The following general guidelines shall apply to the water quality standards and classifications set forth in the use designation Sections. I prepared a list of the coding questions which I found important. (1) When natural conditions exceed 16.0 degrees C, no temperature increase will be allowed which will raise the receiving water by greater than 0.3 degrees C. (2) For purposes hereof, t represents the permissive temperature change across the dilution zone; and T represents the highest existing temperature in this water classification outside of any dilution zone. (iii) Mediators may establish advisory panels, to consist in part of representatives from the affected parties, to study the problem and recommend an appropriate solution. A signal start event is visualized as a circle with a signal event symbol. COMPATIBILITY: in this mode, the behavior will be exactly as it was before v5.21: field injection is possible when using delegate expressions and an exception will be thrown when the fields are not defined on the delegate class. If a process definition has a single message start event, runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey() and runtimeService.startProcessInstanceById() start a new process instance using the message start event. The following considerations apply when starting a process instance: Message start events are only supported on top-level processes. This special issue is about some of the current progress made in nanogenerators and piezotronics. (10) Primary contact recreation means activities where a person would have direct contact with water to the point of complete submergence, including but not limited to skin diving, swimming, and water skiing. The start execution listener is invoked three times. 1[Schedule VI] Power -Press 1. It will be propagated to the API caller. Column D2, #12, 21, 29, 39, 46, 68, 79, 81, 86, 93, 104, 114, 118. When the request is, { "name": "Zo-Mnica Jhn'etKin", } then, Mule 3.9. The specific waters to which the NTR criterion applies include: Waters of the San Francisco Bay upstream to and including Suisun Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; and waters of Salt Slough, Mud Slough (north) and the San Joaquin River, Sack Dam to Vernalis. Although the BPMN 2.0 specification clearly states that it was designed for custom extension, we make sure that: There always must be a simple transformation to the standard way of doing things, as a prerequisite of such a custom extension. All the values for these properties can contain EL expression, which are resolved at runtime during execution. aws sts get-caller-identity. frequency, and ball pass frequency for the inner and outer race. (2) Antidegradation policy. In order to assess annual fish migration criteria values for the San Joaquin River, tagged salmon smolts will be released into the San Joaquin River at Mossdale and captured at Chipps Island, or alternatively released at Mossdale and Port Chicago and recovered from the ocean fishery, using the methodology described in paragraph (a)(2)(iii). A script task is defined by specifying the script and the scriptFormat. The source of these uses is Washington Administrative Code 173-201A-600 for Fresh waters and 173-201A-610 for Marine waters. Lets assume the "book hotel" and the "charge credit card" operations are performed in separate ACID transactions. It may also be helpful if you include documents (i.e. One option is to (v) Nothing in this paragraph (a)(3) shall limit the Administrator's authority to modify the temperature criteria in paragraph (a)(1) of this section or the list of waterbodies in paragraph (a)(2) of this section through rulemaking. An inclusive gateway is visualized as a gateway (diamond shape) with the 'circle' symbol inside. Review officials shall be EPA employees, employees from other Federal agencies, or other individuals with appropriate qualifications. Password. (C) When a waterbody has been affected by a parameter of concern causing it to be included on the 303(d) List, then EQB will not allow an increase of the concentration of the parameter of concern or pollutants affecting the parameter of concern in the waterbody. (3) The bacteria content of Class SA waters shall be as naturally occurs, and the number of Enterococcus spp. d. The State may determine which of these indicators applies to its freshwater coastal recreation waters. (B) Total dissolved gas - concentrations shall not exceed 110 percent of the saturation value for gases at the existing atmospheric and hydrostatic pressures at any point of sample collection. If a string starts with a space, then we must not count the first space as it is not preceded by a word. This property is required when not using the default H2 database. Patients With a Condition 1528. If you're not sure, call in and we will go over your experience. The last execution listener is called when the activity secondTask ends. Many modeling tools allow Sub-Processes to be collapsed, hiding all the details of the Sub-Process, resulting in a high-level, end-to-end overview of the business process. Return the number of nice sub-arrays. (iii) Other scientifically defensible methods; (2) Establish narrative criteria or criteria based upon biomonitoring methods where numerical criteria cannot be established or to supplement numerical criteria. It processes the request properly without any issues. (iii) A statement providing that the requirements of the WQS variance are either the highest attainable condition identified at the time of the adoption of the WQS variance, or the highest attainable condition later identified during any reevaluation consistent with paragraph (b)(1)(v) of this section, whichever is more stringent. When attribute fallbackToDefaultTenant is set to true. Application:- Download the AWS CLI from AWS or from ActiveState and configure the credentials by running the following command: aws configure. It accepts as a value either static values ISO 8601 standard, for example, "2015-02-25T16:42:11+00:00", or variables, for example, ${EndDate}. 16h course. . Keep to these simple guidelines to get Garnishments In Michigan Fillable Form ready for sending: Get the sample you require in the library of legal templates. Compensation handlers must not have incoming or outgoing sequence flows. o These criteria were promulgated for specific waters in California in the National Toxics Rule (NTR), at 131.36. In some cases more flexibility is required, and two additional parameters can be configured: These parameters can be configured by the flowable:failedJobRetryTimeCycle element. This property is required when not using the default H2 database. return a new instance of the delegate class each time the delegate expression is resolved. 1380. My goal is to access my s3 buckets from the command line using my AWS educate account. (2) Factors for Calculating Metals Criteria. There is no required highest attainable use where the State demonstrates the relevant use specified in section 101(a)(2) of the Act and sub-categories of such a use are not attainable. If a process definition is updated, and JUDGE Court address Court telephone no. Shuffle String 1529. Minimum requirements for water quality standards submission. However, due to the broadcast semantics of the signal, it would also be propagated to all other process instances that have subscribed to the signal event. This section promulgates human health criteria for priority toxic pollutants in surface waters in Washington. Concurrency is addressed using optimistic locking. This chapter covers the BPMN 20 constructs supported by Flowable, as well as custom extensions to the BPMN standard. For more documentation about Camel routes you can look on the Camel website. If the FDA action level is exceeded, the State must notify the appropriate EPA Regional Administrator, initiate a revision of its mercury criterion in its water quality standards so as to protect designated uses, and take other appropriate action such as issuance of a fish consumption advisory for the affected area. Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. Mailing of writ and judgment or affidavit to judgment debtor Mailing of notice and claim form if judgment debtor is an individual Service Return. Consistent with section 101(g) and 518(a) of the Clean Water Act, water quality standards shall not be construed to supersede or abrogate rights to quantities of water. Some of the more common objections you can make include:. The index in the TARGET array starts with one and stops when you run out of entries from the SOURCE array. [56 FR 64894, Dec. 12, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 64344, Dec. 14, 1994]. The following serves this purpose: The route just logs the message body and nothing more. (j) A State must conduct a use attainability analysis as described in 131.3(g), and paragraph (g) of this section, whenever: (1) The State designates for the first time, or has previously designated for a water body, uses that do not include the uses specified in section 101(a)(2) of the Act; or. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. (b) Requests by Indian Tribes for administration of a water quality standards program should be submitted to the lead EPA Regional Administrator. It is possible to throw BPMN Errors from user code inside Service Tasks or Script Tasks. This Research Methodology, a Simplified Course-Book aims at developing the Yemeni students awareness of writing English Bachelor Research Projects (BRP) in connection with the English Language as a foreign language in Yemen (especially in Tihamah of Yemen, Zabid city, Zabid College of Education, Hodeidah University). The default for this parameter is false, meaning that if the parameter is omitted from the script task definition, all the declared variables will only exist during the duration of the script. Reality , RFC 6820: Address Resolution Problems in Large Data Center Networks , RFC 6819: OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations , RFC 6818: Updates to the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile , RFC 6817: Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT) , RFC 6816: Simple Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) Staircase Forward Error Correction (FEC) Scheme for FECFRAME , RFC 6815: Applicability Statement for RFC 2544: Use on Production Networks Considered Harmful , RFC 6814: Formally Deprecating Some IPv4 Options , RFC 6813: The Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) Asokan Attack Analysis , RFC 6812: Cisco Service-Level Assurance Protocol , RFC 6811: BGP Prefix Origin Validation , RFC 6810: The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to Router Protocol , RFC 6809: Mechanism to Indicate Support of Features and Capabilities in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) , RFC 6808: Test Plan and Results Supporting Advancement of RFC 2679 on the Standards Track , RFC 6807: Population Count Extensions to Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) , RFC 6806: Kerberos Principal Name Canonicalization and Cross-Realm Referrals , RFC 6805: The Application of the Path Computation Element Architecture to the Determination of a Sequence of Domains in MPLS and GMPLS , RFC 6804: DISCOVER: Supporting Multicast DNS Queries , RFC 6803: Camellia Encryption for Kerberos 5 , RFC 6802: Ericsson Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) Value-Added Octets , RFC 6801: Pseudo Content Delivery Protocol (CDP) for Protecting Multiple Source Flows in the Forward Error Correction (FEC) Framework , RFC 6798: RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for Packet Delay Variation Metric Reporting , RFC 6797: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) , RFC 6796: A User Agent Profile Data Set for Media Policy , RFC 6795: A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Session-Specific Policies , RFC 6794: A Framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session Policies , RFC 6793: BGP Support for Four-Octet Autonomous System (AS) Number Space , RFC 6792: Guidelines for Use of the RTP Monitoring Framework , RFC 6791: Stateless Source Address Mapping for ICMPv6 Packets , RFC 6790: The Use of Entropy Labels in MPLS Forwarding , RFC 6789: Congestion Exposure (ConEx) Concepts and Use Cases , RFC 6788: The Line-Identification Option , RFC 6787: Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2) , RFC 6786: Encrypting the Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA) Attribute-Value Pairs , RFC 6785: Support for Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Events in Sieve , RFC 6784: Kerberos Options for DHCPv6 , RFC 6783: Mailing Lists and Non-ASCII Addresses , RFC 6781: DNSSEC Operational Practices, Version 2 , RFC 6780: RSVP ASSOCIATION Object Extensions , RFC 6779: Definition of Managed Objects for the Neighborhood Discovery Protocol , RFC 6778: Requirements for Archiving IETF Email Lists and for Providing Web-Based Browsing and Searching , RFC 6777: Label Switched Path (LSP) Data Path Delay Metrics in Generalized MPLS and MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE) Networks , RFC 6776: Measurement Identity and Information Reporting Using a Source Description (SDES) Item and an RTCP Extended Report (XR) Block , RFC 6775: Neighbor Discovery Optimization for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs) , RFC 6774: Distribution of Diverse BGP Paths , RFC 6773: DCCP-UDP: A Datagram Congestion Control Protocol UDP Encapsulation for NAT Traversal , RFC 6772: Geolocation Policy: A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences for Location Information , RFC 6771: Considerations for Having a Successful "Bar BOF" Side Meeting , RFC 6770: Use Cases for Content Delivery Network Interconnection , RFC 6769: Simple Virtual Aggregation (S-VA) , RFC 6768: ATM-Based xDSL Bonded Interfaces MIB , RFC 6767: Ethernet-Based xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding (G.Bond/Ethernet) MIB , RFC 6766: xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding Using Time-Division Inverse Multiplexing (G.Bond/TDIM) MIB , RFC 6765: xDSL Multi-Pair Bonding (G.Bond) MIB , RFC 6764: Locating Services for Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) and vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) , RFC 6763: DNS-Based Service Discovery , RFC 6760: Requirements for a Protocol to Replace the AppleTalk Name Binding Protocol (NBP) , RFC 6759: Cisco Systems Export of Application Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) , RFC 6758: Tunneling of SMTP Message Transfer Priorities , RFC 6757: Access Network Identifier (ANI) Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6756: Internet Engineering Task Force and International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector Collaboration Guidelines , RFC 6755: An IETF URN Sub-Namespace for OAuth , RFC 6754: Protocol Independent Multicast Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP) Redirect , RFC 6753: A Location Dereference Protocol Using HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) , RFC 6752: Issues with Private IP Addressing in the Internet , RFC 6751: Native IPv6 behind IPv4-to-IPv4 NAT Customer Premises Equipment (6a44) , RFC 6750: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage , RFC 6749: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework , RFC 6748: Optional Advanced Deployment Scenarios for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) , RFC 6747: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv4 (ILNPv4) , RFC 6746: IPv4 Options for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) , RFC 6745: ICMP Locator Update Message for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv4 (ILNPv4) , RFC 6744: IPv6 Nonce Destination Option for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv6 (ILNPv6) , RFC 6743: ICMP Locator Update Message for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv6 (ILNPv6) , RFC 6742: DNS Resource Records for the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) , RFC 6741: Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) Engineering Considerations , RFC 6740: Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) Architectural Description , RFC 6738: Diameter IKEv2 SK: Using Shared Keys to Support Interaction between IKEv2 Servers and Diameter Servers , RFC 6737: The Diameter Capabilities Update Application , RFC 6736: Diameter Network Address and Port Translation Control Application , RFC 6735: Diameter Priority Attribute-Value Pairs , RFC 6734: Diameter Attribute-Value Pairs for Cryptographic Key Transport , RFC 6732: 6to4 Provider Managed Tunnels , RFC 6731: Improved Recursive DNS Server Selection for Multi-Interfaced Nodes , RFC 6730: Requirements for IETF Nominations Committee Tools , RFC 6729: Indicating Email Handling States in Trace Fields , RFC 6728: Configuration Data Model for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and Packet Sampling (PSAMP) Protocols , RFC 6727: Definitions of Managed Objects for Packet Sampling , RFC 6726: FLUTE - File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport , RFC 6725: DNS Security (DNSSEC) DNSKEY Algorithm IANA Registry Updates , RFC 6724: Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) , RFC 6723: Update of the Pseudowire Control-Word Negotiation Mechanism , RFC 6722: Publishing the "Tao of the IETF" as a Web Page , RFC 6721: The Atom "deleted-entry" Element , RFC 6720: The Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) for the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) , RFC 6719: The Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function , RFC 6717: kx509 Kerberized Certificate Issuance Protocol in Use in 2012 , RFC 6716: Definition of the Opus Audio Codec , RFC 6715: vCard Format Extensions: Representing vCard Extensions Defined by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Converged Address Book (CAB) Group , RFC 6714: Connection Establishment for Media Anchoring (CEMA) for the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) , RFC 6713: The 'application/zlib' and 'application/gzip' Media Types , RFC 6712: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure -- HTTP Transfer for the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) , RFC 6711: An IANA Registry for Level of Assurance (LoA) Profiles , RFC 6710: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Extension for Message Transfer Priorities , RFC 6709: Design Considerations for Protocol Extensions , RFC 6708: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Requirements , RFC 6707: Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) Problem Statement , RFC 6706: Asymmetric Extended Route Optimization (AERO) , RFC 6705: Localized Routing for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6704: Forcerenew Nonce Authentication , RFC 6703: Reporting IP Network Performance Metrics: Different Points of View , RFC 6702: Promoting Compliance with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Disclosure Rules , RFC 6701: Sanctions Available for Application to Violators of IETF IPR Policy , RFC 6698: The DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol: TLSA , RFC 6697: Handover Keying (HOKEY) Architecture Design , RFC 6696: EAP Extensions for the EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) , RFC 6695: Methods to Convey Forward Error Correction (FEC) Framework Configuration Information , RFC 6693: Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Intermittently Connected Networks , RFC 6692: Source Ports in Abuse Reporting Format (ARF) Reports , RFC 6691: TCP Options and Maximum Segment Size (MSS) , RFC 6690: Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Link Format , RFC 6689: Usage of the RSVP ASSOCIATION Object , RFC 6688: Parallel NFS (pNFS) Block Disk Protection , RFC 6687: Performance Evaluation of the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) , RFC 6686: Resolution of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Sender ID Experiments , RFC 6685: Expert Review for Incident Object Description Exchange Format (IODEF) Extensions in IANA XML Registry , RFC 6684: Guidelines and Template for Defining Extensions to the Incident Object Description Exchange Format (IODEF) , RFC 6683: Guidelines for Implementing Digital Video Broadcasting - IPTV (DVB-IPTV) Application-Layer Hybrid Forward Error Correction (FEC) Protection , RFC 6682: RTP Payload Format for Raptor Forward Error Correction (FEC) , RFC 6681: Raptor Forward Error Correction (FEC) Schemes for FECFRAME , RFC 6680: Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSS-API) Naming Extensions , RFC 6679: Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) for RTP over UDP , RFC 6678: Requirements for a Tunnel-Based Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Method , RFC 6677: Channel-Binding Support for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Methods , RFC 6676: Multicast Addresses for Documentation , RFC 6675: A Conservative Loss Recovery Algorithm Based on Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) for TCP , RFC 6674: Gateway-Initiated Dual-Stack Lite Deployment , RFC 6673: Round-Trip Packet Loss Metrics , RFC 6672: DNAME Redirection in the DNS , RFC 6671: Allocation of a Generic Associated Channel Type for ITU-T MPLS Transport Profile Operation, Maintenance, and Administration (MPLS-TP OAM) , RFC 6670: The Reasons for Selecting a Single Solution for MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) , RFC 6669: An Overview of the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Toolset for MPLS-Based Transport Networks , RFC 6668: SHA-2 Data Integrity Verification for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol , RFC 6667: LDP 'Typed Wildcard' Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) for PWid and Generalized PWid FEC Elements , RFC 6665: SIP-Specific Event Notification , RFC 6664: S/MIME Capabilities for Public Key Definitions , RFC 6663: Requirements for Signaling of Pre-Congestion Information in a Diffserv Domain , RFC 6662: Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) Boundary-Node Behavior for the Single Marking (SM) Mode of Operation , RFC 6661: Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) Boundary-Node Behavior for the Controlled Load (CL) Mode of Operation , RFC 6660: Encoding Three Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) States in the IP Header Using a Single Diffserv Codepoint (DSCP) , RFC 6659: Considerations for Deploying the Rapid Acquisition of Multicast RTP Sessions (RAMS) Method , RFC 6658: Packet Pseudowire Encapsulation over an MPLS PSN , RFC 6657: Update to MIME regarding "charset" Parameter Handling in Textual Media Types , RFC 6656: Description of Cisco Systems' Subnet Allocation Option for DHCPv4 , RFC 6655: AES-CCM Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) , RFC 6654: Gateway-Initiated IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (GI 6rd) , RFC 6653: DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation in Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Networks , RFC 6652: Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Authentication Failure Reporting Using the Abuse Reporting Format , RFC 6651: Extensions to DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) for Failure Reporting , RFC 6650: Creation and Use of Email Feedback Reports: An Applicability Statement for the Abuse Reporting Format (ARF) , RFC 6649: Deprecate DES, RC4-HMAC-EXP, and Other Weak Cryptographic Algorithms in Kerberos , RFC 6648: Deprecating the "X-" Prefix and Similar Constructs in Application Protocols , RFC 6647: Email Greylisting: An Applicability Statement for SMTP , RFC 6646: DECoupled Application Data Enroute (DECADE) Problem Statement , RFC 6645: IP Flow Information Accounting and Export Benchmarking Methodology , RFC 6644: Rebind Capability in DHCPv6 Reconfigure Messages , RFC 6643: Translation of Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2) MIB Modules to YANG Modules , RFC 6642: RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extension for a Third-Party Loss Report , RFC 6641: Using DNS SRV to Specify a Global File Namespace with NFS Version 4 , RFC 6640: IETF Meeting Attendees' Frequently Asked (Travel) Questions , RFC 6639: Multiprotocol Label Switching Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) MIB-Based Management Overview , RFC 6638: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV , RFC 6637: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in OpenPGP , RFC 6636: Tuning the Behavior of the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for Routers in Mobile and Wireless Networks , RFC 6635: RFC Editor Model (Version 2) , RFC 6633: Deprecation of ICMP Source Quench Messages , RFC 6632: An Overview of the IETF Network Management Standards , RFC 6631: Password Authenticated Connection Establishment with the Internet Key Exchange Protocol version 2 (IKEv2) , RFC 6630: EAP Re-authentication Protocol Extensions for Authenticated Anticipatory Keying (ERP/AAK) , RFC 6629: Considerations on the Application of the Level 3 Multihoming Shim Protocol for IPv6 (Shim6) , RFC 6628: Efficient Augmented Password-Only Authentication and Key Exchange for IKEv2 , RFC 6627: Overview of Pre-Congestion Notification Encoding , RFC 6626: Dynamic Prefix Allocation for Network Mobility for Mobile IPv4 (NEMOv4) , RFC 6625: Wildcards in Multicast VPN Auto-Discovery Routes , RFC 6624: Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and Signaling , RFC 6623: IANA Registry for MEDIACTRL Interactive Voice Response Control Package , RFC 6622: Integrity Check Value and Timestamp TLV Definitions for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) , RFC 6621: Simplified Multicast Forwarding , RFC 6620: FCFS SAVI: First-Come, First-Served Source Address Validation Improvement for Locally Assigned IPv6 Addresses , RFC 6619: Scalable Operation of Address Translators with Per-Interface Bindings , RFC 6618: Mobile IPv6 Security Framework Using Transport Layer Security for Communication between the Mobile Node and Home Agent , RFC 6617: Secure Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Authentication for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE) , RFC 6616: A Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Mechanism for OpenID , RFC 6615: Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Flow Information Export , RFC 6614: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Encryption for RADIUS , RFC 6612: Interactions between Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) and Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6): Scenarios and Related Issues , RFC 6611: Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) Bootstrapping for the Integrated Scenario , RFC 6610: DHCP Options for Home Information Discovery in Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) , RFC 6609: Sieve Email Filtering: Include Extension , RFC 6608: Subcodes for BGP Finite State Machine Error , RFC 6607: Virtual Subnet Selection Options for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 , RFC 6606: Problem Statement and Requirements for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) Routing , RFC 6605: Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for DNSSEC , RFC 6604: xNAME RCODE and Status Bits Clarification , RFC 6603: Prefix Exclude Option for DHCPv6-based Prefix Delegation , RFC 6602: Bulk Binding Update Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6601: Generic Connection Admission Control (GCAC) Algorithm Specification for IP/MPLS Networks , RFC 6598: IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address Space , RFC 6597: RTP Payload Format for Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) ST 336 Encoded Data , RFC 6596: The Canonical Link Relation , RFC 6595: A Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and GSS-API Mechanism for the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) , RFC 6594: Use of the SHA-256 Algorithm with RSA, Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), and Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) in SSHFP Resource Records , RFC 6593: Service Undiscovery Using Hide-and-Go-Seek for the Domain Pseudonym System (DPS) , RFC 6591: Authentication Failure Reporting Using the Abuse Reporting Format , RFC 6590: Redaction of Potentially Sensitive Data from Mail Abuse Reports , RFC 6589: Considerations for Transitioning Content to IPv6 , RFC 6587: Transmission of Syslog Messages over TCP , RFC 6586: Experiences from an IPv6-Only Network , RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes , RFC 6584: Simple Authentication Schemes for the Asynchronous Layered Coding (ALC) and NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) Protocols , RFC 6583: Operational Neighbor Discovery Problems , RFC 6582: The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm , RFC 6581: Enhanced Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) Connection Establishment , RFC 6580: IANA Registries for the Remote Direct Data Placement (RDDP) Protocols , RFC 6579: The 'disclosure' Link Relation Type , RFC 6578: Collection Synchronization for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) , RFC 6577: Authentication-Results Registration Update for Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Results , RFC 6576: IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Standard Advancement Testing , RFC 6575: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Mediation for IP Interworking of Layer 2 VPNs , RFC 6574: Report from the Smart Object Workshop , RFC 6573: The Item and Collection Link Relations , RFC 6572: RADIUS Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6571: Loop-Free Alternate (LFA) Applicability in Service Provider (SP) Networks , RFC 6569: Guidelines for Development of an Audio Codec within the IETF , RFC 6568: Design and Application Spaces for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs) , RFC 6567: Problem Statement and Requirements for Transporting User-to-User Call Control Information in SIP , RFC 6566: A Framework for the Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs) with Impairments , RFC 6565: OSPFv3 as a Provider Edge to Customer Edge (PE-CE) Routing Protocol , RFC 6564: A Uniform Format for IPv6 Extension Headers , RFC 6563: Moving A6 to Historic Status , RFC 6562: Guidelines for the Use of Variable Bit Rate Audio with Secure RTP , RFC 6561: Recommendations for the Remediation of Bots in ISP Networks , RFC 6560: One-Time Password (OTP) Pre-Authentication , RFC 6559: A Reliable Transport Mechanism for PIM , RFC 6558: Sieve Extension for Converting Messages before Delivery , RFC 6557: Procedures for Maintaining the Time Zone Database , RFC 6555: Happy Eyeballs: Success with Dual-Stack Hosts , RFC 6554: An IPv6 Routing Header for Source Routes with the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) , RFC 6553: The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) Option for Carrying RPL Information in Data-Plane Datagrams , RFC 6552: Objective Function Zero for the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) , RFC 6551: Routing Metrics Used for Path Calculation in Low-Power and Lossy Networks , RFC 6550: RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks , RFC 6549: OSPFv2 Multi-Instance Extensions , RFC 6548: Independent Submission Editor Model , RFC 6547: RFC 3627 to Historic Status , RFC 6546: Transport of Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) Messages over HTTP/TLS , RFC 6545: Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID) , RFC 6544: TCP Candidates with Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) , RFC 6543: Reserved IPv6 Interface Identifier for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6542: Kerberos Version 5 Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Channel Binding Hash Agility , RFC 6541: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Authorized Third-Party Signatures , RFC 6540: IPv6 Support Required for All IP-Capable Nodes , RFC 6539: IBAKE: Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange , RFC 6538: The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Experiment Report , RFC 6537: Host Identity Protocol Distributed Hash Table Interface , RFC 6536: Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) Access Control Model , RFC 6535: Dual-Stack Hosts Using "Bump-in-the-Host" (BIH) , RFC 6534: Loss Episode Metrics for IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) , RFC 6533: Internationalized Delivery Status and Disposition Notifications , RFC 6532: Internationalized Email Headers , RFC 6531: SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email , RFC 6530: Overview and Framework for Internationalized Email , RFC 6529: Host/Host Protocol for the ARPA Network , RFC 6528: Defending against Sequence Number Attacks , RFC 6527: Definitions of Managed Objects for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Version 3 (VRRPv3) , RFC 6526: IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Per Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Stream , RFC 6525: Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Stream Reconfiguration , RFC 6522: The Multipart/Report Media Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages , RFC 6521: Home Agent-Assisted Route Optimization between Mobile IPv4 Networks , RFC 6520: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Heartbeat Extension , RFC 6519: RADIUS Extensions for Dual-Stack Lite , RFC 6518: Keying and Authentication for Routing Protocols (KARP) Design Guidelines , RFC 6517: Mandatory Features in a Layer 3 Multicast BGP/MPLS VPN Solution , RFC 6516: IPv6 Multicast VPN (MVPN) Support Using PIM Control Plane and Selective Provider Multicast Service Interface (S-PMSI) Join Messages , RFC 6515: IPv4 and IPv6 Infrastructure Addresses in BGP Updates for Multicast VPN , RFC 6514: BGP Encodings and Procedures for Multicast in MPLS/BGP IP VPNs , RFC 6513: Multicast in MPLS/BGP IP VPNs , RFC 6512: Using Multipoint LDP When the Backbone Has No Route to the Root , RFC 6511: Non-Penultimate Hop Popping Behavior and Out-of-Band Mapping for RSVP-TE Label Switched Paths , RFC 6510: Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Message Formats for Label Switched Path (LSP) Attributes Objects , RFC 6509: MIKEY-SAKKE: Sakai-Kasahara Key Encryption in Multimedia Internet KEYing (MIKEY) , RFC 6508: Sakai-Kasahara Key Encryption (SAKKE) , RFC 6507: Elliptic Curve-Based Certificateless Signatures for Identity-Based Encryption (ECCSI) , RFC 6506: Supporting Authentication Trailer for OSPFv3 , RFC 6505: A Mixer Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework , RFC 6504: Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol (CCMP) Call Flow Examples , RFC 6503: Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol , RFC 6502: Conference Event Package Data Format Extension for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) , RFC 6501: Conference Information Data Model for Centralized Conferencing (XCON) , RFC 6498: Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Voiceband Data (VBD) Package and General-Purpose Media Descriptor Parameter Package , RFC 6497: BCP 47 Extension T - Transformed Content , RFC 6496: Secure Proxy ND Support for SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) , RFC 6495: Subject Key Identifier (SKI) SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) Name Type Fields , RFC 6494: Certificate Profile and Certificate Management for SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) , RFC 6493: The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Ghostbusters Record , RFC 6492: A Protocol for Provisioning Resource Certificates , RFC 6491: Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Objects Issued by IANA , RFC 6490: Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Trust Anchor Locator , RFC 6489: Certification Authority (CA) Key Rollover in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) , RFC 6488: Signed Object Template for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) , RFC 6487: A Profile for X.509 PKIX Resource Certificates , RFC 6486: Manifests for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) , RFC 6485: The Profile for Algorithms and Key Sizes for Use in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) , RFC 6484: Certificate Policy (CP) for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) , RFC 6483: Validation of Route Origination Using the Resource Certificate Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) , RFC 6482: A Profile for Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) , RFC 6481: A Profile for Resource Certificate Repository Structure , RFC 6480: An Infrastructure to Support Secure Internet Routing , RFC 6479: IPsec Anti-Replay Algorithm without Bit Shifting , RFC 6478: Pseudowire Status for Static Pseudowires , RFC 6477: Registration of Military Message Handling System (MMHS) Header Fields for Use in Internet Mail , RFC 6476: Using Message Authentication Code (MAC) Encryption in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) , RFC 6475: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Management Information Base , RFC 6474: vCard Format Extensions: Place of Birth, Place and Date of Death , RFC 6472: Recommendation for Not Using AS_SET and AS_CONFED_SET in BGP , RFC 6471: Overview of Best Email DNS-Based List (DNSBL) Operational Practices , RFC 6470: Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) Base Notifications , RFC 6469: RTP Payload Format for DV (IEC 61834) Video , RFC 6468: Sieve Notification Mechanism: SIP MESSAGE , RFC 6467: Secure Password Framework for Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) , RFC 6466: IANA Registration of the 'image' Media Type for the Session Description Protocol (SDP) , RFC 6465: A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Header Extension for Mixer-to-Client Audio Level Indication , RFC 6464: A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Header Extension for Client-to-Mixer Audio Level Indication , RFC 6463: Runtime Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) Assignment Support for Proxy Mobile IPv6 , RFC 6462: Report from the Internet Privacy Workshop , RFC 6461: Data for Reachability of Inter-/Intra-NetworK SIP (DRINKS) Use Cases and Protocol Requirements , RFC 6460: Suite B Profile for Transport Layer Security (TLS) , RFC 6459: IPv6 in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Evolved Packet System (EPS) , RFC 6458: Sockets API Extensions for the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) , RFC 6457: PCC-PCE Communication and PCE Discovery Requirements for Inter-Layer Traffic Engineering , RFC 6456: Multi-Segment Pseudowires in Passive Optical Networks , RFC 6453: A URN Namespace for the Open Grid Forum (OGF) , RFC 6452: The Unicode Code Points and Internationalized Domain Names for Applications (IDNA) - Unicode 6.0 , RFC 6451: Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) Protocol Extensions , RFC 6449: Complaint Feedback Loop Operational Recommendations , RFC 6448: The Unencrypted Form of Kerberos 5 KRB-CRED Message , RFC 6447: Filtering Location Notifications in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) , RFC 6446: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification Extension for Notification Rate Control , RFC 6445: Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering Management Information Base for Fast Reroute , RFC 6444: Location Hiding: Problem Statement and Requirements , RFC 6443: Framework for Emergency Calling Using Internet Multimedia , RFC 6442: Location Conveyance for the Session Initiation Protocol , RFC 6441: Time to Remove Filters for Previously Unallocated IPv4 /8s , RFC 6440: The EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) Local Domain Name DHCPv6 Option , RFC 6439: Routing Bridges (RBridges): Appointed Forwarders , RFC 6438: Using the IPv6 Flow Label for Equal Cost Multipath Routing and Link Aggregation in Tunnels , RFC 6437: IPv6 Flow Label Specification , RFC 6436: Rationale for Update to the IPv6 Flow Label Specification , RFC 6435: MPLS Transport Profile Lock Instruct and Loopback Functions , RFC 6433: Requirements for a Working Group Milestones Tool , RFC 6432: Carrying Q.850 Codes in Reason Header Fields in SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Responses , RFC 6431: Huawei Port Range Configuration Options for PPP IP Control Protocol (IPCP) , RFC 6430: Email Feedback Report Type Value: not-spam , RFC 6429: TCP Sender Clarification for Persist Condition , RFC 6428: Proactive Connectivity Verification, Continuity Check, and Remote Defect Indication for the MPLS Transport Profile , RFC 6427: MPLS Fault Management Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) , RFC 6426: MPLS On-Demand Connectivity Verification and Route Tracing , RFC 6425: Detecting Data-Plane Failures in Point-to-Multipoint MPLS - Extensions to LSP Ping , RFC 6424: Mechanism for Performing Label Switched Path Ping (LSP Ping) over MPLS Tunnels , RFC 6423: Using the Generic Associated Channel Label for Pseudowire in the MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) , RFC 6422: Relay-Supplied DHCP Options , RFC 6421: Crypto-Agility Requirements for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) , RFC 6420: PIM Multi-Topology ID (MT-ID) Join Attribute , RFC 6419: Current Practices for Multiple-Interface Hosts , RFC 6418: Multiple Interfaces and Provisioning Domains Problem Statement , RFC 6417: How to Contribute Research Results to Internet Standardization , RFC 6416: RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 Audio/Visual Streams , RFC 6414: Benchmarking Terminology for Protection Performance , RFC 6413: Benchmarking Methodology for Link-State IGP Data-Plane Route Convergence , RFC 6412: Terminology for Benchmarking Link-State IGP Data-Plane Route Convergence , RFC 6411: Applicability of Keying Methods for RSVP Security , RFC 6410: Reducing the Standards Track to Two Maturity Levels , RFC 6409: Message Submission for Mail , RFC 6408: Diameter Straightforward-Naming Authority Pointer (S-NAPTR) Usage , RFC 6407: The Group Domain of Interpretation , RFC 6406: Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect (SPEERMINT) Architecture , RFC 6405: Voice over IP (VoIP) SIP Peering Use Cases , RFC 6404: Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect (SPEERMINT) Security Threats and Suggested Countermeasures , RFC 6403: Suite B Profile of Certificate Management over CMS , RFC 6402: Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) Updates , RFC 6401: RSVP Extensions for Admission Priority , RFC 6398: IP Router Alert Considerations and Usage , RFC 6397: Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Routing Information Export Format with Geo-Location Extensions , RFC 6396: Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) Routing Information Export Format , RFC 6395: An Interface Identifier (ID) Hello Option for PIM , RFC 6394: Use Cases and Requirements for DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) , RFC 6393: Moving RFC 4693 to Historic , RFC 6392: A Survey of In-Network Storage Systems , RFC 6391: Flow-Aware Transport of Pseudowires over an MPLS Packet Switched Network , RFC 6390: Guidelines for Considering New Performance Metric Development , RFC 6389: MPLS Upstream Label Assignment for LDP , RFC 6388: Label Distribution Protocol Extensions for Point-to-Multipoint and Multipoint-to-Multipoint Label Switched Paths , RFC 6387: GMPLS Asymmetric Bandwidth Bidirectional Label Switched Paths (LSPs) , RFC 6386: VP8 Data Format and Decoding Guide , RFC 6385: General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) Experiences , RFC 6384: An FTP Application Layer Gateway (ALG) for IPv6-to-IPv4 Translation , RFC 6383: Advice on When It Is Safe to Start Sending Data on Label Switched Paths Established Using RSVP-TE , RFC 6382: Unique Origin Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) per Node for Globally Anycasted Services , RFC 6381: The 'Codecs' and 'Profiles' Parameters for "Bucket" Media Types , RFC 6380: Suite B Profile for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) , RFC 6379: Suite B Cryptographic Suites for IPsec , RFC 6378: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Linear Protection , RFC 6377: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Mailing Lists , RFC 6376: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures , RFC 6375: A Packet Loss and Delay Measurement Profile for MPLS-Based Transport Networks , RFC 6374: Packet Loss and Delay Measurement for MPLS Networks , RFC 6373: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Control Plane Framework , RFC 6372: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Survivability Framework , RFC 6371: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Framework for MPLS-Based Transport Networks , RFC 6370: MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Identifiers , RFC 6369: Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) Implementation Experience , RFC 6368: Internal BGP as the Provider/Customer Edge Protocol for BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) , RFC 6367: Addition of the Camellia Cipher Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS) , RFC 6366: Requirements for an Internet Audio Codec , RFC 6365: Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF , RFC 6364: Session Description Protocol Elements for the Forward Error Correction (FEC) Framework , RFC 6363: Forward Error Correction (FEC) Framework , RFC 6362: Multiple Attachments for Electronic Data Interchange - Internet Integration (EDIINT) , RFC 6361: PPP Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Protocol Control Protocol , RFC 6360: Conclusion of FYI RFC Sub-Series , RFC 6359: Datatracker Extensions to Include IANA and RFC Editor Processing Information , RFC 6358: Additional Master Secret Inputs for TLS , RFC 6357: Design Considerations for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Overload Control , RFC 6356: Coupled Congestion Control for Multipath Transport Protocols , RFC 6355: Definition of the UUID-Based DHCPv6 Unique Identifier (DUID-UUID) , RFC 6354: Forward-Shifted RTP Redundancy Payload Support , RFC 6353: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) , RFC 6352: CardDAV: vCard Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) , RFC 6351: xCard: vCard XML Representation , RFC 6350: vCard Format Specification , RFC 6349: Framework for TCP Throughput Testing , RFC 6348: Requirements for Point-to-Multipoint Extensions to the Label Distribution Protocol , RFC 6347: Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.2 , RFC 6346: The Address plus Port (A+P) Approach to the IPv4 Address Shortage , RFC 6345: Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA) Relay Element , RFC 6344: Operating Virtual Concatenation (VCAT) and the Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) , RFC 6343: Advisory Guidelines for 6to4 Deployment , RFC 6342: Mobile Networks Considerations for IPv6 Deployment , RFC 6341: Use Cases and Requirements for SIP-Based Media Recording (SIPREC) , RFC 6340: Textual Conventions for the Representation of Floating-Point Numbers , RFC 6339: Context Token Encapsulate/Decapsulate and OID Comparison Functions for the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) , RFC 6338: Definition of a Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Schema for Academia (SCHAC) , RFC 6337: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Usage of the Offer/Answer Model , RFC 6336: IANA Registry for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Options , RFC 6335: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Procedures for the Management of the Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry , RFC 6334: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) Option for Dual-Stack Lite , RFC 6333: Dual-Stack Lite Broadband Deployments Following IPv4 Exhaustion , RFC 6332: Multicast Acquisition Report Block Type for RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Reports (XRs) , RFC 6331: Moving DIGEST-MD5 to Historic , RFC 6330: RaptorQ Forward Error Correction Scheme for Object Delivery , RFC 6329: IS-IS Extensions Supporting IEEE 802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging , RFC 6328: IANA Considerations for Network Layer Protocol Identifiers , RFC 6327: Routing Bridges (RBridges): Adjacency , RFC 6326: Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Use of IS-IS , RFC 6325: Routing Bridges (RBridges): Base Protocol Specification , RFC 6324: Routing Loop Attack Using IPv6 Automatic Tunnels: Problem Statement and Proposed Mitigations , RFC 6323: Sender RTT Estimate Option for the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) , RFC 6322: Datatracker States and Annotations for the IAB, IRTF, and Independent Submission Streams , RFC 6321: xCal: The XML Format for iCalendar , RFC 6320: Protocol for Access Node Control Mechanism in Broadband Networks , RFC 6319: Issues Associated with Designating Additional Private IPv4 Address Space , RFC 6318: Suite B in Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) , RFC 6317: Basic Socket Interface Extensions for the Host Identity Protocol (HIP) , RFC 6316: Sockets Application Program Interface (API) for Multihoming Shim , RFC 6315: IANA Registration for Enumservice 'iax' , RFC 6314: NAT Traversal Practices for Client-Server SIP , RFC 6313: Export of Structured Data in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) , RFC 6312: Mobile Networks Considerations for IPv6 Deployment , RFC 6311: Protocol Support for High Availability of IKEv2/IPsec , RFC 6310: Pseudowire (PW) Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Message Mapping , RFC 6309: IANA Rules for MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing) , RFC 6308: Overview of the Internet Multicast Addressing Architecture , RFC 6307: Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Fibre Channel Traffic over MPLS Networks , RFC 6306: Hierarchical IPv4 Framework , RFC 6305: I'm Being Attacked by PRISONER.IANA.ORG!

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