(See John 17:3, 1 Tim. Blessings. Founded By: Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, 1889. While she does not use the word Trinity, her husband was blunt on the issue: Here we might mention the Trinity, which does away the personality of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ (James White, December 11, 1855, Review & Herald, vol. You can always email if you have more questions. Two of those times He stated, THIS IS MY BELOVED SON (Matt. This is something all men can achieve. 1 John 5:1 (NASB) Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him. (Special Testimonies, Series B, No. In 2 kings 19 it tells us of a story. However, nowhere in the Bible do you find God being defined as a relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yes there are a few verses which mention all three. Similarly the remaining 10 percent. The Kellogg controversy was concerning a misunderstanding and a misapplication of the scriptures and the SOP in regard to the Spirit. Oneness Pentecostals take issue with the Trinity doctrine chiefly for its use of the term "person." Regarding such mysteries, which are too deep for human understanding, silence is golden. (AA 52.1). Men have the potential to become gods as well. Dear friends, I beg to to study the history of how this doctrine entered into the Seventh-day Adventist church. In one approach they attempt to show that Jesus cannot be God because He was created. Those who agree with Ellen White that The Bible and the Bible alone, is our rule of faith (CSW, 84), must reexamine this doctrine honestly, taking all passages of scripture into account. I think that we have discussed this matter as far as we can take it. Blessings. She also wrote a chapter in Ministry of Healing called A True Knowledge of God in which she states at the end, This is the knowledge which God is inviting us to receive, and beside which all else is vanity and nothingness. (Ministry of Healing p. 426). Waggoner, held to an Arian or semi-Arian view that is, the Son at some point in time before the Creation of our world was generated by the Father the Trinitarian understanding of God, now part of our fundamental beliefs, was not generally held by the early Adventists. Usually the church takes up a theological issue only when there is great controversy a time when a lack of consensus on an issue embroils the church in an intractable debate. OK. Thats a lot. The doctrine of the Trinity furnishes the best example of this. While I realize I will lose the support of friends and family, I cannot keep silent any longer about this distortion of God taught within the Seventh-day Adventist church. In fact they do not view our doctrine any differently than theirs as they proudly state: Our opponents sometimes claim that no belief should be held dogmatically which is not explicitly stated in scripture But the Protestant Churches have themselves accepted such dogmas, as the trinity, for which there is no such precise authority in the Gospels, (Assumption of Mary, Life magazine, Oct 30, 1950, p. 51), The mystery of the trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic faith. The terms Father, Son and the Holy Spirit identify their relationship with each other. According to the above quote, the very reason that Lucifer rebelled and began the great controversy was because he was jealous of God honoring His Son by declaring the Son equal with Himself. Jesus was only a man, not the Christ. In our heads, we know, or at least we've been told, believing in the Trinity is important, but we aren't . I think the best thing to do is offer the official definition of the Trinity, then break that definition down to try to make it understandable, and finish by looking at how this belief can change our lives. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. That is the mystery of God, There is no mystery here in my mind. This ties into trinity doctrine and church groups who profess the trinity. (Technically, there is no passage that . So, if we are worshiping a 3rd being other than the Father and the Son, could we actually be exalting fallen Lucifer? Most Trinitarian Christians believe the doctrine comes from the Bible and even use some Bible verses to support their position. Here in an official statement from the Adventist Biblical Research Institute: the father-son image cannot be literally applied to the divine Father-Son relationship within the Godhead. churchoffice@clcht.org. We stand in awe of this reality. Truth no. You cannot be a Christian and not believe in the trinity. Satan was envious and jealous of Jesus Christ. (E.G. White, Spirit of Prophecy, Vol 1. pg. I get what you are saying but when you are not excepted how do you get baptized. If people believe that Jesus is the son of God and that the Father is Almighty God, then they believe the truth. The following religions are among those that reject the doctrine of the Trinity. Plus they are not correct on a number of other issues. If you can show me where in the bible it mentions the word trinity, than by all means go for it. They typically believe that God is one being . There are many other examples. Yes, he was god the father and god the son The first divine incomprehensible trinity. (The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop, p. 51). I generally present messages straight from the Bible. Your mind seems to be make up that the Holy Spirit is a force, not a Being, which is a pity, because Jesus had something to say about that. Now Adventists look back on the pioneers as having old light., Adventist beliefs have changed over the years under the impact of present truth. Most startling is the teaching regarding Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Mormons believe that God has a physical, flesh and bones, eternal, perfect body. (1 cor 6:9-10) If the trinity is an idol then this point shows the power of the deception: 1) Anyone who professes the trinity wont enter heaven. Notice GC 593 Satan employs every possible device to prevent men from obtaining a knowledge of the Bible; for its plain utterances reveal his deceptions., The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. Finally, the Holy Spirit is wholly God. He is the definition of love itself ( 1 John 4:8 ). Ellen White labeled this situation as the alpha and that the omega would follow in a little while. OK, except that (see the last but one paragraph):Light and darkness cannot coexist, neither can Truth and Untruth. But I find that most do not understand it and because it makes no sense, they rarely teach it or make it a requirement for others. White, Selected Messages bk 1, p. 200 1904}. The entire gospel and plan of salvation are distorted by the Trinity doctrine. Because of this, we simply do our best to say This is the Trinity by using images and models that we humans can wrap our brains around. Take some time and ponder that wondrous and life-giving idea of marriage and know this: we get that idea by looking at the Trinity. Would J.N. In the sacramental marriage, each person completely empties himself or herself into the other, and this creates a dynamic between them; creating spiritual, emotional and even physical life. Jesus is God's literal son, a separate being from God the Father and the "elder brother" of men. http://revelation1412.org/files/1413/4269/9545/Putting_the_Pieces_Together.pdf, For looking at the Father and Son, I would recommend Chapter 1 of Patriarchs and Prophets. We can do so with full confidence that what we are defending is biblical, because all of the essential elements of the doctrine of the Trinity are clearly taught in the Bible. To read more on this subject, try this page:Which Church is the right Church? Because of this very confusing idea, common everyday things such as eggs, candles, apples, ice-cubes, and shamrocks and others . The reason so many Jews do not believe in the trinity is because it is IDOL worship! Ephesians 2:19-2219 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with Gods people and members of Gods household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. Matthew 3:13-17 At Jesus' baptism, each member of the Godhead is represented separately and distinctly. Indeed, there were many such people in the early Church. Many Adventists believe that the Father and Son just took those titles and are essentially role-playing: It may be inferred from the Scriptures that when the Godhead laid out the plan of salvation at some point in eternity past, They also took certain positions or roles to carry out the provisions of the plan. (These times our times, June 1st 1981, Frank answers). 14:1). Many like us feel that this is what has occurred by adopting the Trinity doctrine. Are you wondering what the Bible has to say on a topic? You will be in the same position as the early disciples who had to convert unbelievers into believers first. A fundamental doctrine. Is it easier for all to become Roman Catholics and thus one Church? I look at Moses. I understand that there are some things that are mysterious but we need to be on guard against the enemy who is seeking to make the plain utterances in scripture mysterious in order to conceal his deceptions. He thought that he was alone in his devotion to God but he was wrong. The inspired writer simply and consistently expresses that one must believe . Lori has a background in nursing and evangelism but is currently fulfilling her calling as a full-time wife and mother to her two children. If you read the beginning of the article, Lori shares that she is a 6th generation SDA. Realise that you do not go to Church, but that you are part of the Church no matter where you are. 9 Faith Groups That Reject the Trinity. These are mere earthly thingsThe Father cannot be described by the things of earth. (Ellen White SP TB07, 63). The Word that is spoken about in the passage above, is obviously Jesus, as we can confirm by looking at verse 14. I have also been surprised to learn that many SDAs have absolutely no idea what they even believe! Well, thats a tall order, but I assure you, I will do my best! God has always been a trinity, from the beginning of time, and from the beginning of his revelation to the world. I believe that the Alpha or at least a part of it had a fulfillment when Leroy Froom brought in the idea of a third god being called God the Holy Spirit. In one sense you do not have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian, but in another sense you do. But once again, you have been given the power of free choice by God, so you have to make a choice, and live with the consequences. Blessings in your studies, I hope that helps to provide a platform and a guide to understanding why Lori and I have come to this belief. It is the very nature of God as revealed to us in Scripture. 1 John 5:11: "This is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son Daniel C. Dennett and Linda LaScola researched five pastors all Protestants who no longer believe in God, but who are still in the pulpit. Traditional Armstrongism denies a Trinity, defining God as "a family of individuals." We know few shall enter into the narrow gates (Matt 7:13-14) and also that 90% of christians profess Christ in the trinity Thats roughly 1.75 billion people. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. 24, page 185). You end up with the doctrine of the Trinity. Please take this simple offering and let it be a seed in your heart for a deeper and more challenging way of worshipping God and of loving and serving each other. If you read the intro to the book the living temple, Kellogg states that his whole theory is based upon a single scripture, What? Andrews, Uriah Smith, and J.H. The Son of God is Jesus Christ, begotten by the Father. Were you baptized in the name of Paul? They deny the divinity of Jesus, believing he is fully human and separate from God. I do not believe it is wise to think you are ever saved until the judgment of Christ is given. The Trinity is definitely not biblical truth and is completely a man-made concept. Because if the Holy Spirit was a person it could only be with one person at a time, but if its Gods active force, then it can be with everyone. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ . God is one. The latter perhaps explains those who call Jesus Lord, yet he says to them that he never knew them and further proof that he didnt know them is because he calls them workers of iniquity. The fact that Seventh-day Adventists (modern Israel) worship the same God as all other mainstream Christians and Catholics should be a serious cause for concern. (Again, just a thought)2) Those who are deceived fully believe that their entrance to heaven is guaranteed blinding them from finding the truth. The doctrine of the Trinity is central to most Christian denominations and faith groups, although not all. The Bible does not tell us that we must believe in the Trinity in order to become saved; that is, to become a Christian. I see where you are coming from as the church has adopted a position on the subject. Why don't Oneness Pentecostals believe in the Trinity? There is no verse in the bible that says believe in the trinity and ye shall be saved. Nor does that mean that we should proclaim that others will not enter heaven for their beliefs as this results in the exact same final judgement that we do have the power to give. The first angels message says to fear God give glory to Him & worship Him. 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