When registering online accounts for personal use, employees should not use their company email address unless it is work-related. After that experience my take is that you need to trust your employees. Managing time spent on social media, or how addicting it can be for some employees, is the hardest part. Do not allow employees to give advice to clients on social media. 2. However, there are certain risks that need to be considered when using social media at work. The answer, as many times in life, is: it depends. There can also be a feeling of detachment from the company if employees are using social media for their own amusement or entertainment outside of work. But, having done that, they need to take the next step, and educate employees on how to use social media most effectively. What are some methods you use to build a personal brand? We asked employers and employees what their companys policy is about using social media during work hours, how they manage it, and why its important to them. What are some good things to do when your child falls asleep in screen time? Out of the 62% of employees who accessed social media during working hours, nearly 83% of them spend significant time browsing Facebook. What is the most common cause of unexplained debts among teens? Others say the risk is just too great. Of course, if you have an employee who isn't completing their work due to social media use, you may need to sit down and have an honest conversation about what you've observed. But if you notice it in your team members or co-workers, suggesting they limit their time perusing the internet may be helpful to them both personally and professionally. . Smart Social - Teaching Students How To Shine Online. 2. Monitor productivity, keep your ear to the ground, you will discover the employees that need warnings about excess social media use. Put down in writing what you deem to be an acceptable use of social media at work and be specific but not draconian. The future of business is a networked future. Should employees be allowed to use social media at work? Bear in mind that, to ensure success with free usage in this area, you will want to consider the different employee engagement options available and the benefits each stands to bring. Yes, employees should be ethically allowed to use social media at work. When used correctly, social media can: Boost employee engagement Give employees the opportunity for a mental break Build stronger team bonding and work relationships 1. You're giving them the freedom to work and take short breaks to scroll through their social media platforms. For me, that means allowing them to check their texts, social media, or other platforms during the workday. The benefit of allowing employees to use their social media during work hours signals that you trust them. Back in the '90s, people wanted to be hired by companies that were cool to work for. What they are not allowed to share (e.g . Allowing your employees to take advantage of social networking also shows you care about them. To view or add a comment, sign in Here are seven reasons social media in the workplace can help employees. Still, a little patience goes a long way. Social media nlrb.gov Why? Employees should be responsible enough to set boundaries on using social media during working hours. In fact, it's just about the most immediate form of communication you can find. Technology and Its Impact On Productivity, The Benefits of A Bring Your Own Device (Byod) Policy In the Workplace, Mobile Technology and Its Impact On Business Operations. Lost productivity A survey from 2012 revealed that widespread social media usage could result in up to 390 wasted working hours a year. The question has no easy answer because there are conflicting views on the matter. This suggests, that if CISOs continue to permit their employees to chat on various unprotected social networks rather than secure ones, these incidents are certain to increase, and likely to happen to about all businesses this coming year. Blocking social media may unleash PR problems. This amounted to lost time and productivity and tons of frustration among employees who couldn't do their jobs without permission. One of the sites that get blocked are blogging sites. Julia McKenna, Founder and CEO, Managerine. If your employees are happy, they are more likely to be productive, friendly and loyal. This is another (free) way to expand your company's reach. For example, Had the opportunity to spend the day procuring products from up and coming local retailers! But times are changing and it's certainly best to keep up rather than scramble to bridge gaps and fill holes. Worse, employees walking into these traps could leave your virus protection software void. Nor is about control, I think, Okezie. Screening job candidates on social media must be done professionally and responsibly. - Posts should not promote or boast about company products or services. Social media use adds very few positives to a work environment, but it can be used in a responsible way to communicate with coworkers and customers. including when an employee is not at work and not using government equipment; (2) reiterates the relevant attorney rules of professional conduct that apply to . As soon as a manager sees a problem arising from an employee's social media use, they need to address it and understand what the root cause of the issue is. Agency business use of social media, including professional networking, should further WSDOT's mission and values. All rights reserved. Whether you're handling a corporate account or using one of your own, you should remain productive and avoid damaging our . . Supervisors can warn and then monitor the few employees that fall in that category. Employers should limit the time and energy they spend on stopping employees from using social media in the workplace. Here are nine considerations when deciding if you should monitor employees' social media: Create Comprehensive Policies. The following is an outline of how we at [ name of company] expect you to use social media while you are an employee of ours. Social media can be addicting and time consuming. You want your employees to know what other companies are doing and to be in touch with the heartbeat of your market. Increased morale/engagement It's no wonder then that many CEOs are taking note of the . Think before you post Other than that it needs to be understood that social media is a part of life, 24/7. Pros of social media in the workplace 1. Consider the 2013 incident when a photo of a young Taco Bell employee licking a stack of taco shells ended up on the company's Facebook page. Using social media during work hours can really help employees to stay productive and help them have short breaks during stressful work. Pros to an employee using social media during work hours: It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks throughout the day can make employees more productive. How do you improve communication at work through technology? Rather, let your employee know that they need to get their work done and offer to support them as they develop better working habits. Allowing employees to use social media during work hours can increase productivity, provide helpful breaks, sometimes help inspire, but occasionally, it comes at a cost. This is up 81% and 60% from last year, respectively. This debate is rife with what ifs and maybes, making it difficult to know whether a no-tolerance policy is best. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. Upvote (1) Downvote Reply ( 0) Report Both public and private posts should be kept confidential, and employees should not be allowed to post without first getting permission from their supervisor. Employees should be encouraged to be a part of social media activity. We've seen it from every level of business and government. It helps them feel more relaxed and improves their abilities to take responsibility for their actions. break times). However, I don't think there should be a blanket policy of no social media use due to one bad egg. However, I believe that with moderation, it can be a useful tool that will help us keep our energy throughout the day. Social media use at work enhances employee's ability as they gain more knowledge and increase their work-related capabilities. Many of these apps even allow you to celebrate employees successes on a social timeline, making them feel valued. But taking five minutes to cool off by looking at social media after receiving another nagging e-mail from Barb is not going to hurt. With the above in mind, its easy to see that this isnt a cut and dry issue. According to their research, here's why employees use social media in the workplace: 34% to take a mental break from their job. I value corporate social responsibility a lot and I try to engage my employees in all kinds of activities. By comparison, platforms created with employee recognition and relationships in mind provide open social spaces that everyone can access and enjoy without falling down the social pit youre afraid of. Today's consumers and society eat that up. - Reduced risk of harassment or discrimination: Banning social media use can help curtail the potential for sexual harassment in the workplace. One of the fastest means of communication today is social networking. Flame wars, whether propagated by the company or by its employees, never result in positive public opinion. You want your company to network. What is the relationship between cyberbullying and mental health? Social networking facilitates collaboration internally, but it also lets users collaborate with the entire world. I would highly recommend allowing social networking in your company -- even if only experimentally. Social media in the workplace: Research roundup journalistsresource.org This can damage employee morale like little else and may see your workplace flatter than a pancake in no time. Companies should actively encourage the use of social media on company time. Privacy Policy. That does not mean you must cater to every whim and folly of your employees. 2. However, I noticed a rather low enthusiasm for charity events and volunteering opportunities. Social media use adds very few positives to a work environment, but it can be used in a responsible way to communicate with coworkers and customers. That's a daunting task.Imagine blocking Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr - but then Ins. When employees' mental health is negatively affected by what they read on social media. Light, Bright and Polite is a registered trademark of Joshua Ochs. Moral and employee engagement - Allowing the employees to use social networking at work will raise productivity and potentially boost workplace motivation for a variety of purposes: Shows that you trust them (boosting morality and happiness), Taking short breaks throughout the day will increase mood (and productivity), Communicating with loved ones raises their joy. How to let your employees use social media at work without losing their focus October 7, 2014 - 4:10 pm. The question has no easy answer because there are . Social networking can actually help you in the long run, and I want to try to open your eyes to this fact. Let's find out more about Building An Effective Personal Brand. What do you think are the main reasons why technology affects productivity? ). Employees should use social media during work hours if it is directly connected to one or more of their duties. The NLRB and Social Media nlrb.gov Many experts have conducted studies to learn more about the benefits that can be achieved by using social media during working hours, such as boosting the productivity of workers who take a. Let's find out more about Technology and Its Impact On Productivity. Let's find out more about Cyberbullying and Its Effects On Teenagers. The consensus seems to be that social media is part of everyones work day. Let's find out more about Should Companies Allow Employees To Use Social Media During Work Hours?. And although you might not think so, this can quickly snowball into a PR nightmare, especially as more and more young employees -- who depend upon social networking -- join the workforce. Blocking social media access is a costly exercise that simply doesn't work. I like to use a productivity-boosting technique called the Pomodoro technique which is to take small 5-minute breaks after an hour of work. And when the employees actually enjoyed working for a company, they did their best work. One of the reasons employers choose to block social media access employees have at work is to limit distraction. Social Media for Employee Communication queens.edu Just like that, your employees should feel happier and more appreciated to boot, with a much less restrictive social platform policy behind them. Social media gives people an escape into the digital world. Advantages Of Using Social Media In The Workplace 1. Answered over 90d ago. Pro to allowing social media use during work hours: It may be not obvious and not known by many employers, but allowing employees to use social media during work hours can help them positively. In a traditional work environment, we're too attached to the idea of if you are paying someone hourly, you want them working, or at least pretending to work, for that full hour even if the employee is less productive working that way than working in their own fashion. When I approached some employees, they said social media is their primary source of community activities and also a medium for connecting with co-workers. 1. This policy applies to all associates who work for [Employer], or one of its subsidiary companies in the United States ( [Employer]). With those cons in mind, you may be wondering why you would ever waiver on your social media policy. Do not include information that could be harmful or disruptive to others working in the office. As well as connecting members of different teams, integrations like these allow you to share company updates and more from one secure place. Thats sure to help your companys bottom line in the long-run, and it neednt cost you a penny. Reputational damage Arguments for allowing the use of social media at work: Company gets more social mentions Employees get to network Increases their personal brand Increases the company brand in return Knowledge can be shared and answers found Deeper social penetration for PR and news depending on companies social reach (Brand plus all employee accounts) Do not allow employees to post content that could easily be viewed as obscene, threatening, intimidating, harassing or bullying. Back in the '90s, people wanted to be hired by companies that were cool to work for. One study found that employee productivity increased by at least 9% when they were permitted to browse social media at their leisure. There are distinct advantages to allowing and even encouraging employees to use social media sites while at work. After this, I allowed moderate usage of social media at work and I could almost instantly see the results. Like most things, there are pros and cons to this. Another benefit to employees' social media use at work is that they may post positive comments about their work experience, help promote the values of the organization, or share meaningful articles which can contribute to a strong employer brand and attract good online exposure for the company. 5 Pros of Social Media in the Workplace 1. Furthermore, even if you block social media platforms on your network, they can still use their smartphones to access the websites so there's no point in blocking them. How about socializing at work on a face-to-face basis and leave the rest to either lunch-time or home time. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating social media policies: Use of social media by employees at work can be a source of distraction and irritation. Social media is like a black hole that sucks you in and spits you back out hours later, with no idea how your precious time just flew by in the blink of an eye. Still, redefining what your ban entails is guaranteed to be useful for helping employees thrive in the modern market. First, it needs to address how employees use social media for their personal, non-company use. Employer has a responsibility to establish and communicate clear policies that prohibit employees from using personal social media (e.g. They would read bad, sensationalist news all the time and I could tell this affected everyone. This includes but is not limited to during non-work hours. In fact, 82% of employees believe that social websites could improve working relationships. I get it You're completely convinced that allowing your employees to get on Facebook and Twitter would pull the rug out from under your bottom line. 50% of employees already post about their company online. In each of these scenarios, social media is a tool that is being used to facilitate a poor behavior. For example, lack of engagement, lack of training, poor time management, employee relation tensions, etc.. You can get this with your employees on social networking sites. Cloudflare Ray ID: 764bc1f5ed8ebad0 Use dedicated social platforms to increase employee engagement It's important to have a social media policy that shows the balance needed to use social media throughout the work day. The moral of the story is: don't blame Facebook. For more info on this, read the book Traction. However, the CEO is worried that employees might use social media for non-work purposes. Several issues can come up, and lead to disciplinary action no matter your privacy settings. Since we werent in the office anymore, I couldnt really limit the usage of social networks, but I noticed a negative impact they had on everyones performance. Case Overview This case discusses the controversy over whether employees should be allowed to use Facebook at work. If you want to monitor an employee's online presence, you can use Google Analytics or other software to do so. Personal use of social media like listening to music or watching videos during breaks can help make work more enjoyable and less stressful. Morale and employee engagement Allowing your staff to use social media at work can boost morale and actually improve employee engagement for a number of reasons It shows that you trust them (boosting morale and happiness). Additionally, it may be difficult to track employee performance against specific goals or KPIs, making it difficult to identify results. These days, we suggest that companies first start internally by setting KPIs (key performance indicators) for each employee, department and the company. - Use company-issued phones only for communicating with others at work and for sending out notices and updates about the company. Social media at the office can be a boost for quick connectivity, which improves productivity in ensuring smooth business results. Social media has become an immense medium of contact. To assist you in making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media. Social media can help connect professionals with colleagues in the same industry. 1. Monitor the Developments of Social Media. - Reduced risk of bias: Banning social media use can help reduce any potential bias that may exist among employees participating in online discussion. We have made a list of pros and cons of using social media in the workplace. Allowing them to use it on a daily basis now will ensure that they're social media savvy, without the need for training. Most studies indicate that internet usage hurts productivity in the workplace. What company information they can share (e.g. Introducing social media at workplace is rather a questionable decision as it strongly depends on the way you implement it. Employees can easily. 3. For example, social media can be used for promotional purposes, which could lead to premature job loss or other negative consequences. Make sure policies are enforced consistently. Social media could be a great way to connect with employees and keep them informed about company happenings. Only 20 percent use social networks to get information that actually helps them at work. When I've been stuck on an idea, I call out to my followers on Twitter or Facebook to get a deluge of answers. Limit Distractions at Work . It is important you read this thoroughly and sign to say you have understood and accept the terms outlined. You can refer to before allowing your employees to use it. Second, it should consider how it and its employees use social media for the company's business objectives. Communication -- whether it's internal or external -- is key to business success. The Process of Tracking Employees' Social Media Activity. Such a set of rules ensures that the demands of an employer are clear, and workers understand their limitations when it comes to the Internet and social media usage. However, the conflicting views can be resolved if we focus on the individuals with whom an employee interacts through social media. Personal Use of social media in an employee's private life Most experts say personal use of social media on company time shouldn't be prohibited, but employees should be encouraged to limit it in the same way they restrict their personal telephone calls or Internet use. 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