn how to utilize the power of Statbot's Statroles to auto-assign roles to members in your Discord server based on activity/statis. 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