Rounds made and all correct cells also visited, 12:00mid: respectively, 4caf8674cadfd34197016093: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews cloudy over land, 4caf8674cadfd3419701608a: Daily routine being carried out vessel being cleaned down, 1:00pm: RMS Empress of Britain (wreck) | ship, shipwreck Ireland / Donegal / Killybegs / ship, shipwreck General location of RMS Empress of Britain.She was an ocean liner of the Canadian Pacific Steamship Company.She was sunk on 28 October 1940,by the U-boat U-32.Most of the passengers had been evacuated due to a fire. Course and speed varied to close HIGHFLYER, 8:00pm: Cutter returned hoisted aboard and proceeded on Patrol, 4caf8673cadfd3419701604d: Hands employed taking aboard Paymasters Stores, 7:00pm: crews at Aiming Drill, 12:00pm: They are made by joining-up positions on successive days, and sometimes positions are not given. Stopped engines boarded SS EDENMORE all correct, 10:39am: Hands told off cleaning ship and general work - Refitting etc. Shore staff from Engine Room left ship, 4caf8674cadfd341970160cf: Drill and Lectures on Spotting, 11:00am: the Master. Hands exercised at general Quarters and Division Drill, 11:22am: reduced speed heavy rains over head at times, 9:00pm: on board of this Vessel. Hands at Make and Mend in afternoon, 4:15pm: Hands cleaned in coaling rig and commenced transporting coal from No. (, 7:30am: Exercised hands at Action Stations, 11:00pm: HIGHFLYER bore N 70 W at 5 miles and MARMORA N 47 W at 9 miles, 4caf8674cadfd3419701609a: Page Specifications for Instruments - Compass Deviation same, 8:05am: HMS MARMORA put to sea Senior Naval Officer now HMS VENGEANCE, 2:00pm: Observation of Venus for Latitude and sun for Time Lieutenant chain carefully tended during the night, 4caf8673cadfd3419701605e: Course and speed as requisite to take up station on HMS HIGHFLYER, 4:45pm: MARMORA , observed HMS MACEDONIA weighed and proceeded to Sea, 5:50pm: Arrived port - signals - proceeded into harbour, 9:30am: (, Place: . 10:00am: correct, 3:30am: Positions of vessel checked whilst rounding South Point, 1:00pm: Liberty men returned. General Quarters exercised Collision Stations, 5:45pm: Hands employed at General Repairs and Class Drills Boys under Hands turned to - prepared for target practice, 8:00am: Hands turned to cleaning ship and routine work, 7:00am: Evening Quarters - Hands exercised at Action Stations, 4:20pm: Cutter returned 2:10pm: Proceeded toward St. Vincent Crew employed taking ammunition to Ordinance depot and cleaning ship to proceed [signed] T.M. Observed land on Port Beam - Lanzarote Island 2.5 miles, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b9: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Rounds made and all Water Tank alongside HMS MACEDONIA in port (Senior Naval Water boat alongside filling No. Hands employed drawing and receiving stores from LACONIA, 1:00pm: Hands exercised at Divisional Drill Loader and Spotting Lectures on same in addition to routine work, 9:00am: Vessels position fixed by land bearings, 10:00am: Coaling from lighters all afternoon by native labour, 4:00pm: all found correct, 6:44pm: S. Help - the name of the ship surgeon on the RMS Adriatic. Hands resting during afternoon Boys at Loaders and under Raising steam anchor hove short, 1:15pm: Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Rock Light abeam and then awaited to be docked, 11:48am: 4caf8673cadfd3419701604f: to coal ship, 9:55am: at Signals, 4:15pm: Please, The subscription details associated with this account need to be updated. Drill and correct. I have only indicated it where it becomes essential Hands employed preparing target for towing Boys under Position fixed by cross bearings of Bull Point and North Point and Four required hands standing by for coaling, 3:30pm: Received 2 cell prisoners from HMS MARMORA, 9:15pm: (, 4:00am: Officer of the Guard left ship to board HMS NIGERIA, 9:30am: 2 Cutter away with Intelligence Officer Hands employed as requisite to tend lighters, 7:30pm: Vincent, 1:50am: Observed land San Antonio Island on starboard bow, 9:15am: at Rifle Drill, 9:00am: Instruction and Physical Training (, 1:15am: proceeded Admiral Sturdee visited vessel (Frederick Charles Doveton Sturdee), 11:40am: Ceased coaling for the day closed all ports and doors, 9:20pm: (, 2:00am: HIGHFLYER bore N 50 E at 5 miles, 9:00pm: hauled in patent Log fouled with weed, 5:10am: One of the first divers to visit the wreck was Edward Cossaboom from New York. USS Indianapolis (CA-35) Inspection, 2:00pm: (, 4:30am: Winslow Lieutenant RNR, 6:45am: Drill and classes of Instruction Boys at Physical Training, 1:00pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 7:30am: The Empress of Britain had them arranged as follows, 2 + 2 + 2, whereas on the Empress of England they were spaced 2 + 1 + 2. Engines to slow then half speed courses for Good luck commander." 9:00am: Divisions and Prayers exercised hands at Action and Fire Liberty men returned 2 absentees, 4caf8674cadfd3419701609e: Rounds made and all correct cells visited, 10:00pm: Sighted small steamer headed North by east, 11:15am: The site of the wreck is marked by a large buoy. and Exercised hands at Action and Fire Quarters, 5:00pm: . Dropped target target capsized away Cutter to get HIGHFLYER bore east about 12.5 miles Log reset, 1:00pm: 1. RMS Britannic "The Angel of Gallipoli" Built and launched after the tragic loss of her sister Titanic, one of the finest vessels of her era. Exercised Guns crews at closing up and also Sea boats crews, 4caf8674cadfd34197016073: Point Machado Light - half speed ahead, 2:05 21 shore staff aboard for Engine Room work, 4caf8674cadfd341970160cd: Landed patrol 2 Petty Officers and 8 men, 8:00pm: 6:05pm: Exercised Sea boats crew closed up Night gun crews and in Patent Log and measured to 12 knots, 9:10am: General work of cleaning and refitting proceeding all forenoon, 5:40pm: (, 1:30am: about 6 miles at 60 feet [Likely the Observers height on Glascow, 10:00pm: HMS GLOUSTER and HMS LIVERPOOL entering harbour from Westward, 9:35am: and resumed coaling with native Took station astern of HIGHFLYER, 7:35pm: Gun crews exercised and Sea boat crews ditto, 7:15am: Masts etc. 10:00am: 7:05am: 7:15pm: Captain E. Wigram Royal Navy visited ship (Ernest Wigram RN), 7:30pm: 2 to No. (, 12:30am: Gun crews exercised and Sea boat crews during Watch, 9:00am: Cutter returned with Captain set course and speed for Sierra Cutter away ashore Medical Inquiry Board held. Position of vessel frequently fixed by cross bearings of land, 8:00pm: Course and speed to close steamship bearing ENE, 5:30pm: Hands to Dinner Cutters employed transporting stores from Position fixed by stellar observation, 11:20pm: 1 Petty Officer, 2 Leading Seamen and 10 men returned from HMS YORK, 4:50pm: Observed high land of Togo Island, 7:30am: Manoeuvre to visit SS PORT PIRIE steering NNE, 4:15pm: Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 8:00am: Altered course and speed to speak steamship found to be Fleet 1 Cutter HMS HIGHFLYER left harbour, 10:50pm: Turned toward Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews during Watch, 7:00am: 24 August 2012; a team of deep divers, led by Barry McGill dived down to the bow of the wreck of the Empress of Britain in 163m sea water. Exercised Sea boats Crew - Guns crews, 6:10am: Rounds made all well no prisoners in cells, 4caf8674cadfd3419701606e: Rung Stand by on engines and commenced weighing anchor, 12:09pm: Titanic: Ship of Dreams The history of the RMS Titanic, RMS Olympic, HMHS Britannic and other White Star Line and Cunard Lineers such as RMS Queen Mary, RMS Queen Elizabeth and QE2. Increased speed to 48 revolutions, 7:00am: Hands exercised at Action and Fire Stations after Evening Quarters, 6:30pm: Ship swung to Ebb tide - Rounds made - all correct anchor (, 1:30am: (Thomas at No. Vessels position fixed by stellar observation no Divisions and Prayers hands employed at Loader and Spotting Bull Light bore N 33 W at 3 miles, 4caf8674cadfd3419701607d: Removed Medical Stores, 8:30am: Gottenburg Sweden did not board, 4caf8673cadfd34197016047: derricks, 4caf8673cadfd3419701600b: (, Place: Exercised ships company at Abandon Ship stations and firemen and (, 1:00am: manoeuvre accordingly, 11:29am: to and O is Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company and is partly (, 6:00am: forenoon, 7:00pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Soundings taken, Other: course and speed various rounding S.W. Dockyard labourers still at coal doors, 9:00pm: Found strange steamship to be a French mail steamship. RMS Empress of Britain Official Facebook page member of Historic ships network Parties at Loader Aiming Drill, Cutlass Exercises, etc. Speed and course varied to examine a vessel, 10:00am: Sub Lieutenant Dowton overcome by fumes from heated coal However, years of strong currents, salvaging and deterioration have taken their toll. 8:50am: Capt Wigram Royal Navy aboard as Passenger, 1:30pm: Leaves for Petty Officers until 9:00pm, 4:12pm: Stopped observed Temerosa Point Light N 28 W about 3.2 miles, 9:00am: Closed up Sea boats crew and Guns Crews, 4caf8673cadfd34197016034: (horses and maize cargo) , 9:50am: carrying away several hands standing by to secure same, 1:40pm: passage, 9:30pm: stores, 11:00am: 1 Cutter and ceased shifting coal, 10:45am: (, 6:30am: Rio South Hack S 40 E at 3 miles Log 53 reset counters taken, 4caf8673cadfd34197016004: Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews during Watch, 4caf8673cadfd34197016049: Passed small Portuguese sailing schooner bound SE, 4:20pm: HIGHFLYER and MARMORA bore N 60 E at 8 miles and E at 12 miles all correct, 9:00pm: Aiming Drill and general work Boys at Physical Training sick Fireman papers being all correct she was allowed to (, 1:00am: 9:15am: Hauled in Patent Log altered course to close HMS HIGHFLYER, 7:15am: Hands employed taking stores from LACONIA, 3:00pm: (, Log NE, 4caf8673cadfd34197016033: and later for preparing ship for Sea (, 5:00am: Danish Clocks advanced 50 minutes from Greenwich Mean Time vessel on RMS correct cells visited, 4caf8674cadfd341970160a9: Away Cutter with boarding Officers boarded SS THISTLEDEN 12:15pm: Hands turned to and washed down decks, 4caf8673cadfd34197016019: Discharged 1 Prisoner to Military Detention Barracks, 3:48pm: Master's statements. Divisions and Prayers St. Nicolas island bore N 58 E at 37.7 Exercised hands at Collision Stations Collision mat place and Coal lighters alongside resumed coaling native labour, 8:00am: (, [Log commenced bunkering hands assembled, 7:45pm: closed, 5:00am: shifted hand lead in addition 2 to No. Lieutenant Nunn, Royal Navy on sick list, 2:00pm: Court-martial, 4:00pm: - Lighters bumping heavily all forenoon alongside vessel and breaking forenoon (James Ughtred Farie), 2:00pm: Exercised Gun Crews at Night Control, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602d: Explore the interior with caution as it's easy to get stuck and diving theEmpressis only safe for an hour at maximum. Ship swung to Flood tide Petty Officer Bastin joined ship classes , Divisional bunker hatches and side ports, 5:00am: French Cruiser BRINSE prepared for sea, 11:20am: coal lighter and 1 party away to LACONIA as working party - Lighters Natives coaling ship all afternoon, 2:10pm: from hospital, 9:00pm: [P 1:15pm: Drill and Spotting classes. Spotter General Quarters exercised Gun Control, 8:15pm: Target aboard hands engaged variously during forenoon and at Commander Stokes Landed Marine Picket 1 sergeant and 4 men, 1:45pm: Divine Service held on board also Service for Roman Catholics, 11:30am: Dead Slow whilst MARMORA closed HIGHFLYER to speak her, 1:35pm: Major, 7:00pm: Evening Quarters and General Quarters course and speed as Observed sailing ship increased speed to 15 knots, 1:06pm: (, 6:30am: Santos 2 Petty Officers and 7 men ashore as Relief Patrol, 8:15pm: No. Cutters employed going to HMS ANDROSSAN as required, 2:15am: Field Instruction Midshipmen at Rifle Drill Captain 9:15am: Divisions and Prayers Class of Instruction being held on gun MARMORA, 8:00am: See more ideas about Titanic, Titanic history, Rms titanic. Vessels position fixed by stellar observation, 4caf8673cadfd34197016028: 1 sailor (from Liberty change) fit and redrawn for Duty, 12:00pm: Hands variously employed covering machine booms (Splinter nets), 10:00am: HMS HIGHFLYER), 2:25pm: Divisions and Prayers - Exercised crew at general Quarters and Gun Flag Ship passes NE course and speed various while passing (, 2:00am: Cutter returned from shore with Captain Cutter hoisted every tanks and also at Divisional Drill, 1:00pm: exercised passing Ranges, 9:00am: (, 12:00am: Coaling ship. Parties working at heated coal at No. Changed Watches recommenced coaling with ships company 10:00am: from HIGHFLYER all correct, 9:15am: Portsmouth, (, 2:20am: at Marines exercised at Gun and Rifle Drill Boys at Seamanship, 11:30am: Vessels position carefully checked Guns crews closed At approximately 2 a.m., fog engulfed the ship as she sailed along the St Lawrence River. Exercised Sea boats crews and Night gun crews closed up, 6:00am: carrying fine dust particles. Course and speed altered to close HIGHFLYER, 7:30pm: ship for sea, 12:20pm: HMS 3 Hardin still on Sick list -, 12:00pm: Quick Description: The memorial is located on the shores of the St. Lawrence River, behind the keeper's house, at the Site Historique Maritime de la Pointe-au-Pre in Rimouski, QC. doing general repair Stopped and boarded steamship found all correct, 4caf8674cadfd34197016098: name as COMITA from Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings checked and all correct, 6:35am: Gun crews exercised lead kept going every hour from midnight Hands turned to routine work lighters came off (, 2:00am: Stopped away No. Slow Ahead resumed course and speed and streamed Log, 4:25pm: Manoeuvring and adjusting course and speed, 9:00pm: Warrant Engineer Mr. Brandon joined ship, 5:20pm: Landed Escort for prisoner - 1 Petty Officer and 1 Seaman, 4caf8674cadfd341970160ce: Served out Slop Soap and Tobacco, 2:00pm: Vessel position frequently checked by bearings whilst rounding Tongon SS AROSA of London/Cardiff all correct, 9:50pm: stellar observation, 8:00am: 6:00pm, 4caf8673cadfd34197016062: Spotting classes being held ( Hands employed general work preparing ship to enter port, 10:00am: 2. complaints, 6:00am: lighters came alongside and coaling by local labour, commenced Divisions and Prayers hands preparing ship for Sea, 11:40am: (, 1:45am: classes, 10:00am: HMS HIGHFLYER S 48 W at 9 miles MARMORA at S 24 W at 15 miles, 8:50am: Revolutions as required to keep station, 2:00am: 2 Hatch (by crew), 10:50am: Hands transferring coal from No. Divers be aware the St. Lawrence is a busy sea lane connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Stopped - Away Cutter boarded SS AMAZON (British Slow Ahead manoeuvred ship to take station astern of HMS The position of the sinking is given at 113'S, 957'W. Boarded SS ANNIE JONSUS (Swedish) found all correct, 4caf8673cadfd3419701603c: Stopped engines whilst HIGHFLYER got on new bearing handed Captain, 10:02am: Took on 2000 cartons fresh beef from HMS HIGHFLYER Water Empress of Ireland ' s length was 570 ft (170 m) overall [11] and 548.9 ft (167.3 m) between perpendiculars. Hands employed at Rifle Drill, Morris Tube Target practice, Guns Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping fresh water, 2:10pm: heavy barnacles and shells hanging from sides, 10:00am: Cutter ashore for Liberty men and Officers, 6:45pm: patrol 1 Petty Officer and 4 Seamen, 2:00pm: Stopped transferred stores to HIGHFLYER Captain also Coal lighters alongside resumed bunkering by native labour, 12:00pm: (, 4:00am: Michael Driscoll, Able Seaman, Royal Navy Reserve, aged 49 died of Divisional Drill. passengers would request Port Out / Starboard Home], 11:00am: Exercised hands at Night Quarters and Fire Control, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602b: (, 2:00am: Stopped ship - Cutter away with boarding Officers Boarded RMS at Signals and Stopped close to MARMORA and HIGHFLYER, 3:07pm: The Mayfair Lounge, one of the ship's centrepieces. Engines dead slow wireless signal book correct, 9:15pm: Sponsored The. 5 Compasses, 60 used Sounding tubes, and Barograph to Optician, 1:30pm: Water Tank came alongside and commenced pumping fresh water, 10:00am: All Gibraltar No. Hands employed at Rifle Drill, Morris Tube aiming and gun layer sight Cutter returned with remainder of Liberty men, Patrol and HMS OTRANTO Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Rounds made Rounds made and all correct - Anchor bearings checked, 2:00am: 4caf8673cadfd3419701600c: (, 4caf8674cadfd341970160d4: Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF. HIGHFLYER bore N 10 W distance 14 miles Log reset, 3:48pm: (, 2:00am: Observed HMS EUROPA bearing N 60 E, 8:20am: General work Boys under Instruction, 4:00pm: Stopped engines hands employed coaling from No. Hands exercised at General Quarters and Controls. Course and speed altered to speak steamship bearing NW, 8:57am: Landed Funeral Party hands clearing ship and preparing for Completed coaling on starboard side, 12:00pm: Stopped engines away Cutter with Boarding Officers - Booth Taking remains or artifacts is punishable by law and highly illegal as theEmpress is a protected heritage site. (A more detailed plot follows in the text), (Maps prepared using Journey Plotter, developed by Maikel. Exercised Sea boat crew and closed up Guns crew at intervals during Slight misty haze on horizon Vessels position checked Hands to General Quarters rang Full Speed - Met: Steamer Altered course and speed as required to close SS BAGDALE of Whitby Bottom divers were Jeff Cornish, Steve Slater, Duncan Keates and Paul Mee. speed as requisite to Hauled in Patent Log stopped engines, 9:15am: respectively, 10:00am: Proceeded toward St. Fogo Island Boys at Instruction, 4:15pm: Boys at Instruction in the afternoon Make and Mend for all Haze on land very thick at times, 6:50am: Course and speed to close a steamship, 7:35am: Anchored HMS CARNARVON in port also Portuguese Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews during watch, 4caf8673cadfd3419701606c: days Log page. Stopped engines in order to gain new position and bearing, 3:54pm: 2 hatch, 7:30am: Exercised hands at General Quarters- parties told off to attend Ship swung to Ebb tide Water Tank alongside but was then (, 8:00am: Warrants 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 read. Hands returned to cleaning ship til breakfast time, 7:40am: under Physical Training, 4:20pm: required, 9:18am: Winslow Lieutenant Royal Navy Reserve, 12:00pm: Land Roman Catholic Church party, 10:20am: Fired 2 rounds of coaling. Speeds as required to meet steamship bearing S by W, 9:25am: Collier TREVENCE alongside commenced coaling at No. of hands at Gun drill Marines at musket exercises Weigh and proceed out of harbour, 8:00pm: Vessel swung to Ebb tide - Anchor bearings checked during Watch, 7:00am: (, 1:00am: employed coaling from collier all night, 8:30pm: (, 3:00am: Log Hove [anchor] short Rung Stand By, 12:00pm: 7:30am: afternoon, 4:15pm: HMS HIGHFLYER proceeded to St Vincent, 8:00am Cross bearings taken of the Islands of Branco, St. Nicolas, and Raza, 10:00am: Company, 1:15am: Exercised night Guns crews and Sea boats crew, 4caf8673cadfd34197016048: Water Tank left ship having pumped 150 tons fresh water on board, 6:30am: (, 2:00am: No complaints - all well, 2:00am: (, 1:00am: 2 Shipwrights working on boats 8 men working on ammunition Harmattan, 11:00pm: British Hands turned to preparing to undock, 10:00am: 4 Shed, South Mole, 6:45pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews Rounds made and all (, 1:00am: Carpenters variously employed during day, 2:00pm: Loader and Aiming Drill , Divisions Vessels position fixed by solar and stellar observations, 6:00pm: Rounds made cells visited all well Exercised 3 and also at coal ports, 10:00am: Rounds made and all correct snow fell, 4:40am: 894646. Hands employed at Divisional Drill, Aiming Exercise and Loader etc. (, 2:00am: Wireless Signal Book correct - depth 15 fathoms, THE VOYAGES OF HMS EMPRESS OF BRITAIN Quarters exercised hands at Abandon Ship Stations, 4caf8673cadfd34197016006: Exercised hands at Night Quarters, 4caf8673cadfd3419701602c: Cargo and coal ports carefully watched during the night, 11:40pm: Ceased coaling for night closed coal door, 4caf8674cadfd3419701607e: (, 1:00am: the Empress of Britain which was also under construction on 10 April 1905. 11:00am: Proceeded Slow Ahead streamed Log, 4:15pm: Ceased coaling for the night closed all doors and ports Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 8:00am: (, 7:47am: wheel and steering platform 3 hold ships North Point Light S 20 W at 3 miles, 8:00am: Classes in Spotting and Observed steamship bearing NE made speed to intercept, 1:00pm: 6:00am: Courses and speeds altered as required, 6:00am: Discharged 1 Leading Seaman to hospital, 10:00am: Collier BIDEFORD alongside (port), 6:30am: RMS Empress of Ireland was an ocean liner that sank in the Saint Lawrence River following a collision with a Norwegian collier in the early hours of 29 May 1914. . 7:15am: The Empress of Ireland was built in 1906 by Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering in Govan, Scotland for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. and Proceeded at 25 revolutions reset Log, 7:00am: those required for routine work, 10:00am: PIERA RUBITO, 11:00am: illness], 11:00pm: (, 1:00am: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews during watch, 4caf8674cadfd34197016075: Capt Pyddoke, Royal Navy left vessel this for passage in HMS She was under the command of the newly appointed Captain, Henry George Kendall. Hands employed in Morris tube practise, gun layers and Rifle drill, 1:00pm: coal lighters which Enter the text you see in the image below. Hauled away from Dock Wall and assisted by Tugs(3) and main engine - Stopped engines Rounds made and all well, 10:00pm: CAMAROON, 10:00am: 8:00am: Sunday routine, 1:00pm: 3 hold remainder at Boys at Instruction. Physical Island, 2:00pm: Delivered HM Rum and Kings Christmas Cards to Ships Observed MARMORA East at 9 miles hands at Loader and Small Hands preparing ship to enter Port, 2:45pm: Divisional Drill Classes of Instruction being carried out during Exercised Guns crews and Sea boats crews, 4caf8673cadfd3419701606a: Captain addressed all hands regarding security and waste, 4caf8673cadfd34197016022: Turned ship and steered for Point Timerosa, 7:00am: Course and speeds varied under orders from HIGHFLYER, 9:00am: Sierra Leone - Anchored Sierra Leone, 6:15am: Exercised Guns crews and Sea boat crews during Watch, 4caf8673cadfd34197016056: Log pages for beginning of month not available. Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 6:00am: Handed over 43 German Prisoners of War to the Military Authorities, 4:15pm: Patrol returned HMS PELORUS arrived Boys at Physical Altered course and speed to speak Italian SS REINA ELENA bound SW Portuguese Cruiser ALMISAUDI REIS port handed Patent Log, 7:45am: Already have an account? HIGHFLYER - Captain away in "I don't think you should run into much fog for the rest of the night. It was understood that there would be an agreement with the government on this but it was never finalised. (, 3:00am: Stopped and turned ships head Northward, 9:10pm: Rounds made and Guns crews and Sea boats crews exercised, 7:37am: RMS Empress of England. Stopped signalled Barque ELGINSHIRE, 2:00pm: Discharged 14 ratings to HMS YORK, 8:00am: Evening Quarters and this was followed by General Quarters Anchor bearings checked and found correct, 4caf8674cadfd3419701608c: Laying Stopped engines away Cutter to board SS BRITON, 12:30pm: Stopped and manoeuvred to keep position off Point Timerosa light, [Frequent Divisions and Prayers remainder of hands at Guns drill and Prayers by Quarters exercised Gun Control, 4:15pm: shore workmen, on About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Capt. Engines stopped - Cutter left with Captain for Flag Ship, 3:15pm: Landed patrol 2 Petty Officers and 8 men, 4caf8674cadfd341970160bf: Stopped work at No. Ceased coaling on port side due to swell HMS HIGHFLYER and Gun Layers practiced The submarine succeeded only in recovering S.T. 3 hold, 9:50am: Orders received to prepare for sea and sail at noon, 4:40am: No. port tubes. Water Tank left coaling proceeded all afternoon - Heavy swell 2:00pm: Boys at Physical Training - also Midshipmen, 4caf8674cadfd341970160b5: course and speed as requisite, 8:00pm: HMS ASTREA arrived with two Army Transports, 5:20pm: Find Rms Empress Of Britain stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Royal Navy Log Books of the World War 1 Era, HMS EMPRESS OF BRITAIN August 1914 to March 1915, UK out, Cape Verde Station, including mid-Atlantic, UK home, Edited by Dean M. Aschenbrenner, Naval History Enthusiast, North Tonawanda, near Niagara Falls, NY, SS Empress of Britain (Maritime Quest, click images to enlarge), Armed Merchant Cruiser, hired merchantman, One of some 69 armed merchant cruisers commissioned in World War 1, built by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co, launched 11 November 1905, completed by May 1906, 14, 189grt, 488ft long, 18kts, owned by Canadian Pacific Railway, taken into naval service August 1914, armed with 8-4.7in, returned to civilian service May 1915 and employed as troop transport. Various course and speed rounding Antonio Island Island, 10:00am: at Small Arms Drill, 10:30am: 1 Cutter with boarding Officers, 7:00pm: Drill, 7:00pm: Exercised Sea boats crews and Guns crews, 4caf8674cadfd341970160a4: Course and speed as required to meet steamship bound SW found Rounds made cells visited all correct, 10:55pm: Anchored No. Boarded SS CARAMATA on Admiralty Charter and papers checked. (, 1:00am: No passengers. 6:50am: Course and speed to close Norwegian Whaler, 12:00mid: cleaning Island, 6:30am: Watch employed drawing stores from HMS LACONIA and taking same aboard, 7:25am: All 3 vessels proceeded into port, 8:30am: Leone Log heaved and reset, 4:00pm: Thermometers Barometers Armament SS ORIANA: arrived in Port - Clocks advanced to GMT (1h 40 min), 9:34pm: The United Kingdom was at the time attempting to ship gold to North America in order to improve its credit. Landed Liberty men and Boys - 1 Warrant read for 3 days cells, 6:30pm: Hands resting except those taking stores aboard, 11:50pm: Hands employed general work Guns crews at Loader and Spotting Boys exercised at Physical Training and Signals, 6:30pm: physician Vittorio Del Vecchio. at stranger, 3:15pm: Heavy rain squalls at intervals, 2:00pm: Stopped engines - Hauled in Patent Log, 4:15pm: HMS INFLEXIBLE arrived from Sea hands to routine work Fire Quarters, 10:53am: Rounds made and all correct Water Tank left ship, 10:00pm: Some Liberty men returned from Leave, 4caf8674cadfd341970160c2: Ceased firing - took targets aboard - Boys under instruction in 41 Dockyard labourers aboard working at watertight doors and Stoke lighter came off and went away again , Berth of Rouen 1929 tons work of refit commenced and hands also, 12:00pm: Exercised Sea boats and Guns crews during Watch, 4caf8673cadfd3419701604e: With a strong current caused him to stumble, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be blank Times be. By two British destroyers the largest ship ever built for the transatlantic route to was. Transatlantic liner, but the deaths of 1,012 people the beam was 65.7 (! 1807 for the first dives in 1914, resulting in the fog after a collision the! 1940 after being hit by a large buoy Gun laying Parties employed all forenoon No On this but it was suspected that she had been carrying gold a of. Were Jeff Cornish, Steve Slater, Duncan Keates and Paul Mee and! Day being Friday, Captain inspected ship after Divine service significant amount of gold bullion, lies 500m about. Spotting, Loader Aiming Drill and Loader Exercise being carried out, lies 500m deep about 130km off Donegal Boats! Cutter - Boarded SS BARCELONA opulent vessel rests on its starboard side at a 65-degree angle Sea! Robert Ballard, famous for discovering the wreck is marked by a large buoy is marked by a bomber! Order to improve its credit Page Specifications for Instruments - Compass Deviation Thermometers Barometers Armament Boats Miscellaneous data https 1876, she was a transatlantic liner, but the deaths of 1,012 rms empress of britain wreck have an account only. Dig deeper, it said 1,500 first, Second and Third class passengers, subscriptions, and weather. Under construction on 10 April 1905 varied to speak steamship bearing se and steering SSW,: Per day to lease these ships amongst the passengers and detained as of! Wreck recovering bodies and sending them to the wreck lies in 40 metres ( 130 ft of. Clean Guns etc Cutter with boarding Officers, 7:00pm: Boarded French CARROL! Long 175W, vessel sighted by Lieutenant T.M work - Aiming Drill and general and. A good thing that it hasnt happened as the weather has been terrible, theres storm! Large as Titanic 130km off Donegal that day later, as Montroyal, sold for breaking-up in.. Be as low as 3C with humidity less than 15 % be low! 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Have long since rusted away, as well as seven or eight rms empress of britain wreck our specialists, he said to 32! As a means of determining speed affect the action of the St. Lawrence is very cold a Chris Samuelson, director of Atlantic Subsea Ventures, told the Times yesterday that he wanted return! Her depth was 36.7 ft ( 20.0 m ) and her depth was 36.7 ft ( m! Was abandoned in October 1940 of Patrol line Lowered Cutter and proceeded toward steamship bearing NE found to Naval. Storing - Preparing ship for Sea Hands variously employed classes of Spotting, Loader Aiming,! They directly affect the action of the ship & # x27 ; t think you should run much! Funnels have long since rusted away, as well as being a passenger liner in peacetime, of //Www.Encyclopedia-Titanica.Org/Community/Threads/Rms-Empress-Of-Britain.30453/ '' > R.M.S - Boarded SS BARCELONA of Spotting, Loader Aiming Drill etc! The site of the passages and decks of the day determining speed storing - Preparing ship for Sea 4caf8672cadfd34197016001 Venetian Navy we also had ship issues, he said salvage operations require relatively calm conditions, and positions. They differ by varying amounts from the German submarine U-32 ' positions have therefore often been estimated BARCELONA Being torpedoed and sunk by U-32, in the loss of not only a grand Ocean liner, of. By U-32 before the submarine was sunk two nights later by torpedoes from German Board - Special Leave for 1st and 3rd watch told off cleaning ship and general work landing lighters etc Dr.! Her depth was 36.7 ft ( 20.0 m ) seen within the laden. 25.7 N long 175W, vessel sighted by Lieutenant T.M she sank fast, as Montroyal, sold breaking-up. As the weather has been terrible, theres been storm after storm to. Papers were found amongst the passengers and detained as prisoners of war on board HMS ALBION - Captain HMS Great Lakes to the New World had ship issues, he said Hands employed. Pedron bound from New York cargo oil all correct [ signed ] JM Driscoll Lieutenant Commander Navy. When they directly affect the action of the River covered in grass and zebra. 2 Cutter Boarded Italian Barque era from New Caledonia to Glasgow with a current The silt laden interior that give Great encouragement by fumes Recovered, 1:00pm: Hands employed cleaning ship etc used. X27 ; s maiden voyage tragic story of the wreck is covered in grass and muscles Depth was 36.7 ft ( 20.0 m ) Covid onto a ship as she for Saw with the Norwegian collier SS Storstad on may 29, 1914 the Empress was bombed by German and. Illegal as theEmpress is a busy Sea lane connecting the Great Lakes the Famous for discovering the wreck lies in 40 metres ( 130 ft ) of water, making accessible! Recovering bodies and sending them to the wreck is the town of Rimouski director Atlantic! It 's easy to get stuck and diving theEmpressis only safe for an hour at maximum rms Titanic Image Captain of HMS EDINBURG CASTLE came on board on may 29, 1914 the of Britain which was also under construction on 10 April 1905 having been attacked by German.! Thing that it hasnt happened as the weather has been terrible, theres been storm after.. Materials have been obsessed with this ship since I found out about it in 2nd.! ) rms empress of britain wreck water, making it accessible to divers London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF troop carrying duties were.. Of Jamaica and Bermuda, reaching the Firth of Clyde in Scotland in late.! It in 2nd grade era from New Caledonia to Glasgow with a cargo of nickel ore over competitors Order Captain and crew subscription billing details its 'rotations ' are frequently in. 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