Links and References. Caitlin later shared the news of Hunter's sickness with Barry , saying that he was affected by Zoom stealing his speed at a cellular levels, and therefore they could replace his dying cells with healthy, identical ones; for that, they needed his Earth One doppelgnger. Hunter later ran by Barry's house to entice him to chase after him. By . She quickly realized that Diaz was far worse than Zoom ever was because she believes "he is not even human inside", unlike Hunter who was actually capable of loving someone; albeit in a very twisted and deranged manner. The man that was on Earth 1 helping Barry is Jay Garrick from Earth . Everything is going fine until Caitlin digs into Hunter's health and realizes he's dying, then digs into Jay Garrick's Earth-1 doppelgnger to realize he doesn't exist. Out of concern Barry tried to leave to warn Earth One Linda about Earth Two Linda but repeatedly walked right into walls, as Hunter told Barry he was to stay put until his sight returned and he and Caitlin left to warn Linda. Biography His father was a serial killer, and when his mother told the police, Hunter's father had killed her. However, both Barry and Caitlin couldn't find a Jay Garrick in this reality, to their puzzlement; he then suggested her to just ask Hunter about it. Hunter was the son of James Zolomon and Ashley Zolomon. Spoilers ahead for both Rebirth and Pre52 content. Utilizing that information, they set up trap for Rupture, using the Flash hologram to distract him and then depowering him with the Boot. History Hunter Zolomon had a troubled relationship with his parents, who rarely spoke to each other or to him. Hunter regained consciousness and arrived at Central City Picture News too late to save Lindas boss, Eric Larkin, but the very sight of Hunter made the Earth Two Linda too scared to murder Earth One Linda and fled. Confronting the captive speedster, Zoom sadistically reminded him not to make promises he couldn't keep. Shaine Jones He and Thawne then disappeared through time. The time remnant was then sent to Earth One, to explain Hunter's disappearance with the "nap" and assist Caitlin with closing the breach. His arch nemesis is Zoom, a monster speedster from his world. This means that Zoom's actions partially created Cicada. Labs. He informed Wally that all of the forgotten speedsters are lost in the Speed Force and that the only way to save them was to destroy it. General Information James Zolomon is a veteran soldier of the War of the Americas and the father of the late Hunter Zolomon. He was also expressed a desire for the two of them to live together, much to Caitlin's chagrin. Before heading off to college, he discovered his father's "extracurricular activities" following a shootout with the police, and. After some effort Cisco used his powers of astral projection to find Dr. Light at the train station. Wally rushed to catch up, but he was a step or two behind. When Hunter was finally arrested he was convicted on 23 counts of murder and sent to the Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Affiliation In Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge he freed Inertia from his paralysis, inflicted previously by Wally West, hoping to make him his apprentice as a new Kid Flash, teaching how to "improve" his own life and the ones of others by inflicting great tragedies. Hunter Zolomon was a meta-human speedster from Earth Two. Gender The Flash Vol 5 #81(December, 2019). On the day Hunter was to leave for college, his father was revealed to be a serial killer who had murdered six young girls and his mother before being gunned down by the police after refusing to surrender. Hunter then realizeed that Thawne had been right all along and that the Flashes did not deserve to become better heroes. However, Cicada's killing count is bigger and was just growing. Bellowing in agony, Zoom temporarily collapsed on the floor before recovering in mere seconds and raced away. He worked toward a career in the FBI, but a single misjudgment led to the death of his father-in-law, his wife leaving him, a bad knee, and his discharge from the bureau. Zoom was temporarily stunned by Wells but made it through the breach in time to kill his time remnant. However, Barry told Hunter of his previous mentor, a man he idolized, who taught him how to get faster and stronger but was also the man who murdered his mother. During this time Hunter tends to be more wild, impulsive, and far less tactical than he usually was, and acts in a deranged manner more akin to that of a feral animal. WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu . Though he had all he could want, the young prince was arrogant and selfish. The Speed Force continued sending the Black Flash after the Reverse-Flash ever since he and Barry Allen returned to 2389 following the erasing of Flashpoint, to a worl where Eobard Thawne wasn't supposed to exist and therefore was a paradoxical threat. This cruel act lead to Hunter becoming even more deranged as his father.[2]. Some question if he was still human, and Harry says he might be. The Flash Vol 5 #44(June, 2018) Hunter Zolomon. However, the death of his father-in-law, Hunter was fired and became estranged with . Barry reminded Hunter that he broke the Force barrier by using him and Wally, so they also must find a way to repair the barrier in order to return and solve the mystery of Thawne's involvement. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. However, Zoom also brought Sand Demon over with the same offer he made Atom-Smasher, to kill the Flash and he'd return him home and Sand Demon agreed. The resulting explosion destroyed the museum and shifted Hunter's connection to time. This was Hunter's final point to prove to Barry, and based on the latter's rage, grief, and desire to kill him equaling that of his desire to kill Eobard at the time of his capture a year earlier, it appeared that he succeeded when Barry could go through with it, but is left for the Wraiths instead, thus underestimating Barry's heroic nature. Rupture failed but when he said would find him and get justice, Zoom told him to wait for now as he needed him to set an example and ordered him to go to Jitters and kill the police. Home universe Home universe Due to a car accident, Ashley was hospitalized for some time. At the station Flash asked Hunter for advice but he was unsure of how to beat Light until Dr. Wells told him how to create speed mirages, but he initially was unsuccessful. He is an enemy of the Flash Family, especially the third Flash, Wally West. Arrowverse. After refusing to give up, his father was killed by the police. Zoom gathers his meta-human allies on Earth One. After Sand Demon abducted Patty Spivot, Barry was finally forced to listen to Hunter and release him, and he told them Sand Demon's methods of attack; causing a diversion then attacking while the target is distracted. Aliases. The Hunter Zolomon of the current timeline then threatened to shoot his future self, to which Clariss told him he'd never be able to hit him. Following the S.T.A.R. He was not de-aged and retained all of his pre-Flashpoint memories, despite now existing in the post-Flashpoint timeline. . During Barry's second attempt to get the Trickster and Weather Wizard, Hunter helped Wells and Cisco remove all the bombs he hid within children's presents across the city, using one of the breaches and pulling them all in. Having gotten tired of being the villain, Hunter decided to become "the hero" after capturing Jay Garrick, the Flash of Earth-3, masquerading as "Jay" to gain Barry Allen's trust. He appeared to suffer from some degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as witnessed during his fight with the Flash who used cardboard cutouts of his parents, which triggered invasive memories of his childhood trauma. Wells thanked Hunter for saving his life but Hunter, other than saying he would never take the drug again, retorted that he could thank him by keeping Velocity 6 away from Barry. As one of his first acts of violence, he tricked 15 members of the Central City SCIS Department on Earth Two into a trap to demonstrate his power and how he couldn't be stopped. Hunter Zolomon started his life as the son of a serial killer. Hunter falsely fighting crime as The Flash. When the Trickster made a citywide broadcast to Barry challenging him Hunter noticed a reflection in his eye, and noted it was a stuffed children's toy and narrowed down that Trickster was in an abandoned toy factory. Labs particle accelerator explosion, Hunter was affected during electroshock therapy by the dark matter emitted, giving him superhuman speed and various other abilities derived from it. We're introduced to Jay Garrick as The Flash of Earth-2. Quickly spiriting his estranged wife Ashley out of danger to the home of Linda Park, Zoom returned to the battlefront to dispatch Captain Cold, claiming that the "Man Who Mastered Absolute Zero" was wasting the Flash's time with his longstanding, self-aggrandizing methods of villainy. Status [3] After the two Flashes ran fast enough to enter the Speed Force, it was revealed that Hunter's plan was actually to have the two destroy the Force Wall, which held back various energies. The Flash is gonna want to hear about this.". So he took the man prisoner and put a mask on that prevented talking. Zoom viciously murdered all but one officer so that he could live and tell the tale. The Speed Force representative told Barry of what he had to do to save Wally and gave him a final ultimatum, whereupon the Black Flash began draining Barry's life-force. The Kidnapping One night, Hunter was taken captive by Gorilla Grodd because of unfinished business with Zoom in 2016. Sometime before 2432, Zoom's suit and speed-dampening mask were displayed within the Hall of Villains in the Flash Museum along with other memorabilia from past villains that Team Flash had fought and defeated. Endeavoring to save Wally West, Barry Allen had entered the Speed Force to rescue him. In order to neutralize its threat, Eobard imprisoned Black Flash in a hidden cell located in the cortex of the new reality's S.T.A.R. Hunter has been confirmed to be Hunter Zolomon, the DC Comics supervillain known as Zoom. Hunter instills tremendous terror as Zoom in everyone he encounters, such as both versions of Linda Park and Al Rothstein. At some point, Hunter joined the F.B.I. One night, during Halloween, he met Michael Myers from Halloween Ends near the Sewers while trick . Briefly chatting to this stranger, Hunter introduced himself and reflected on his life. Hunter claimed he was a scientist with a significant solo operation specializing in chemistry and physics and began working on a way to purify heavy water without residual radiation. Status Sorting Options (currently: Highest Rated) Auto Load. terminated his employment. Zoom kills Killer Frost to protect Caitlin. James became angry and shouted about how he was hero for the sacrifices he had done for her and his country. The primary antagonist of Season 2 of The Flash was Zoom, reimagined as a monstrously masked speedster forced to draw off the energy from other speedsters' connection to the Speed Force to survive. He was also willing to do anything to achieve his goals, as he killed many people to find a cure and his own time remnant agreed to die to ensure their goals when Team Flash was planning to close the breach. Zoom's actions in killing Henry resulted in Barry creating the Flashpoint timeline to not live with the pain of losing both his parents. Hunter begun teaching Barry but after an hour Barry had no luck in hitting his target and Barry believed he couldn't do it, though Hunter insisted that he could. Call us now: (+94) 112 574 798. After the timeline was restored, Zolomon chased down a future version of Eobard who had travelled to 1916 to ensure the Legends wouldn't stop him from altering reality with the Spear of Destiny, and killed him, also erasing all of his time remnants he had created and restoring his non existence. His plan worked, and the Black Flash was also banished to the Forever Force. Professor Stein was able to confirm the location of the largest breach from the singularity beneath S.T.A.R. However, Zoom was able to quickly make a portal in order to escape to Earth Two. After kidnapping Wally West in exchange for Barry's speed and letting go, he was smug and confident, even after Harry threatened him he showed no concern or worry for his safety, instead he just smirked at Harry smugly. Having gotten tired of being the villain, Hunter decided to become "the hero" as Jay Garrick/The Flash, stylized as the Crimson Comet, borrowing the name from the speedster he found on another Earth and kept as prisoner. Returning to Earth Two, Zoom taunted Jesse of her father's disappearance. Hunter agreed to this, but tried to convince Barry that if Zoom had already sent Atom-Smasher, he would send others. Harry would learn from his battles with Zoom and how he was willing to kill him to save Jesse. As noted by Harry Wells, he's set a mission of eradicating anything else with super speed, enthralling or intimidating meta-humans. Hunter however insisted Barry could do it, stating he was a better speedster and hero than he ever was, and with this inspiration Barry was able to beat Light. Hunter Zolomon had a troubled relationship with his parents who rarely spoke to each other or to him. However, at the same time, Zolomon secretly became known as Jay Garrick, a name taken from another speedster . As they talked Hunter and Caitlin playfully flirted with each other, Hunter sarcastically asking what Christmas is with Caitlin giving a very awkward and broad explanation only for Hunter to admit there was Christmas on Earth-2. Derisively mocking Wells for believing Barry stood a chance of defeating him, Zoom stabbed Barry with one of his claws before bidding him farewell. However, Hunter soon found himself being relentlessly pursued by Time Wraiths, monstrous beings devoted to punishing speedsters who misuse their time-travel powers. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Secret Society of Super-Villains members" category. This also displayed Hunter's taste for dark humor and irony when sadistically pushing his enemies over the edge, psychologically speaking. Hunter watches his father brutally gun down his mother in coldblood. In a fit of rage and grief, Barry viciously attacked Hunter who gleefully cheered him on, daring Barry to kill him. He even went so far as to kill Rupture after the latter failed his mission and got captured despite obeying his orders. Hunter tells Barry that he's different from Barry's previous mentor. However, when he arrived, it appeared that Barry had died. View, comment, download and edit hunter zolomon Minecraft skins. At the last minute, he realized what Barry's advice meant and put on a final burst of speed, pushing himself, and hitting Zoom in the back. Alter Egos. "Jay" did admit that Zoom scared him and he did not confront him as often as he could. Hunter Zolomon held Jay captive in a failed attempt to harness his speed before becoming inspired to take up his persona and falsely operate as the Flash of Earth-2; even . While on Earth-1, Jay shows Caitlin his doppelgnger, Hunter Zolomon, a. Zoom consented and brought Jesse over, allowing Wells to see and talk to her briefly before super speeding her away again. James Zolomon is a veteran soldier of the War of the Americas and the father of the late Hunter Zolomon. Caitlin would still at times refer to Zoom as Jay instead of Hunter. Hunter Zolomon He's fueled by tragedy, he doesn't have the powers of the speed force and his intentions are noble. $55.00. Having no time to look for the fragment, the Reverse-Flash fled before the Black Flash showed up. However, none were as bad as Savitar. After that officer relayed the story, Zoom returned to his home that night and killed him as well. According to Abra Kadabra's future, Zoom is regarded as one of the Flash's greatest enemies alongside Reverse-Flash and the Thinker. Once arriving there, he demonstrated his immense speed by snapping the neck of the camera man and every SCIS officers in the vicinity in mere seconds, only sparing Joe and Captain Singh due to his affection for Caitlin. The Black Flash blindly charged in and searched the entire bank but could not lock onto Eobard since he was repressing his use of Speed Force and was thus unseen to Black Flash, although the spectral speedster could still sense his target was still in the bank. Ashley Zolomon (wife)Unnamed (father-in-law; deceased) Hunter Zolomon, also known as Professor Zoom or simply known as Zoom, is a major antagonist in DC Comics. Labs with Barry to confront Harry and the team. Zolomon's ex-wife, Ashley Zolomon, replaced him as profiler and spent a lot of time attempting to communicate with him. Taking a camera, he told everyone watching that there was no Flash, just a hologram and that nothing can save them now from him taking over the city. When she asks why he needs her, he gets a flashback of his mother's death and everything that followed and states he needs her because he doesn't want to be alone ever again. When Zoom finally arrived to enact the ambush, he was enraged to find Reverb and Deathstorm pummeling the an unconscious Flash repeatedly against his direct orders that any speedsters found were not to be harmed. When Cisco opened a breach once again, Zoom made his way over. Knowing that Barry's Speed Force held the answer to curing himself, Hunter plotted to steal it. Following this, he escaped and began acting as a supervillain known as Zoom, stylized as the Speed Demon. In the creation of the new multiverse, Zolomon's history was re-written, where he was apparently from Earth-Prime instead and marched on Central City with his meta-human army. Zoom thanks Killer Frost for leading Team Flash to him. Years after witnessing his father murder his mother when he was a child, Hunter became a serial killer. Universe Information When she questioned if his plan was to kill everyone, Hunter said not everyone as he wants to spare Caitlin due to his love for her. Black Flash. Source He raced to where this was occurring and watched as a breach was being opened, but was disappointed when Cisco abruptly stopped. Earth and his Team her away again was killed by his father was a profiler a cure throughout the labs. Of Caitlin, letting roam around his lair and sealed Flash in the future Absence '' of James Zolomon is a weakness, Steadfast wife left him and he a With Wally Hunter attended Joe and Iris ' Christmas party with everyone else he! Of his plan for invasion Zoom brought Rupture over in response, called him a instead Live together, much like the Original multiverse he was perfectly willing to kill after Making Zoom indirectly responsible for the existence of meta-humans, Flash arrived at S.T.A.R that if tried. 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