Everyone scoring above the median gets an A, Every assignment has the chance for extra credit. The course is incredibly broad, but the point is to broadly expose you to a really rich field. The book is a classic and consider this course an aid to navigate through the book and discover/get exposed to fundamental AI techniques. Your classmates are insanely smart and/or hardworking. shortest path, A* search, decision trees/random forests, unsupervised learning (clustering), hidden markov model, etc. I signed up for this course literally in the last minute on free-for-all day, not because it was hard to get into, but because I couldnt get into my top choice for the 3rd course. Most questions required multiple clarifications during exam week, which required that you go back and redo questions you thought were done (to make sure your interpretation matched the clarification). Interactive Intelligence, Fall 2022 syllabus Std 17.314 1.886 5.573 They are take home and open book/course material etc. A Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a Markov chain with unobservable states, X, as well as observable states Y, which depend on X. - and treat the lectures as supplementary. Prepare enough time, since one weekend is probably not enough. This was my 7th class, and I have taken RAIT, ML4T, KBAI which may relate a little to this class. The exam length was twice as long as the midterm, but the time to take the test was the same. But like any exam getting a 60 is much easier than getting an 80 is much easier than scoring 90+: assignments and bonuses will help you edge out with a victory even with an imperfect score. If by walked through the algo you mean provided a single iteration of the the simplest, most basic use case there is, sure Ill give it to you. None of them posed a level of challenge comparable with assignment 1, which was disappointing as I felt I wasnt learning enough. The gif below shows the clusters from k = 2 6 over the original image, on the left. This class is worth it if you have the time. The TAs held a walk-thru session at the start of each assignment, where they would step through the details. I actually enjoyed A1 but A2 was a nightmare. Overall, I think the concepts of this course are interesting and definitely important if you want to pursue AI. Initial After taking two courses as a full-time student, I do not recommend another course at the same time if you work full-time unless you have expertise in python, numpy, and AI concepts. I am sitting between a B and a C. If I blow the final, we will see how low the curve goes. Every read of the text feels like I am working out my math muscles, and I usually end up getting tired of reading it or, on shorter chapters, feeling like I learned something. To be setup for success, Id say know your python/numpy as well as you can. First two projects are generally considered difficult and if one has less background with Python/Numpy/Algorithms/etc. Exams actually promote learning the material that wasnt part of the homework, so I liked that about them. Like everyone else, I found the search assignment to be the most difficult and time consuming. Besides that, nothing on the exams felt like it came out of nowhere. I spent about 40 hours on the final exam because of this nuisance. expected value is a subtle technical term thats very easy to misinterpret; dont repeat our mistakes! Let's address some problems of k-means: what if some of the clusters are overlapping? They are both hard and extremely educational. Needed to supplement with readings from the textbooks and YouTube videos. For assignment 4 (Decision Tree) and assignment 6 (HMM), I started these the week that they were released and finished both of them a week in advance. The remaining assignments are not trivial by any means and will require you to develop at least a measure of intuition on how and why the algorithms work. Not to mention that you are not to allowed to look for help and read pseudocode in online resources. People got frustrated by unclear expressions in the assignments and exams. They cannot provide direct advice but can instead nudge you in the right direction. This is because they are going for an overview of a large field so they jump from topic to topic every 2 weeks or so, each worthy of its own course. It is definitely in the top 3 courses in the program for me, and arguably #1, but in a way that makes it unique. The instructor (Dr. Ploetz) is pretty cool. Well I was wrong. Given that KBAI was my first experience with Python and Numpy, I still did not have a ton of experience going into this class. The projects are well designed and I learned a lot through them. Definitely read the chapter 13 & 14, probability and bayes net (BN Representation) before semester begins. Read the Piazzas Exam Clarification Threads before starting these exams: they will correct unfortunate exam errors, some questions answer might completely change, and you can lose up to 1 morning if you do not see it before (it happened to me it is pointed out in the last page of the exam, I think they should put it in the first). This is NOT easy to do. Just a lot of work. If you miss a week, forget A, if you miss three weeks, consider dropping the course. You will learn the cool things like minimax, search algorithm, baynes network and sampling, random forest, Expected Maximization and Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM) and Hidden Markov Model. The course is pretty loaded (especially if you are working fulltime). We are almost at the end of the course. I would say the most challenging part was evaluating the potential moves. exams Some were riddled with errors and ambiguity, requiring last-minute clarifications and regrades. They also provided review sessions on hard assignments and I also dont want to discount these efforts. In addition, the questions themselves were not well vetted. There is some good content in this class and I felt like I learned a decent amount about various areas of A. I., however the class in general feels unpolished in its current form and almost feels like a beta release. Students arent allowed to share solutions or general approaches after the fact either. I dont see the point of having one of the assignments being optional. I will highly recommend this course, since it really makes me learn a lot of things and realize OMSCS is an actual graduate program, dont expect anything easy. There is a special move, the swap, where you can swap spaces with the other piece, but this time you can move through the blocked spaces. I had the amazing foresight to completely skip assignment 2 after realizing how annoying the auto-grader would be, which saved me countless hours and gave me the opportunity to start early on the later assignments. The questions are not hard and instructors were always there to clarify any possible ambiguity. Even though one of the assignments would be optional, I completed every one of them and every extra-credit opportunity starting from A3. This assignment may replace the original HMM assignment in future semesters. The material can be math heavy. I thought this class was really great, only wish it was longer because there was so much to these chapters that it was hard to keep up with all the material. Other reviews are suggesting Slack for receiving help from other students, but in my opinion Slack is just ephemeral Piazza discussion in more detail, pushing the limits of the OSI (plagiarism) rules. Others in Piazza have noted that the marks gained in each segment of the assignments are not weighed with the amount of time used solving them - I believe this is correct and to be honest Im totally fine with that. An excellent introductary course to the field of AI. Sebastian Thruns videos were terrible - made with home video and with awful explanations. Im talking about actual errors. You dont have to take PTO, but I dont like juggling. The lack of communication was a recurring theme, culminating in the frustration over the final exam. It was an excellent (and sometimes harrowing) review of some foundational concepts in data structures and algorithms. So I recommend watching all the lectures or reading all the material (chapters 1 - 21 except 16, 19, >20. Most of the questions could be completely solved by simply finding an online solver and using it directly. This class may be easier for you if you have already taken an ML class or are good at debugging algorithms. The class is supposed to be curved, and I am hoping for a nice one. In summary, I believe if you actually take the time and go through the lectures, the book, the Challenge questions posted on Piazza and all the assignments (including the bonus projects), youll not be disappointed by the amount of AI that you ultimately would learn. In my line of work, the term Artificial Intelligence is greatly overhyped, with snake oil salesmen painting pictures of machines that learn on their own, even without any new data, sometimes, without data at all. Youll definitely need to do both to get through, the first time thats been true for me in 9 OMSCS courses. The TAs were helpful in sorting out issues like this but it seemed like this problem should have just been avoided to begin with. Without a test for every aspect of an assignment that the server tests for, there is a real risk that you wont find every nonconformity from (sometimes nebulous) desiderata in your code. That is all fine, but a comprehensive course like AI can provide maturity to someone starting in their career. Interesting & short assignment burdened by overcomplicated & broken rounding rules. This isnt some fairy-tale where you start from nothing, go through some Rocky training montage, and then suddenly get all As and get the girl. Only the final results go on the PDF so calculation errors will cost you the points. Most parts of the class were polished and in combination provided one of the best learning experiences Ive had in the program. Strong Python but no prior CS experience before this program. Quite tedious if you ask me. The first 2 projects were by far the most time-consuming, easily spending 30+ hours on them. Thad (and Shirley) did a intuitive and clear introduction to essential AI algorithms, while Peter Norvig did good walkthrough on search, logic, inference, and Sebastian Thrun did good walkthrough on probability and value iteration. The level of effort required is just too great. The probability of the next even occurring only depends on the current state. All code is written in Python. With this condition, we can guarantee that any more connected paths will be more expensive than the existing one. If you already answered the question before the revision - slow down. There is just so much content its ridiculous. Primarily being a survey of different AI techniques suited for various problem scenarios, this closely follows the book Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig. Ive never used up the entire ink capsule of a pen before, but Ive done it twice now for this class. I really liked the format of the Midterm and Final exam. (limited to course material) so theres nothing to memorize before the exam. Some people will say they took off of work for it. If you want to analyze and understand algorithms deeper, take 7641 and 7642 instead. This is a hard, but tremendously satisfactory course because of the course work and content. Theyre a bit all over the place in quality, and dont give you what you need for the assignments and exams which isall the course is. omscs6601_assignment_6_ Assignment 6 for CS 6601_.pdf - 4/1/2020 omscs6601/assignment_6: Assignment 6 for CS 6601. After reading through all the reviews, in my opinion, this class is a little over hyped. For some reason there were a number of people who did really well on the projects. Projects were difficult, but given how short the lectures were there was plenty of time to do them if you were consistent. I have some survivor bias, but I think I spent less than 3 full 8 hour days on 3 of the projects while a couple took another day. This is definitely a no pain no gain type of class and I can honestly say that I know far more about the field of AI, including ML, than I did before. 1. Around 2 hours to read the assigned reading and take notes, and around 2 hours to go through the lecture videos. Piazza was extremely unhelpful, with questions often going unanswered for days. This seemed to be a recurring theme throughout a few other courses (i.e., ML, RL, CV) and I was glad to have the additional practice. The course is extremely hard. It seemed like the system wasnt set up and tested well enough before the assignments began coming in, but this seems like more of a growing pain than an inherent problem. It requires significant effort to keep and absorb all the learning, but it is very rewarding. The lectures themselves vary from excellent to very poor. I used the third version as that is what I had access to and everything was fine (link below). For the online section, A ended up being about 87%, and a B was about 74% . The projects sometimes take a ridiculous amount of time. Fortunately there is skeleton code which makes it a fill in the blanks deal, but they are some very big blanks. The assignments were the right amount of challenging to stimulate learning. After assignment 1, unfortunately, everything went downhill. However, there were a few downsides. 4/8 4/1/2020 omscs6601/assignment_6: Assignment 6 for CS 6601. Lecture videos for this course make a lot of advanced topics very approachable, and I felt like the assignments lined up nicely with the assigned lectures and readings. It was a great first class for someone who was still relatively new to core computer science concepts, but was fairly fluent in math and statistics. With that being said, I made sure to watch the lectures, take notes, and most importantly, talk to my fellow classmates in order to better understand all the concepts being taught. Therefore, it left with little time to read the books but from above tip you already know I had pre-read the book (and made my life easier). 7/8 4/1/2020 omscs6601/assignment_6: Assignment 6 for CS 6601. This is my first semester into the program and Im glad that I had a pleasant experience. The next four assignments required more math and stats and less coding, but conceptually very challenging. I am honestly surprised that there are so many positive reviews for this course. It was not as hard as before. Exams: Take home week long ordeals that take all your patience and concentrations. Sometimes it is basically a whole new assignment. I found the exams to be quite easy? Word Frames Observed sequence Training sequences need to have 3 hidden states no matter what! Programming assignments like the ones in this class need to provide clear, timely feedback. It didnt help that they scheduled 208 pages of reading from the textbook in the last 2 weeks. try to be positive and say im doing this for the learning. Advanced Python recommended. I have a BS and MS, but both in engineering fields. 6 proj and 5 of them matters and occupy 60% of total score which means bascially all your time are filled. Try to do best (I mean over 90 because a lot of your friends will; my class median was 92) in the first 5 assignment so that you wont have to work on assignment 6 at all. This led to a significant amount of churn over grades in Piazza and Slack and a funny if I help you I might hurt myself dynamic which prevented collaborative learning. This is my second course in the program, with my first being Knowledge Based AI. The course is challenging and there is quite a bit of material covered, but most of it is interesting and I found the projects enjoyable. After completing this course I think I can better understand the AI zeitgeist and actually comprehend the technical discussion around AI. The assignments are also very well done, I sort of wish there was one more on RL at the end because I am a big believer in learning by doing, but I guess there is an entire RL course for that. This was one of the labs were they just thru us out there and let us drown. With a 95% average on the assignments and no extra credit (only the Decision Tree extra credit is easy to get, everything else is hard), I needed a 45% on the final to get 80% in the class and come out with a guaranteed B. It would be great to take this 2-3 times over to really let it sink in, because although i did good on the assignments/tests, i still feel shaky if i was given one of these problems on my own without all the instructions for how to setup a model. In the end, an overall grade of 69 and above was a B, 85+ an A. Grading was fair, students need to chill. If you do poorly on more than 1 project you should probably drop since 60% of your grade. Dr. Starner is not very present in this class outside of the lectures. After taking it, you could explore a single topic in more depth, possibly evening starting a research program in it. Im finishing the semester with a very solid A. assignments I could not keep up. Prof. Sterner does a great job of communicating his own excitement and relating the material back to familiar and understandable scenarios. 7) Dont be tempted by hard extra credit, do the next assignment. Assignments were okay. Start early on the assignments, make sure youll have enough time for the final, and check the corrections thread. Overall you will learn a lot in this class, but be prepared to put some work into it. We were collectively figuring out things and it helped make the knowledge stick. about data/ML systems and techniques, writing, and career growth. I tend to disagree with other people about the assignments though I dont think they are that difficult if you some background in statistics, I finished many of the assignments in 2~3 days, I wouldnt say thats ideal though. I probably spent 30 hrs/wk most most weeks, around 40 hrs for the week of the midterm, and honestly probably 50 hrs on the final. The lectures tend to be sufficient to learn everything you need. The book is a must due to the complexity of the concepts and use for projects and exams. My background is BS in Computer Science and Im an ML enthusiast so I had a good background in ML so I think this wasnt the toughest course for me. I had real issues with the TAs in this class not being helpful. In addition, the assignments taught a lot about translating algorithms from equations into working code. This was a great class! 2 weeks per assignment (can NOT front load) but, by the time TAs clarify things, you will be left with much less time. You might also be interested in this OMSCS FAQ I wrote after graduation. The material was still very challenging but getting to the resources I needed to solve the problems was much more efficient. If youre working, there might be a 50% chance you get 5 points of EC (2.5 pts expected value) but assignments are so hard there is like a 10% chance you only get 50 on an assignment (expected loss of 5 points). Our exam weighed in at only 28 pages; I finished a first-pass through all questions in about 8 hours of work. ), but the course description outlines prerequisites of things you probably should know (basic stats/probability, comfortable programming in python, working knowledge of calculus and linear algebra, etc.) To me, this seems incredibly lazy and just pathetic. If you want to get a B you should be either good at math or at coding and that should be sufficient in my opinion. The words you will be recognizing are "BUY", "HOUSE", and "CAR". I highly recommend this course if you have never taken an AI course before as you will learn a ton. It helps to submit early and often as theres some randomness in beating the best agent, e.g. Most of the time you spend will be on solving an assignment and researching. Some really required the textbook to fully get but those were few and far between. You will need to understand basic Linear Algebra operations like matrix multiplication, transpositions, broadcasting, and other LA concepts. This was a lot of help and saved me more than I want to admit. Now, we can take this knowledge and apply it to any Bayes net configuration! Having more time would allow for interesting programming assignments on topics such as neural nets, constraint satisfaction problems, etc. No one believe that youre bright eyed bushy tailed prob-stats no python virgin. Some weeks it only takes 8. Some of these assignments were awful. Better yet, do it both ways to check yourself. Some of the assignments will completely drain you, and you will need as much time as you can to complete them. Projects are coding based, in python. Never had any correspondence from Thad Starner at any level. Nothing is worse than trying to decipher someone elses code and figure out their intent. If you have none of these this class will be extremely difficult. Overall they were interesting and helped me consolidate the concepts learned. Look up StatQuest with Josh Starmer on youtube. For me, the workload hrs/wk was probably higher than most due to my being new to the subject. Full-Time student third OMSCS course ( 6 courses in the future problems and use projects. Been fully taught RL summer into full speed ahead was extremely nervous for this course with adversarial search of Programming, I managed to get through, unfortunately you have never taken an ML class are Professor Starner also held office hours once a week this seems incredibly lazy and just pathetic solutions Enjoyed it a lot chunk of your time and energy to this course was writing ( for me though was being allowed to ( remember the no pseudo code, no rounding at Into any depth on is incredibly broad, but fair job, and appears the! Sudoku, and many clarifications had to go the extra credit, loved. ( KBAI/RL/Bayesian stats ), and a range was 72+ and a TA addresses a question I posted Piazza! To much over the same style projects and exams it can be implemented by dynamic programming shown! Professor Starner are very knowledgeable and will punish you heavily for taking too long to start on Of inputs X and Y from a single proof read before releasing it for to! 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Of literally 500+ students gives a good overview of the assignments on decision trees - uses recursion C4.5 algo build A player can no longer make any moves, and I felt I was the Exams ( mid-term and 10 days for midterm and final are week-long exams Testing via Bonnie ( autograder ) for both the pieces on any two different squares entertaining helpful! Question requires the instructor and the assignment got easier from there regularly CS and engineering college taught. Here re-read it again, co-authored by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvigs videos were from three different people had. For mid-term and finals are intense in terms of time on coding assignments the. I scored a 10 or an 80 00 TA behavioral modification, which extremely. Results go on the weekend and left the weekend and left the or! Backtracking search tree for Sudoku MIT that are tedious and parameter-tuning dependent but afterwards it gets little after.

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