I donated $20.00 for to receive the audio version of the Torah, but that was by choice. However, the Messiah did not say My name contains My Fathers name or My Fathers name must appear inside My name or any such statement. We know this to be true as we were also asked to pay for the shipping but we did not! We are to love one another no love here. Shalom Denise, In light of the recent information regarding the owners of the HalleluYah Scriptures the F.O.Y. MySword is a free offline Bible study tool for Android. I received my copy completely free and very quickly! TikTok video from D'Angelo (@theangelofaugust): "#stephendarby #stephendarbyministries #yah #halleluyah #yahuah #yahusha #yeshua #yaheweh #god #jesus #bible #church #praiseyah #preaching #hebrew #scriptures #apttmh #ruachhakodesh #holyspirit #pastor #truth #fakelove #lovenottheworld #cepher". Tehillim/Psalm 86v15 It is with much rejoicing that we are reaching so many people, families and organizations in many countries throughout the world with the Word of YHWH, the HalleluYAH Scriptures, and a varied number of other [], Therefore, if anyone is in Mashia, he is a renewed creature the old have passed away, see, all have become renewed! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES at Amazon.com. There is a required donation if you would like a different edition such as the waterproof, large print, parallel edition, artificial leather etc. Nevertheless, the attempt was made! The Almighty's and Messiah's Name in Paleo Hebrew. Indeed, there can be no greater joy than to see the faces of those who have received the most precious gift of all: the gift of Life and Light, [], Therefore thus said YHWH, You have not obeyed Me in proclaiming release, each one to his brother and each one to his neighbour. Free Bibles for the poor. Even though we write this with a very heavy heart the truth must be known. Very sad to hear about HS ordeal. Therefore the reasons why the F.O.Y. That was the impression we were given. (The picture shows "The Book of Hanok eBook", but you will look for the icon "Halleluyah-Scriptures-eBook.zip".) The Scriptures 2009 is now available for Android devices. We here at the F.O.Y. Comments welcomed. Bless you and your What started out as being an extraordinary and exceptional vision sadly has turned into a great wickedness full of corruption, fraud and lies! We wish to personally thank all those who knew and worked with Dr. Chris Koster on the translation and have confirmed his vision is from the Father. Elazar instead of Lazarus, Kepha instead of Paul, Shimon instead of Simon, Shelomoh and Mosheh instead of Solomon and Moses (if you personally respect the people of Scriptures, does it not then make sense to properly pronounce their names? Thankful With YHWHs Word Zambia, Uganda, Liberia, Grenada & Germany. Could it get worst? We truly are so grateful and thankful for your prayers, fasting and support over the years and your lovely and uplifting messages have carried us through some very hard times [], But You, O YHWH, are a compassionate l and showing favour, patient and great in kindness and truth. All of us have been told that they are not affiliate with any other website or ministry: This is clearly not being truthful as we have found out that HalleluYah Scriptures, Messianic Hall of Shame and 2besaved.com and possibly the Vain Traditions websites are all indeed partners if not run by the same people going by different names! You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

. Time and time again we had to inform others that we are not with the HalleluYah Scriptures. ministry. Spanish Edition Has Arrived Order Now HalleluYah! Click the button below, Click here to view on YouTube Pronouncing the Hebrew Words. WITH LOVE! Thank you for the generous thought. May YaHuWaH have compassion on them and grant them all true repentance. Now they have fancy items that theyre using to get more money. The best way to research is when you do not know about a particular topic, write it down, and check multiple sources. This is when we started to have our suspicions but there was no real proof for us. I got a copy of Vain Traditions and I read through it with several markers and color pencils. Neighbors App Real-Time Crime & Safety Alerts Amazon Subscription Boxes Top subscription boxes - right to your door: PillPack Pharmacy Simplified: Amazon Renewed If they just could have put the English pronunciation next to the Hebrew names in the text it would have made a world of difference, but they could not do that!!!!!!!!!! Five books could be printed with plenty of money leftover to ship media mail! I also tried donating 5 and 10 dollars and it said the donation amount wasnt enough LOL then its not a donation if its a set amount so its a scam unfortunately. The Message is a reading Bible translated from the original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures by scholar, pastor, author, and poet Eugene Peterson. If you want one bookmark please kindly send a aself-addressed-envelope with a note saying what you would like sent (e.g. If He came in His Fathers Name, then Yah is either Yah or its Yahu. I do appreciate F.O.Y. Yet others claim they never did get a copy! Most might not know, but at the start of this YOUTUBE channel, I was uploading bible content as well as Firestick tutorials. It is a stand alone ministry supported by believers worldwide who call on the Name of and His Mashiach, HalleluYah Scriptures is not and has never been a 501C3, Subscribetoday to get notified on new updates, Donate to help us. 3. As to the pronunciation of the Name Yahuah: I personally believe the Name was pronounced as Yahweh. It is another tool for the adversary to cause dissension in the ranks, so to speak. I prefer the ISRV for four reasons: 1)I believe it is as close a translation in modern English as you can find period if you cannot read Scriptures in the original languages; 2) the fact is, for a number a good, logical, cogent, legitimate reasons, a perfect translation of especially the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament)does not exist; 3)not only have they removed the substitutions of the Kodesh Names, they have removed the secular, Latinic replacements of many other names, e.g. The Bible is composed of 66 books penned by 40+ people over 2,000 years. There are free bibles in every hotel room, and passed out at fairs. If you are truly seeking the truth and are being led by the Ruach haKodesh, it doesnt matter what version you use. All the names restored to it's original Hebrew pronunciation and most of pagan terms replaced. We offer these on a donation basis only but have to cover costs . What Is a Satire Essay Anyway? Perhaps HS should just be frank, say 1 book =$_ _ .00. PDF style instructions are at the bottom of the page with the E-Bible. This should create a sense of awakening to choose very carefully about what we feed our spirits and our minds. After a lot of research I have come to the conclusion that Yahshua is not the Messiahs name. Replacing all the pagan words we find in all our modern day bibles. Word of Yah Ministries - Team Member Bridget Dorsey. It was worked [], You who love YHWH, hate evil! I mean, after all, the HS isnt free to make! website: The HalleluYah Scriptures are also a domestic non-profit corporation. Could it get worst? We have been asked a number of times to produce a helpful video to explain the pronunciation of some of the words in the glossary of the HalleluYah Scriptures. Thank you so very much for this information and for sending the DVDs as I will make copies to give to othersas soon as I am able I will support your ministry as I feel it is very important and much needed (I do not have employment at this time). We told Mr. Weiss that these were to be FREE and we will not pay for the shipping! After we linked the H.S. It is of high quality and are printed on premium card. Gotorah. I never dreamed of getting a free bible, so I went to Amazon and put in HalleluYah Scriptures it did not have it, but took me to The Scriptures by Institute for Scripture Research and I order that instead. Great asset for studying the early genealogies! Investing in His Word for His people is better than any other investment and you will be leaving a legacy that will be everlasting and have the ability to save lives. Offering Restored Name Scriptures. Since the Bible was penned by these people over several thousands of years, some skeptics cast suspicions that it was not integrated or true. Add to that its just a plaguerization of the scriptures u ordered it makes no difference. They have send me more than 100 FREE copies, as well as many other free resources. More screen shots from their website continue to show their required donations: The original plan was that these Scriptures were to be FREE to all! The very website we were falsely being accused ofin being partners with also began to attack us! Now look on the "Desktop" for an icon named "Halleluyah- Scriptures-eBook.zip". Brothers and Sisters, let the truth be known, if one is obligated to make a required donation of any price ($10.00; $20,00; $30.00; $50.00; even $500) then they are not really receiving anything for free, now are they? HalleluYah. Next we wanted to make sure they were indeed FREE! So far so good.but now i wanted to order the Hebrew parallel ones and noticed that donation is required. We celebrate Rosh Hashanah or the "Head of the Year," and the numeric designation changes, just as it did a few months ago from 5781 to 5782. A lot of people always ask us where to start if they want to gain more understanding of the world that's been hidden to them. 1 review. http://isr-giveaway.followersofyah.com/details/. No, you didnt make a mistake. To our surprise and possibly yours, the HalleluYah Scriptures is not as though they appear. website are the same PEOPLE! ministry!. I distribute the HS in South Africa to those in need. Fill out our Contact form to Request cards. Worrying about which particular version is BEST is a nonsensical distraction. To learn about Yeshua vs Yahshua vs Yehoshua vs Yahushua vs Yahusha (ect) please view the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcDOmOOQTtA. It is the goal of this website to illustrate highlight and emphasize points that are not mainly seen throughout mainstream opinion, all with a complete biblical perspective. lets not divide over the choices we make!!!. Hallelu Yah!!! For these reasons the F.O.Y. 0 reviews. Shalom Brother Paul, See, I am proclaiming release to you, declares YHWH, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the scarcity of food! Therefore they expect donations to also be in the same ballpark range as their competitors: Yet from the, http://halleluyahscripturesreview.com/disclosure-documents/ website they state that each copy only cost 3.23. All praise to Yahshua! The Scriptures, or the Ketubim haKodash (the Set-apart Writings), is composed of the Brit Rishon (the First Covenant) and the Brit Chadasha (the Renewed Covenant). The "HalleluYah Scriptures" of the Sacred Name Cult (Exposed)Meet Grace Bride at https://twitter.com/GraceBride1https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7HyoP2pvs. Since we were promoting the website in question, we feel the need to also inform each of you why we will no longer be able to promote the website. 3. I talked with Shalom a few months ago and asked about their study program and if they had any Torah Studies available. Seems every now and then life will throw us a curve ball! It is and will from now on be the only version I use. There is a very small area which has the pronunciation of seven Hebrew letters none of which are in the Name of God. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.Yohanan/John 14:21 HalleluYah, after ten years of research, translation and formatting this special edition has been completed. We are a free Ministry and we are here to serve Yahuwah and His Sheep, the Lost Sheep and the Found Sheep. I have donated and received ISRS The Scriptures and Halleluyah Scriptures. Many people have not received their copy (s). We do know firsthand how many of our orders never show up, get damaged even destroyed in the mail rooms, thefts arise and so forth. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Where can I get a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures in Malaysia ? For most Jewish people, the first day of Tishri on the Biblical calendar is "The Jewish New Year.". As far as the pronunciation of ANY name in Hebrew, we should remember that SPOKEN Hebrew was a LOST language until it was revived by Eliezer ben-Yehuda, an Ashkenazi Jew, around the turn of the last century. This ministry is all about preparing the world for the return of our Messiah and deterring hearts away from the false Messiah that is preparing to be revealed. people. "For Elohim so love the world that He gave His only brought-forth Son, so that everyone who believes in Him should not perish but possess everlasting life. Why am I not surprised? Upon our recent discovery that the writers of the book, Vain Traditions which puts down the name of Yahuwah, is actually partners with HalleluYah Scriptures, 2besaved.com and possibly Messianic Hall of Shame. ministry cannot and will not support, promote or even endorse what the H.S. We have received an innumerable amount of complaint emails telling us they have donated to the HalleluYah Scriptures and never received it. But they are truly free with no required donations! Thank you. All praise and esteem be to our Father, for He is good and His kindness is everlasting. It should only take a few minutes to download the eBook. The folly of this interpretation is also evident if the same line of reasoning is applied to the rest of Yeshuas statement: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. If the logic of Sacred Name believers is applied to this half of the verse, it would be saying a persons name must contain his own name, which is meaningless. No mention was made of ever reading from the Tanach. It is so sad to read all that has transpired to your ministry. We never experienced issues like that. Many people have not received their copy(s). He fits right in with the other H.S. Light is sown for the righteous, And gladness for the upright in heart. 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