"annotationNumber": "2", Caching Data. Learn more about them ", "topPosition": "25%", FusionCharts and server-side scripts; Scope of our dynamic charts and the basic setup; Time for action getting ready to build dynamic charts; Creating FusionCharts in PHP; Time for action creating a chart using data from array; Time for action creating a chart in PHP using data from MySQL "linkDesc": "You can customize padding, size and other properties of tooltip, learn more about it ", "annotationName": "X-Axis Title", Learn more about it ", Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Learn more about it ", "linkDesc": "You can customize legend position on the chart either to right or bottom of the chart. }, To render a multi-series bar chart in 3D, change the value of the type attribute from msBar2D to msBar3D. "annotationName": "Data Values", "annotationLinks": [{ "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/caption-and-sub-caption#customize-font-properties" "annotationDesc": "The caption (also called the chart title) is the heading of your chart, you can add custom text for the caption, as well as configure its font properties and cosmetics. "leftPosition": "31.5%", "annotationName": "X-Axis Labels", valuePosition attribute can only be applied to 2D charts, i.e., pie2d and doughnut2d charts. "_itemHeader": "Doughnut Chart Anatomy", { } Can someone help. To render a pie 2D chart, set pie2d. "annotationNumber": "8", Learn more about it ", Learn more about it ", "annotationNumber": "7", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/caption-and-sub-caption#set-the-caption-and-subcaption" "linkDesc": "Font properties and cosmetics of sub-caption can also be customized using attributes, learn more about them ", "linkDesc": "You can also customize the text of tooltip and use values plotted on the chart using macros, learn more about it ", For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of multi-series column 3D chart. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/caption-and-sub-caption#set-the-caption-and-subcaption" SQL PostgreSQL add attribute from polygon to all points inside polygon but keep all points not just those that fall inside polygon. (If JSON is something new for you, then we would recommend you to read about it, The default username to connect to MySQL instance running on your machine is. PHP is one of the most widely used server side programming languages. A preferrable alternative to using this method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor. "annotationDescLinkPath": null, Learn more about them ", "topPosition": "60%", ", PHP FusionCharts - 30 examples found. ] Chart.js is an open source tool with 44.9K GitHub stars and 9.84K GitHub forks. The axes, range selectors, time navigator, legends, etc., will also be updated. Learn more about it ", Know more about them ", "topPosition": "38%", Learn more about it ", { Refer to the code below, showing the labelPosition attribute for a particular value: A pie2d with labelPosition attribute set to inside (at chart level) is shown below: In a pie/doughnut charts, changing the position of the label can sometimes overlap each other due to the unavailability of space. } FusionCharts JavaScript charting framework - Simple. "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names", "annotationLinks": [{ A doughnut chart is similar to a pie chart and facilities similar kind of data analysis. }, ", But I need in an dynamic format. A doughnut chart with single-slicing enabled looks like this: By default, pie and doughnut charts are rendered with smart labels and lines - smart labels are data labels connected to their corresponding pie slices using line segments called smart lines. Learn more about it ", HTML5 based. "annotationDesc": "Cross line is a vertical line/area used as a quick reference for data plots. "leftPosition": "80%", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/canvas#show-canvas-border" "annotationDesc": "Export menu is hamburger menu that appears on top-right of the chart by hovering on which you can export the chart using available options. "leftPosition": "11.5%", "annotationDesc": "Y-Axis refers to the title of the y-axis. { //output the return value of json encode using the echo function. }, "linkDesc": "You can customize font properties and cosmetics of the caption using attributes. { In the below snippet, in the data part, I need to pass the number of variables dynamically. "annotationNumber": "8", }, { You can, however, choose to disable these smart labels. "leftPosition": "33%", Learn more about it ", If the timeSpread selected from data already present in the chart is so small that less than four bins can be accommodated in it, then it will be restricted to a value which allows four bins to be displayed. "topPosition": "69%", { The multi-series column chart in 3D looks like: Let's move ahead to create a multi-series bar chart in 2D which will show sales as per two major categories in different stores for last month. "annotationName": "Subcaption", This API periodically updates the chart with fresh data. In this article, we will see how chart data can be updated dynamically in FusionTime, using the API FusionCharts#feedData. "annotationLinks": [{ Learn more about it ", FusionCharts. Responsive. This addition will happen after the time interval you declare. How to draw a grid of grids-with-polygons? Frequent updates rank third on the list of advantages. Multi-series charts allow to plot the highs and lows of multiple datasets while also comparing them. { "linkDesc": "Learn how to add sub-caption ", "annotationNumber": "5", All Rights Reserved. "annotationLinks": [] If you want to add data directly to the table instead, you need to use the DataStore#appendRows API. ", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-plot" You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. To create a doughnut 2D chart, set the type attribute to doughnut2d. Smart labels manage overlapping of labels even when a large number of labels are placed in the close vicinity. Content Delivery Network) so it doesn't need to be re-fetched from the original source on each request and be served up faster. "topPosition": "22.5%", ] { For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of the pie 2D chart. For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of multi-series bar 3D chart. "topPosition": "7%", It provides context-sensitive information about the data point. FusionCharts is a comprehensive JavaScript charting library, with over 90+ charts and 1000+ maps. "annotationLinks": [{ "annotationNumber": "10", "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/anchors-and-lines", "annotationLinks": [] Once we have the connection established, we use connection object \$conn to execute any SQL commands. "annotationDesc": "Data plot refers to the pie/doughnut slices in a pie/doughnut chart, columns of the column chart, lines in a line chart. "annotationName": "Caption", Starting v3.14.0, you can specify the radius of a pie/doughnut chart in both percentage and pixel values. "annotationDescLinkPath": null, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The doughnut 2D chart for the above code looks like: Click here to edit the doughnut 2D chart. { "annotationDesc": "Data values refers to values associated with each pie slice. By default, when a pie/doughnut chart is loaded for the first time or refreshed, the rendering animation is in the anti-clockwise direction. Plot 95+ charts and 1400+ data-driven maps, Plot high performance time-series visualizations, Export full Dashboards as PDFs for use in reports and emails, Positioning Annotations Using Absolute Values, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Server-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Client-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Auto Export Feature, Exporting Multiple Charts in a Single Image, Architecture of the FusionCharts Export Server, Set the distance (in pixels) between the label/value from the pie/doughnut edge using the. { A simple multi-series column 2D chart looks like: Click here to edit the above multi-series chart. "annotationDesc": "Data plot refers to the columns of the column chart, lines in a line chart, pie/doughnut slices in a pie/doughnut chart. "linkDesc": "Learn how to add the caption ", FusionCharts won't win any awards for the most visualization templates available. "linkPath": "/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/exporting-charts-as-image-and-pdf" }. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#set-the-legend-position" Do US public school students have a First Amendment right to be able to perform sacred music? "annotationLinks": [{ "annotationDescLinkPath": null, This Data Visualization is the First Step for Effective Feature Selection; Solve for Success: The Transformative Power of Data Visualization; How to Use Data Visualization to Add Impact to Your Work Reports and Telling a Great Data Story: A Visualization Decision Tree; Top 10 Data Visualization Tools for Every Data Scientist Learn more about it ", "annotationName": "Tooltip", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#configure-legend-icon-size" Connects an aftermarket radio to the vehicle's harness. "leftPosition": "80%", "subHeader": "To know how FusionCharts works, it is important to understand the various components and concepts of a chart", By clicking on a data plot from the parent chart, you are presented with a child chart, showing the relative data one level deeper. { } ] FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library providing 100+ charts and 2,000+ maps for your web and mobile applications. "annotationLinks": [{ If there are rows/data returned by the query, we convert that data into an associative array. "annotations": [{ "annotationNumber": "1", To learn more about the static and dynamic data fetches, see the Data Fetching page. FusionCharts Suite XT. "annotationNumber": "6", Replacing outdoor electrical box at end of conduit, Short story about skydiving while on a time dilation drug. "annotationLinks": [{ The table containing the data is made up of two columns namely the name of the player and number of wickets. "linkDesc": "Font properties and cosmetics of sub-caption can also be customized using attributes, learn more about them ", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/canvas#show-canvas-border" } Learn more about it ", "content": { "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#set-the-legend-position" I am actually trying to render a bar chart for which I am not sure about the number of columns. "annotationDesc": "Data values refer to values associated with each pie slice. "annotationName": "Export Menu", With the addition of new data, a concern of the total time period which is being shown in the chart often becomes a concern. When there are a large number of data values constantly being fed into a chart, it can slow down browser performance, or even cause a browser crash. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of FusionCharts extracted from open source projects. These chart types belong to FusionCharts XT. For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of the doughnut 2D chart. "annotationName": "Tooltip", } "linkDesc": "Font properties and cosmetics of caption can also be customized using attributes, know more about them ", Set the transparency of the smart lines using the smartLineAlpha attribute. Fusion Chart -multiple subcaption-addition of Text on bottom of Chart By Muhasseena, November 9, 2018 fusion chart; asp.net; 1 reply; 1,359 views; Akash Biswas; The problem is all data are dynamic and several types of graphs have to be . "annotationDesc": "Canvas area refers to the area in which the chart data is plotted, excluding the area where titles, legends, and axis names are rendered. "linkDesc": "You can enable or disable chart export using attribute `exportEnabled`. "leftPosition": "41%", "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names", { "annotationDesc": "A legend is a chart element used to display the series name for each dataset, in case of multi-series or combination charts. Then in case you need to change the data plot, you can make another ajax call to get a new json object and refresh the chart display. "content": { In the above code, you can see how feedData has been used to add new rows to the chart. Would love to know if this article was helpful to you, so that I can learn & improve. With Skyvia Connect you can easily create a no-coding OData API layer for your data and create live connections directly to your data via the OData protocol. "linkDesc": "Look and feel of this menu can also be customized using available attributes. Suggest an alternative. First let us download the required JavaScript libraries: Now let us create the HTML page chart_sample.html required to render the chart: The code which interacts with the PHP server implemented above. "annotationDesc": "Data plot refers to the pie/doughnut slices in a pie/doughnut chart, columns of the column chart, lines in a line chart. "topPosition": "8%", "header": "Below are different sections with interactive annotated images describing various components and concepts of charts", "topPosition": "68%", "imgSrc": "ms-line-chart-anatomy.png", A pie chart with the outer radius customized looks like this: Now, you already know how to customize the radius of the pie/doughnut chart. This code renders the chart using a Javascript library implemented in the app.js file. "linkPath": "/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/modes-of-export/exporting-charts-and-chart-data-using-the-server-side-export-feature" }, "annotationLinks": [] }, Animated Charts add a "wow" factor to your applications & presentations. FusionCharts is a web-based data visualization software that utilizes JavaScript programming language. "linkPath": "/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/configuring-the-export-feature" ] "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#highlight-a-data-series-via-the-legend" UserMatchHistory: 1 month: Used by LinkedIn for Ads ID syncing. "annotationDescLinkPath": null, Learn more about it ", To create a multi-series column 2D chart follow the steps given below: In the JSON data, set the attributes and their corresponding values in "": "" format. { { { "annotationDesc": "The caption (also called the chart title) is the heading of your chart, you can add custom text for the caption, as well as configure its font properties and cosmetics. { Else, the chart will display empty space at that position. Here, I want to render a dynamic fusion Gantt chart. How can I find a lens locking screw if I have lost the original one? "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names", AbstractThis This paper mainly introduces Flash report components Fusioncharts of functions and basic usage, emphatically describes how Java Web development system provided by the use of dynamic data-driven Fusioncharts icon-based, and through examples to achieve Fusioncharts Web system. For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of the doughnut 3D chart. "annotationName": "Data Plot", "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names", To stop the multiple slicing set the enableMultiSlicing attribute to 0. On the below example, I have hard-coded the data for rendering the chart. Reliable. Here is a detailed tutorial to create dynamic graphs and charts with PHP using FusionCharts library. "_itemHeader": "Multi-series Line Chart Anatomy", ] ", FusionCharts uses the chart data in the form of a list of label-value pairs. "header": "Chart Anatomy", "annotationNumber": "1", "linkDesc": "You can highlight data plots by hovering over corresponding legend item using plot highlight effect feature, Learn more about it ", ] For a detailed list of attributes, refer to the chart attributes page of multi-series line 2D chart. "annotationLinks": [] "annotationNumber": "7", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names" FusionCharts Suite is also available as a Perpetual License, if you would like to move to perpetual licensing please contact sales@componentsource.com for a quote. "annotationLinks": [] "leftPosition": "84%", "annotationName": "Caption", "topPosition": "40%", "linkDesc": "You can also customize the alignment of the caption. "annotationName": "X-Axis", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#set-the-legend-position" labelPosition attribute can be applied both at chart and data level, i.e., you can set the position of the individual labels of the slices. "annotationDescLinkPath": null, ] ] Set the type of data (JSON/XML) you want to pass to the chart object using dataFormat attribute. }, It denotes valuable information about the data plot hovered. The rest of the data structure remains the same. These chart types belong to FusionCharts XT. "annotationName": "X-Axis Labels", How can I get a huge Saturn-like ringed moon in the sky? However, you can use its selection of 50+ visually compelling charts for any report free of charge. Learn more about them ", To render a multi-series line chart, set the type to msline. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/canvas#use-gradient-fill" { "content": { } It basically helps to set the bevel distance for the pie/doughnut. Learn more about it ", Learn more about it ", "annotationLinks": [ Set the showPercentInTooltip attribute to 1 to render the tooltip text in percentage values. "annotationLinks": [{ Exporting extra data with excel export option By WolfgangJT, May 27, 2020. Before we explain that, let us understand how dynamic binding of data works. "imgSrc": "doughnut-chart-anatomy.png", ] These chart types belong to FusionCharts XT. }, Older License Options for customers that originally purchased before November 2016 (v3.2 - v3.11.2) If you are an existing customer who purchased a FusionCharts product on the older . "linkDesc": "You can customize the canvas border. ", } "annotationName": "Canvas Area", When the migration is complete, you will access your Teams at stackoverflowteams.com, and they will no longer appear in the left sidebar on stackoverflow.com. "leftPosition": "63.5%", "leftPosition": "21%", "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names", This makes it easy to interpret and compare the data. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names" "annotationDesc": "Data labels refer to the labels associated with each pie slice. Likewise, you can see which software has higher general user satisfaction rating: 100% (FusionCharts) and 97% (Microsoft Power BI) to learn which software is the better option for your business. "leftPosition": "67.5%", { Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! "annotationDesc": "A legend is a chart element used to display the series name for each dataset, in case of multi-series or combination charts. "annotationDesc": "The sub-caption (also called the chart subtitle) is the sub-heading of your chart. You can set the radius of the pie chart in percent by setting the value of pieRadius attribute. Real-Time Data Update. Plot 95+ charts and 1400+ data-driven maps, Plot high performance time-series visualizations, Export full Dashboards as PDFs for use in reports and emails, Positioning Annotations Using Absolute Values, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Server-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Client-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Auto Export Feature, Exporting Multiple Charts in a Single Image, Architecture of the FusionCharts Export Server, //address of the server where db is installed, //this is the value you specified during installation of WAMP stack, //name of the db under which the table is created, //checking if there were any error during the last connection attempt, //storing the result of the executed query, //initialize the array to store the processed data, //check if there is any data returned by the SQL Query, //Converting the results into an associative array. Specify the chart type using the type attribute. Learn more about it ", "annotationNumber": "7", Irene is an engineered-person, so why does she have a heart problem? "linkDesc": "Learn how to add sub-caption ", "annotationNumber": "8", Let us first list out the steps involved in the program before we proceed with its implementation. You need to pass a json object to the fusioncharts engine to render the chart. Get all the variations of popular charts like Bar, Column, Line, Area, and Pie; or domain-specific charts like Treemaps, Heatmaps, Gantt Charts, Marimekko Charts, Gauges, Spider Charts, Waterfall Charts, and many more! "annotationName": "Data Values", "annotationLinks": [] "linkDesc": "You can customize the background color for canvas, as well as add a gradient fill to it. } "topPosition": "46.5%", Use FusionCharts connector to copy data . "annotationDescLinkPath": null, The Next.js Cache is a persistent HTTP cache that can be . "linkDesc": "You can also define export mode like `server`, `client`, or `auto` for chart export. }, Chemistry professor and General Chemistry laboratory coordinator. You need to pass a json object to the fusioncharts engine to render the chart. } Vue.use(VueFusionCharts, FusionCharts, Charts); This way is recommended when you want component ( vue-fusioncharts ) available from everywhere in your app. "leftPosition": "78.5%", "annotationNumber": "3", }, "annotationNumber": "1", Loved by thousands of happy customers, including over 75% of Fortune 500 . }, }, By default, for pie/doughnut charts, the chart automatically calculates the best fit pie radius based on the data provided. A doughnut chart after applying labelPosition and minAngleForLabel attribute look like: For a doughnut chart, you can configure the default text that will be rendered on the center label. "linkDesc": "You can customize legend position on the chart either to right or bottom of the chart. } Multi-series charts allow to plot the highs and lows of multiple datasets while also . "annotationName": "Legend", "subHeader": "To know how FusionCharts works it is important to understand the various components and concepts of a chart", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/tool-tips#customize-tooltips" "linkPath": "/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/modes-of-export/exporting-charts-and-chart-data-using-the-server-side-export-feature" }, A doughnut chart after applying valuePosition and minAngleForValue attribute look like: Now that you have already customized the position of the values of a pie/doughnut charts, let's see how to place the labels inside the pie/doughnut slices of a pie and doughnut chart respectively. "topPosition": "4%", { A pie chart with the starting angle set to 45 looks like this: When a pie/doughnut chart first renders, by default, all slices are sliced-in. "annotationLinks": [{ FusionCharts Free comes with 22 popular charts like Column, Line, Pie, Area etc which animates and works really well with any development environment. Then in case you need to change the data plot, you can make another ajax call to get a new json object and refresh the chart display. { "annotationDescLinkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-values", "topPosition": "67%", "linkDesc": "Font properties and cosmetics of caption can also be customized using attributes, know more about them ", In addition to charts, we also have over 2000+ choropleth maps which cover . "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/tool-tips#introduction-to-macros" "linkDesc": "You can customize look and feel of legend like increase/decrease legend icon size, define custom legend icons, legend scroll etc. Would love to know if this article was helpful to you, so that I can learn & improve. }, "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/axes#setting-axes-names" }, To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. FusionCharts: Dynamic Graph Data Visualization. FusionTime v2.0 onwards, you can use time-series charts to display dynamically updating time series data. }, }, "annotationDesc": "X-Axis refers to title of the x-axis. "contentGroup": [{ "annotationDesc": "The sub-caption (also called the chart subtitle) is the sub-heading of your chart. The platform's primary responsibility is to transform your company's raw data into easily understandable graphs. }, For this scenario, a new attribute minAngleForValue has been introduced which sets the minimum angle of the pie below which the values will not be visible. "topPosition": "83.5%", Specify the dimension of the chart using width and height attributes. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/canvas#show-canvas-border" "annotationDesc": "Each data point in a line/spline/area chart is represented by an anchor. "annotationName": "Legend", "annotationNumber": "11", "linkDesc": "Font properties and cosmetics of caption can also be customized using attributes, know more about them ", To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 58 AnyChart . { "annotationName": "Y-Axis", "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/canvas#use-gradient-fill" { 2008 Pontiac G6 Neutral Safety Switch Connectors. To render a multi-series column chart in 3D, change the value of the type attribute from msColumn2D to msColumn3D. "annotationDesc": "X-Axis refers to title of the x-axis. "annotationDesc": "The sub-caption (also called the chart subtitle) is the sub-heading of your chart. "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#highlight-a-data-series-via-the-legend" A pie chart configured for the bevel effect looks like this: For all the samples shown above, if you want to see how each attribute works for the doughnut chart, just change the value of the type attribute from pie2D/pie3D to doughnut2D/doughnut3D. { "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-plot" "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/tool-tips#introduction-to-macros" FusionTime v2.0 onwards, you can use time-series charts to display dynamically updating time series data. 2022 FusionCharts - An Idera, Inc. Company. This attribute belongs to the data object. Set the type of data (JSON/XML) you want to pass to the chart object using dataFormat attribute. "leftPosition": "29.5%", "topPosition": "12%", There are two ways using which you can provide data to FusionCharts XT: 1. { "leftPosition": "68%", ", Learn more about it ", ] { Legends are used to correlate a data plot to its series name using its color. If there are rows/data . "annotationDescLinkPath": null, "annotationLinks": [] }, "linkPath": "/chart-guide/chart-configurations/legend#configure-legend-icon-size" Legends are used to correlate a data plot to its series name using its color. }, "topPosition": "65%", Set the use3DLighting attribute to 1 to specify whether advanced gradients and shadow effects will be used to create better looking charts. "annotationLinks": [] }, "linkDesc": "Learn how to add sub-caption ", Learn more about it ", }, FusionCharts helps you build beautiful dashboards for your web & mobile projects. To customize the center label of your chart, follow the steps given below: Specify the text of the center label using the defaultCenterLabel attribute. "annotationDescLinkPath": null, }, Data URL method - In this method, a URL is . "topPosition": "84%", To get the code in this article working we would need to install the following: This stack is popularly called as *AMP(Apache MySQL PHP) stack and when you include the platform on which this stack is running then it becomes either WAMP (Windows Apache MySql PHP) or LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP). To customize the inner radius of the doughnut chart, set the value of doughnutRadius attribute in percent. "annotationDesc": "The caption (also called the chart title) is the heading of your chart.

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