[9], Die Pekinger Stadtverwaltung hat neue Verhaltensregeln erlassen, welche die Polizeibeamten zu einem besseren Benehmen bewegen sollen. Sie trugen den Led-Zeppelin-Hit Whole Lotta Love vor. Comcast is the fastest internet provider available at this address. Among them, swimming is the potential one that may get into top five sports of China in the near future. Mrz ankam. Auf dem Bild steht auerdem: WWG1WGA - die Abkrzung des QAnon-Mottos Wo einer von uns hingeht, werden wir gemeinsam hingehen. Order first by golds, then by sports, then by year. Am 26. [34] This offered a scientific curriculum in parallel to the classical curriculum, for those students wishing a more modern treatment of modern languages, mathematics, and science, equal in dignity to the traditional course of study. Zudem bezeichnete er die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2008 als echte Spiele, die auerordentlich waren. Juni 2005 vom Organisationskomitee bekanntgegeben.[13]. [98], The Department of Theater and Dance offers several major theatrical productions as well as staged readings, student performances, guest appearances, and other shows throughout the school year. The Hasty Pudding Theatricals, known informally simply as The Pudding, is a theatrical student society at Harvard University, known for its burlesque crossdressing musicals.The Hasty Pudding is the oldest theatrical organization in the United States and the third oldest in the world, behind only the Comdie-Franaise and the Oberammergau Passion Play. Die Maskottchen symbolisieren aber auch die Elemente der Fnf-Elemente-Lehre des Daoismus: Wasser, Holz, Feuer, Erde und Metall. Japan first participated at the Olympic Games in 1912, and has competed at almost every Games since then. [1] Due to the dispute over the political status of China, the PRC did not participate in the Olympics again until the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, United States. Greek swimmers have won only one silver medal since then at the 2016 Games. The purpose of your class reunion is to renew old friendships and make new memories. [100], Intercollegiate competition is offered in 26 sports; for men, in baseball, basketball, crew, cross-country, football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, and indoor and outdoor track; and for women, in basketball, crew, cross-country, field hockey, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track, and volleyball. Das Pekinger Organisationskomitee untersagte angesichts internationaler Proteste die Verwendung von Tropenholz aus Primrwldern. Anders als 2004 und 2000 liefen die beiden koreanischen Staaten wieder getrennt ein; hierbei wurde die Reihenfolge durchbrochen, da man verhindern wollte, dass Sdkorea und Nordkorea direkt hintereinander einmarschieren. bikeradar.com 50,000 rental bikes for 2008 Beijing Olympics. Oktober 2022 um 05:24 Uhr bearbeitet. Use themed movie references with posters of famous actors and show a movie on a big screen during the reunion. Sotschi2014| Besides overall points scored by the team, individual players can also score goals to become the top scorer of their team by scoring the maximum number of goals in their own team. [94] The Art Installation Series features contemporary artists who visit campus and create a site-specific installation piece for the library's Learning Commons. [84], Trotzdem wurde bei einzelnen Personen das Visum entweder nicht erteilt oder wieder zurckgenommen, so auch am 6. Juli 2001. hnlich offensichtlich war die Botschaft in einem auf Trumps Account geteilten Video mit einem riesige Q ber Trumps Gesicht. is an anime that makes volleyball seem just as cool as it does in real life. Sie ist an zwei Punkten mit Its motto was United by Emotion (). Your high school or college reunion will be a success with the planning and preparation ideas provided by this article. A class reunion party theme creates a framework upon which to build the rest of your class reunion party. Paris 2024 | Stockholm1912| If you love watching sports, it is the anime for you. She won golds in women's 200 m medley and women's 400 m medley, breaking the Olympic record and world record respectively. Mexiko-Stadt1968| Am Ende der Veranstaltung sang Jackie Chan den offiziellen Countdown-Song We Are Ready. [30], During the first half of the 19th century, students in American colleges would have encountered a very similar course of study, a curriculum with sturdy foundations in the traditional liberal arts. Start Quiz . As host country, China won 48 golds, 22 silvers and 30 bronze, total 100 medals, ranked 1st at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Die Olympischen Sommerspiele 2008 (offiziell Spiele der XXIX. Im Anschluss wurde die von acht chinesischen Sportlern ins Stadion getragene olympische Flagge gehisst und die olympische Hymne von einem Kinderchor gesungen. [42] Rame worked on drawings for about a year,[43] and construction of two of the college buildings proceeded quickly enough to permit occupation in 1814. UCEMS is dispatched from the Campus Safety Communications Center and provides initial medical response to all medical emergencies on campus as well as coverage during sporting events, concerts, etc. The managment team here is not very good, I find them to rude be at ; 266 Woodcreek Terrace. 3 I hear three enemy army troops are headed our way. Greece first competed in tae kwon do at the 2000 Games and had a notable success during the 2000s decade, winning medals in 3 consecutive Olympic Games. The managment team here is not very good, I find them to rude be at ; 266 Woodcreek Terrace. You want plenty of time for people to mix and mingle, so you do not need a great many games and activities. Choose from hundreds of sayings and phrases to charge up your team and fan base. August 2008, seine gesamte Delegation aus Peking zurckzuziehen. Insbesondere die Vergabe der Spiele an ein Land mit einem niedrigen Standard an Menschenrechten wurde kritisiert. Gangwon2024, Politisches System der Libysch-Arabischen Dschamahirija, WAZ, 13. Heelan ends volleyball season in state quarterfinals Trick-or-treaters enjoy full of fun and candy Norfolk, NE man held on multiple charges following assault of 18-year-old Make sure your location fits your theme. (2599 appearances), Manchester United F.C. It was held in the capital Tokyo. hnlich offensichtlich war die Botschaft in einem auf Trumps Account geteilten Video mit einem riesige Q ber Trumps Gesicht. In the 19th century, it became known as the "Mother of Fraternities", as three of the earliest Greek letter In Deutschland verfolgten im Durchschnitt 7,7Millionen Zuschauer die Erffnungsfeier vor dem Fernseher. All of this takes place in an environment that cultivates skills in analytical reading, clear and vigorous writing, and convincing argumentation. [70] Currently, Terms Abroad are offered for residence and study on nearly every continent, some in cooperation with Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Neben dem Nationalen Olympischen Komitee (NOK) der Volksrepublik China war das Nationale Olympische Komitee Hongkongs Mitausrichter, da dort die Reitsportwettkmpfe stattfanden. please dont take this personal unless i think youre intollerable. Union College is a private liberal arts college in Schenectady, New York.Founded in 1795, it was the first institution of higher learning chartered by the New York State Board of Regents, and second in the state of New York, after Columbia College (formerly King's College).. Known Residents. Chinese women's volleyball team won a third gold medal after 12 years. Meng Guanliang and Yang Wenjun won China's first canoeing gold medal in men's C-2 500 m. Li Ting and Sun Tiantian won China's first tennis gold medal in women's doubles. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972[46] and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1986. Overall, the theme houses are primarily self-governing with respect to leadership and housing placements. George Heil. In order for athletes to realize all the benefits of school sport, the Toronto District Secondary Schools Athletic Association (TDSSAA) work diligently to provide a healthy, fun, safe and competitive environment where students can learn the rigor and discipline necessary for success Start Quiz . Es wurde am 26. Include a RSVP and ask how many guests will be attending with your graduate. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; hnlich offensichtlich war die Botschaft in einem auf Trumps Account geteilten Video mit einem riesige Q ber Trumps Gesicht. [61] The weekly Concordiensis, the principal newspaper of Union College since 1877, is the thirteenth oldest student newspaper in the United States and the oldest continuously published newspaper in Schenectady.[62]. Dass Donald Trump es mit der Wahrheit nicht so genau nimmt, ist kein Geheimnis. Knstler aus fnf verschiedenen Kontinenten musizierten whrend der beinahe zwei Stunden dauernden Parade abwechselnd. Mai unterbrochen. Dabei wurde versucht, sich gegenber dem Favoriten Peking vor allem durch ethische Fragen abzusetzen. Chen Yueling won China's first athletics gold medal in women's 10 km walk. In case of a draw, both teams will receive one point each. Bei einer Razzia in der Gebietshauptstadt rmqi seien zwei Terrorverdchtige gettet und 15 verhaftet worden. 11.126 Sportler traten in den 302 For example, if your theme is Disney, choose an indoor venue that provides plenty of options for stringing lights. Chinese badminton team won all five golds for the first time, but was a little shadowed by the disqualification of China's top seed women's double duo for not using best efforts. Daneben gab es Bezge zur Chinesischen Mauer, zur Chinesischen Oper, zur Seidenstrae und zum Taijiquan. Fr den Bau der Olympiasttten wurden 3000 Familien zwangsumgesiedelt, was rund 155Millionen Euro kostete. The breakdown by majors shows that social sciences makes up 28%, engineering is 10%, English is 8%, psychology is 8%, biological/life sciences is 11%, liberal arts is 7%, and history is 6%. Only Columbia University (founded in 1754 as King's College),[10] had preceded Union in New York. [21], Der Vorsitzende der japanischen nationalen Kommission fr ffentliche Sicherheit kndigte an, dass Japan beim olympischen Fackellauf im eigenen Land keine chinesischen Sicherheitskrfte akzeptieren wird. Schenectady had been founded and populated by people originating from the Netherlands. Sie zeigt Trump mit einem Q-Symbol am Jackett. Turin2006| Japan have hosted the Games on four occasions, including the 2020 Summer Olympics (which was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic): The 1964 Summer Olympics marks Japan host its first Olympic Games. Der Forscher Marco Cardinale, der fr die British Olympic Association (BOA) ttig ist, geht davon aus, dass die Luftverschmutzung gekoppelt mit Hitze und hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit auergewhnliche Leistungen in Ausdauersportarten unmglich machen wird. The celebrants are more likely to enjoy an event they have provided input for, plus they need to know what is happening so that they can make adequate preparations. For other institutions of this or a similar name, see, Reception may vary by location and some stations may only be viewable with, Union College Emergency Medical Services (UCEMS), Under the laws of Minerva, we all become brothers. China also boycott the Games of the XXII Olympiad in Moscow USSR due to the American-led boycott and the ongoing Sino-Soviet split, together with the other countries. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; In 1979, the International Olympic Committee passed a resolution for the ROC team to be designated Chinese Taipei, and this opened the door for the PRC to finally join the Olympic movement. Sie zeigt Trump mit einem Q-Symbol am Jackett. It published its Constitution and Preamble, with an address to studentsnot just those of Unioncalling on them to join the abolitionist cause. We have included a list of suggested places later in this article. Two new National Olympic Committees on board! Chen Zhong won China's first taekwondo gold medal in women's +67kg. Die fnf offiziellen Maskottchen der Spiele sind die Fuwa (, wrtlich Kinder des Glcks), bestehend aus dem Karpfen Bibi (.mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}), dem Groen Panda Jngjng (), der olympischen Fackel Hunhun (), dem Tschiru Yngyng () und der Schwalbe Nini (). Olympiade genannt) wurden vom8. bis zum 24. Haikyu!! Der russischen 4-mal-100-Meter-Staffel wurde daraufhin die Goldmedaille aberkannt. [71], Every year Union College also offers a variety of mini-terms (three-week programs during the winter break or at the beginning of the summer vacation). Featured lists are what we believe to be the best lists on the English Wikipedia. [11] Zustzlich wurde fr den Zeitraum der Olympischen Spiele ein tageweise wechselndes Fahrverbot fr jeweils die Hlfte der in Peking zugelassenen Autos beschlossen. Quinnipiac University defeated Union College, 32, in the ECAC Hockey League Quarter-Finals after 90:22 of overtime. [23], Aus Trauer um die Erdbebenopfer in China wurde der Fackellauf vom 19. bis zum 22. The original building was designed by Walker O. Cain of McKim, Mead and White and built by the Hamilton Construction Company. Disqualifiziert wurde auch die russische 400-Meter-Luferin Tatjana Firowa. This is a list of Chinese athletes who have won at least two gold medals or three medals at the Winter Olympics. Artikel Prsident der Swiss Olympic kritisiert interne Sprachregelungen des IOC fr Journalisten auf medienhandbuch.de, Zugriff am 7. Pyeongchang2018 | Japan first participated at the Olympic Games in 1912, and has competed at almost every Games since then. She also won gold in women's 3m springboard, giving her all three medals in three participations in this event after silver in 2004 and bronze in 2008. Januar 2020) wird aufgrund ihrer Lage im Donautal, gegenber der Mndung der Isar in die Donau und am Fue des Bayerischen Waldes auch als Donaustadt und Tor zum Bayerischen Wald bezeichnet. Age 57 (415) 897-0165. August 2008 wurde die griechische Olympiasiegerin von 2004 im 400-Meter-Hrdenlauf, Fani Chalkia, wegen Dopings durch das IOC von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen. Also ask for email addresses and updated phone numbers, as this information will prove valuable when you need to contact attendees. China won all four golds in table tennis for the third time. As host country, China won 48 golds, 22 silvers and 30 bronze, total 100 medals, ranked 1st at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Jeder der fnf Namen ist so gewhlt, dass er einem plausiblen Namen fr ein Kleinkind entspricht. Griechenland versuchte die Veranstaltung mit einem riesigen Aufgebot schwerbewaffneter Polizisten abzuschirmen. The Hasty Pudding Theatricals, known informally simply as The Pudding, is a theatrical student society at Harvard University, known for its burlesque crossdressing musicals.The Hasty Pudding is the oldest theatrical organization in the United States and the third oldest in the world, behind only the Comdie-Franaise and the Oberammergau Passion Play. Oslo1952| In the 20092010 school year, programs were offered in 22 countries or regions around the world. Sports slogans provide inspiration, identity, and motivation. Both were held in Athens, which along with Paris, Los Angeles, and Tokyo are the cities that have hosted the Olympic Games twice, with London being the only city to have hosted them three times. You will also need to decide if you want a formal or casual style. In der Stadt wurden Grnstreifen angelegt und moderne Hochhaussiedlungen errichtet. Anschlieend erschien David Beckham und kickte einen Ball ins Publikum. Their goal is to make K-Pop global by creating a group with global stars, from several different Asian countries. He became the first ever Chinese athlete to win three gold medals in an individual event, after promoted a gold medal. Founded in 1887 and part of the University of North Carolina system, it is the largest university in the Carolinas. Its motto is Share the Games, Share our Dreams (, ), The upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics marks the third time China hosted the Olympics, and the second time held in Beijing. Auerdem strebten sie an, nach Calgary und Los Angeles die dritte Stadt zu werden, die einen Gewinn durch die Olympischen Spiele macht. In den Wochen vor der Entscheidung ber die Vergabe der Spiele in Moskau gab es viele Veranstaltungen zur Untersttzung der Bewerbung, die durch die Medien verbreitet wurden. Ye Shiwen became the first Chinese female swimmer to win two golds in a single Olympics. Auf dem Bild steht auerdem: WWG1WGA - die Abkrzung des QAnon-Mottos Wo einer von uns hingeht, werden wir gemeinsam hingehen. Moritz/Garmisch-Partenkirchen1940, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Olympische_Sommerspiele_2008&oldid=226882002, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprfte Botmarkierungen 2019-04, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike. Fr die Beschreibung des politischen Umfeldes dieser Bewerber verwendete die IOC-Evaluierungs-Kommission in ihrem Evaluierungsbericht Begriffe, die blicherweise fr die Beschreibung von Regierungs- und Staatsformen verwendet werden. The entire Student Forum includes these officers together with two student trustees and 12 class representatives. It was called "a break through zero" an event that brought great joy to the whole Chinese nation.[2]. [83] The College Panhellenic Council (CPC) is the governing body for member sororities, of which the National Panhellenic Council (NPC) is the parent organization. Greek players won the silver and bronze medals in the singles; a pair of Greek players combined to win the silver in the doubles, nowadays considered a Greek team and therefore a Greek medal. Located on the second floor, the Mandeville Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting the work of nationally recognized contemporary artists and exploring modern issues. Seoul1988| This also makes her the most successful Chinese athlete of all time, with 5 Golds, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze. [18] Attempts to charter the academy as a college with the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York were initially rejected,[14] Entschlieung des Europischen Parlaments zur Kandidatur Pekings fr die Olympischen Spiele 2008, 5. Lausanne2020| Pyeongchang2018| Ihm wurde etwa einen Tag vor der Abreise nach China seine Einreisegenehmigung entzogen. They all look weird to me so personally if I've ever criticised "geaux" it's not some LSU specific thing - here, our sports teams don't tend to have fixed chants and if they have mottos they tend to be lengthy things you don't yell as an identifier. Han Xiaopeng, first male athlete to win Winter Olympics gold medal in freestyle skiing. Cheng Jiulong, Chef des Shanghaier Sicherheitsbros der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua, besttigte: Wir hatten Informationen erhalten, dass eine internationale Terroristengruppe whrend der Spiele wahrscheinlich eine Attacke gegen die Olympia-Sportsttte plante. Auf dieser Information basierend, startete die hiesige Polizei eine Razzia. This is a list of Chinese athletes who have won at least three medals in a single event at Winter Olympics. Chen Lu won consecutive bronze medals in 1994 and 1998, becoming the first Chinese figure skater to medal at the Winter Olympic Games. Liu Guoliang also won two table tennis golds in men's events. Your decorations are determined by the theme you have chosen but should include the year you graduated, your school colors, and your school mascot. He was also the flag bearer in the closing ceremony. Am 10. CortinadAmpezzo1956| The general education program and the requirements of the major are an essential component of this mission. Since Chinese athletes are more likely to compete in more than one event in the sport of diving, gymnastics, table tennis, swimming, and more likely to compete in several Olympic games in the sport of shooting, most multiple medalists listed in the following three tables come from these five sports. Deggendorf ist eine Groe Kreisstadt im niederbayerischen Landkreis Deggendorf.Die Hochschulstadt mit ber 37.000 Einwohnern (Stand: 1. Details. Originally a founding member of the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC), Union today participates in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the Liberty League, ECAC Hockey and the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC). In order for athletes to realize all the benefits of school sport, the Toronto District Secondary Schools Athletic Association (TDSSAA) work diligently to provide a healthy, fun, safe and competitive environment where students can learn the rigor and discipline necessary for success Expand your wardrobe options with long-sleeve shirts, pullovers, tank tops and T-shirts for men from brands like BCG, Nike, MAGELLAN OUTDOORS, Columbia Sportswear and more. Conversely, if you arent interested in sports, it still is a fantastic watch. Abweichend davon bernahm die Kommission fr Peking mit funktionierend fr China (working for China) eine chinesische Selbstbeschreibung des politischen Systems. hnlich offensichtlich war die Botschaft in einem auf Trumps Account geteilten Video mit einem riesige Q ber Trumps Gesicht. [82] A chapter of the co-ed community service oriented fraternity Alpha Phi Omega also exists on campus. China won 32 golds and ranked 2nd at the 2004 Summer Olympics at Athens, Greece. However, the activities we have listed will help your celebrants get to know each other better and are guaranteed to help keep your reunion party exciting. Den Zuschlag des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees (IOC) erhielt Peking am 13. Nachdem die Spiele an Peking vergeben wurden, erklrte am 17. The titles of many lists on this page have been modified for concision. So wrden 300 Dopingproben fehlen und das Ergebnis weiterer 140 seien geschnt worden. [30] Auf Bitten des georgischen Prsidenten Micheil Saakaschwili blieb das Team aber doch in China und nahm weiterhin an den Wettbewerben teil.[31]. [68] The average high school grade point average (GPA) was 3.40. Er wurde bis an den Rand des Stadiondaches gezogen und absolvierte eine Runde auf einer 360-Grad-Projektionswand, die beim Umlauf Li Nings die vorangegangenen Stationen des Fackellaufs zeigte, bevor er das olympische Feuer entzndete. Mrz 2008 appellierten im Vorfeld der Olympischen Spiele 30 namhafte chinesische Intellektuelle an ihre Regierung, den Dialog mit dem Dalai Lama zu suchen und die Menschenrechte in Tibet zu respektieren. Z-Girls Members Profile: Z-Girls Facts Z-Girls is a girl group under the company Divtone Group since their former company (ZMC) was shut down. [48], North and South College: The first college buildings using Rame's plans, the pair were started in 1812 and occupied in 1814. London1948| Die Veranstaltung bestand aus drei Teilen. www.wattpad.com. The nation was not invited to the 1948 Games after World War II, and was part of the American-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.. Japan won its first medals in 1920, and its first gold medals in 1928.Japanese athletes have won 497 medals at the Summer Kein freier Internet-Zugang bei den Olympischen Spielen in Peking. Die Fackellaufroute wurde daraufhin gendert und die vom Erdbeben betroffene Provinz Sichuan erst Anfang August als letzte Station vor Peking besucht.[24]. In the 19th century, it became known as the "Mother of Fraternities",[5] as three of the earliest Greek letter societies were established there. Mrz 2008 (Ostermontag) waren massive Protestaktionen von Exiltibetern und Demonstranten aus vielen anderen Lndern weltweit geplant. 2008 Beijing Olympic swimming finals in the morning looks to be a reality, Journalists to write whatever they like if Beijing holds 2008 Game. A 3-3 Christoval team has put those losses to bed, looking towards district already 1-0, hoping to extend their football season. Chen Ding won gold in men's 20 km walk, becoming the second Chinese male athlete to win Olympic athletics gold medal after Liu Xiang did in 2004. Verste sollen bestraft werden. Stoke Mandeville/New York 1984 | Am Ende des Einmarsches stand die Siegerehrung der Medaillengewinner des Marathonlaufs, der am Vormittag stattgefunden hatte. Mai 2006 getrennt. [97], The Department of Music sponsors lectures, performances, recitals, and workshops by visiting artists at numerous campus venues, including the Taylor Music Center and Memorial Chapel. A class reunion gives one a chance to reconnect with old friends, remember the fun times you had in school, and celebrate with people you may not have seen for years. Western Theme Party Think old John Wayne movies, boots, and cowboy attire for your western themed class reunion. Juli 2001. [27], Union College has had nineteen presidents since its founding in 1795. Los Angeles 2028 | Have themed posters with popular musicians and play music to bring back old memories. [25], Minerva was originally patroness of the arts and crafts,[26] but had over time evolved to become an icon of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. [52], "The Trustees of Union College", a corporate body, has owned the college and been the college's designated legal representative throughout its history. Chinese table tennis team won all four golds for the fourth time. August 2008 hauptschlich in der chinesischen Hauptstadt Peking ausgetragen. [a] Most had been founded in association with British religious denominations devoted to the perpetuation of their respective Christian denominations.,[9] Union College was to be founded with a broader ecumenical basis. Sun Yang won a gold medal in men's 200 m freestyle, becoming the only Chinese male swimmer to have won gold in 2 Olympic games. [85], Die Rechte fr die Fernsehbertragung in Deutschland lagen bei ARD und ZDF. People dont get salty over boomer sooner, woo pig sooie, etc. Auerdem seien Schusswaffen, selbst gefertigte Sprengstze und extremistisches religis-ideologisches Material beschlagnahmt worden. Dong Bin set a new personal best (17.58 meters) in the men's triple jump event and won a bronze medal. An diesen offiziellen Teil schloss sich eine kurze Prsentation des Austragungsort der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2012 in London, an. Japanese athletes have won 497 medals at the Summer Olympic Games (except art competitions), with the most gold medals won in judo, as of the end of 2020 Summer Olympics. [85], Before 2004, in an effort to provide an alternative social environment to that offered by the Greek organizations, the Union College administration began recovering occupancy of the independent fraternity houses. Regardless of whether you play volleyball or not, there is a very high chance of you falling in love with this zestful anime. Die Zahl von 202 teilnehmenden Nationen an den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2004 wurde in Peking bertroffen. IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch presented the gold medal to her after a promise made a year ago at 1991 World Table Tennis Championships.

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