ETHICAL DILEMMAS This opportunity is yet another challenge to otherwise ethical leader if presented with the right conditions. This means that the main benefit of ethical leadership to the organization is competitive advantage through the projection of a positive corporate image. In any organization, the followers include, among other salient stakeholders, the employees and the investors as well as the consumers, suppliers, and distributors. Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the intent, means and consequences of moral behavior. For example, if the aim is to increase the share prices and volumes in the financial markets so as to make the leaders resuming colorful, they may engage in doctoring financial statements in order to encourage shareholders to buy stocks even when the company is not performing well as it was in the case with Enron. What do I do?. For example, in the society where gift giving is acceptable, the business leader is likely to be affiliated with the entity that has the ability to offer the best or most expensive gift. Justice and fairness, responsibility, beneficence, autonomy, and non-harm are some of the nursing ethical concepts (Haddad & Geiger, 2018). Ethics deal. The institutional context and factors beyond the immediate workplacethe operational milieu within which leaders work, which includes policies, procedures, and society. Get 20% of Your First Order amount back in Reward Credits! They work towards creating a working environment in which the employees can thrive on the benefit of the company and its shareholders, thus also benefiting the employees in the end. So there is a general tendency for people to fail to realize that they are making choices which affect others, with possible adverse consequences, and which should therefore be considered from a moral point of view. It is a process of social influence or we can say ability to influence others in order to accomplish a common task or achieving common objective. These two perspectives present a simplistic view on leadership without necessarily being reductive about it. Authors: Radhika Kapur. We have collected dozens of previously unpublished examples in one place. Citing the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Franklin Roosevelt, Johnson, 2013 highlights the basics of transformational leadership to be addressing human needs beyond the basic. Altruistic leadership is all about dedicating oneself to the betterment of others, and a pure example of this is the case of Mother Teresa who was a true altruistic leader. For example, eminent domain results in harming the minority for grater societal good. This theory is largely applicable in task-oriented organizations where the leadership is often focused on the tasks at hand rather than the people and the processes. Check out this FREE essay on Ethical Leadership and use it to write your own unique paper. WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS The family was spared further financial expenses, but may have lost trust in the hospital; especially the nurse whom they may have perceived failed then in their time of need. How do they measure moral principles like honesty, fairness, equality, respecting the dignity of others, respecting peoples right, and recognizing vulnerability of individuals weaker or less fortunate than others. By clicking Check Writers Offers, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. My [], The context and the values in the text Othello by William Shakespeare have shaped me in perspective through the main character Othello. Think about it, most, if not all, decisions made by todays leaders may have an ethical component. 2, pp. This is not entirely a principle but rather a quality, which is both natural and learned. This leadership attempts can be measured successful or unsuccessful, depending upon production of the desired action or response. Ethical leadership is the foundation to successful leadership. Assume you have a variety of options. Content may be subject to copyright. A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives, any difficult or perplexing situation or problem. Ethical leaders should also not allow personal habits to challenge their trust (Pope, 2015) They should always be firm and bold in the decisions they make. Literacy Champions named exemplary community engagement project . Justice, on the other hand, comes with conflict resolution, where an ethical leader is expected to refrain from taking someones sides and rather giving each individual the kind of response that they deserve for their actions within the organization. Nevertheless, when they consider satisfying their own needs as the main motivator, they are likely to work towards a good performance so that they can register the highest possible returns for the investors, rewards and benefits for the employees, more business for the suppliers, and eventually a bigger bonus for themselves. They do so through empathy, listening, awareness, conceptualization, stewardship, foresight, persuasion, and commitment into building communities and human resource development projects. Conclusion: In conclusion, a leader is a person who attracts people by his speech, actions or decisions. Growth is a principle that dissuades the leader from activities that could destroy the organization or their individual career. The leadership of the company should highlight the significance of ethics in the environment and urge workers to operate within the established ethical borders. When taken truthfully, it could have some lucrative rewards including being a role model, earning respect and unconditional loyalty of the subjects, and being considered a trustworthy member of the society. Positive and negative impacts of building a new firm to the market, Act Essay Tips: What It Takes to Write a Great ACT Essay, All about Me Essay: Writing Tricks and Guidelines for Writers, All You Wanted to Know About Email Structure for Business. These theories highlight the autonomy of a leader as far as decision making is concerned, thus being highly applicable for organizations that have a corporate structure devoid of checks and balances for the top tier leadership. In fact, people predict that they will behave more ethically that they actually do. On a fundamental level, they are very similar terms. The requirements for navigating through these circumstances successfully were not a part of their character, thus limiting the ability to come out unscathed by fraud. I (author of the book) can recall my first year of law school and being exposed to the Socratic method of teaching, which is specifically designed to enhance critical-thinking skills. Save time and let our verified experts help you. The profession is governed and guarded by its moral values. This implies looking at the long-term effects of their actions and weighing them against the short-term benefits. Showing respect for the individual also means that you recognize that everybody has some inner worth and should be treated with courtesy and kindness. Our physicians had done all they can for him using all the latest medical information and technology, but this had cause his family thousands of dollars in medical expenses, after their insurance coverage was terminated. The authors argue that the virtue of courage is essential to team members' deciding whether to take a leadership position on a team. Yes, good intentions are important. Step2. An ethical and moral leader strives to treat fairly all interested parties byhis or her decisions. Formatting should be 12pt. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Such leaders are rather scarce but when they exist, they tend to achieve much more as they not only inspire growth but also form strong bonds of trust and loyalty with their subjects. Job satisfaction is a great motivation for high productivity within an organization. The integrity and characters of leaders serve as the foundation for personal traits that direct ethical values, decisions, and beliefs of the leader. For example, an employee may know somethings wrong it smells bad, as one approach puts it. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. A decision to right size will inevitably harm the person being laid off. "NACAC has allowed me to create professional relationships with colleagues across the world and I know that I can pick up the phone and call any NACAC member to help me in guiding a student properly or to simply listen when things can feel unfair in the college admission process. Does it pass the Ambien test? It should be mentioned that among other things, Burns perspective on ethical leadership emphasizes on qualities like fairness, equality, liberty, and justice. This paper focuses on ethical leadership within organizations. To become an ethical leader efforts like energy, passion, physical stamina, knowledge, judgment, self-confidence, enthusiasm, education, interpersonal skills, sociability, cooperativeness, mobility are the things which leads to become an ethical leader. Nursing - Visionary Leadership, DNP Request More Info The Department of Health and Human Performance creates and disseminates knowledge promoting evidence . Two classification of Ethical DILEMMA Personal Model of Ethical Leadership: It also may provide other options that may not have been on the table. There also are other benefits that can be broken down as follows. Looking for College Essays on Ethical Leadership and ideas? The ethical and moral leader works silently, and somewhat behind the scenes, to accomplish moral victories regularly. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Science Psychology Ethics Ethical Leadership The Importance of Ethical Leadership, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title Some of the subtopics include personality traits that exemplify leadership or the different types of leadership and how each works. Institutions that teach ethical leadership need to have websites that are not only professionally designed, but they need to be easy to navigate and have relevant and accurate information A. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to Consequently, a leader may choose to be amoral, which means he does not consider the ethical consequences of the component of his decision. In the article The Leader Machine by Geoff Colvin, it states "most companies have enunciated values that include respect for the individual, good citizenship and integrity. This not only ensures a peaceful working environment but also encourages the formation of cordial working relationships since the leader is a just peacemaker. However, giving that person sufficient notice, providing them with severance of possible, and providing alternative-job training are all things that can mitigate the harm. This theory does not cover the actions of the leader in cases where the subjects can be considered as excluded, such as in closed door meetings and deals. Influence is the "change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics" (Hughes et al., 2014). Think about the circumstances which led to dilemma with the intention of identifying and removing the conditions that allowed it to arise. All these characters enable the leader to interact with their subjects in a constructive and influential manner in order to guide them to be whatever they are supposed to be within the given organization. Professional ethicsthe ethical standards and valued held by members of a particular profession that guide their actions and that the community expects of a member of that profession Legal institutions are requires to comply with legislation and judicial rulings. There is no standard definition of the term ethical leader, but in business its most common justification is given as, a leader with good character and strong values, having the. Instead of being perceived as heroor heroine, the moral leader quietly works on moral agenda. Quality control is rigorously maintained by us and is thoroughly aligned with the given question brief and instructions. Don't use plagiarized sources. A company with good corporate governance is likely to have a comprehensive network of checks and balances at every level of operation. database? An amoral leader functions as though ethics does not exist. An emotionally intelligent leader must consider the consequences of their actions as well they are expected to be always right or face a lot of judgment from their subordinates. They should be consistent with what they do. According to this theory, the leader is obliged to act in a way that is morally considerate given that they have individuals who look up to them. This essay was written by a fellow student. Sports Ethics Topics. al 2006]. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Comedians trevor griffiths essays. Cultural intelligence also prevents leaders from putting their employees in positions that would appear unethical for the leader including body contact with an individual from a culture that emphasizes personal space. Reader also used the "waiter rule" to explain that a lot can be said about a person's character by the way they treat the waiter, which is much like the. Although the aforementioned may be standard practice, they all violate the rights of stakeholders. Actually, it should be taken into consideration that among all the choices of leadership styles, leaders need to pick out the concepts that will make them ethical leaders especially bearing in mind the principles of ethical leadership that can also serve as deterrents of fraud and unethical conduct. It is your decision, and you must bear the responsibility. In such a case, honesty is approached with caution seeing as there are cases when it will only break an individuals spirit, thus the need for practicing positive reinforcement or sugar coating is barely fair. Nowadays, an ethical leadership is a concept that sometimes has been at the forefront of concerns as far as management is concerned. When evaluating past unethical behaviour, they usually believe that theywill behaved more ethically than they actually did. The problem with acting in a certain way out of duty is that there is not enough motivation, and the leader can just easily lie about their actions provided they are not caught. In a participative leadership style, on the other hand, leadership would be defined as engaging those being led in order to form strong bonds that bring about collaboration and supporting system, both vital in task accomplishment within the organization. Computer Ethics Essay Topics. Thus, all their actions are based on the question of whether it is right or wrong, and how they will be perceived by people they lead. A team of management scholars observes: We used to organize corporations as both economic and social institutionas organizations that were designed to serve a balanced set of stakeholders, not just the narrow interests of the shareholder. Being a leader in any commercial organization, their best interests may be high compensation packages, exorbitant rewards and bonuses, high share prices and volumes in the financial markets, high credit ratings among financial institutions, good business deals, and even good internal marketing. Article: "Courage: Making teamwork well," by B. Amos and R. J. Klimoski. One is that the company should consider revising its wages in such a manner that foreign as well as local employees are compensated fairly. Leadership is a form of power or mandate that legitimately gives one the authority to bear certain responsibilities. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the importance of ethical leadership and to identify strategies for developing ethical leaders in law enforcement today. Similarly, a leader who feels uncomfortable about deceiving millions of shareholders and creditors would not allow their subordinates to collude with clients as it happened in the Arthur Andersen case in terms of Enron company Virtues are, in this case, considered to be drivers of ethical conduct; where honesty, equality, and fairness drive away misconduct like bribery, collusion, and fraud. This includes honesty, altruistic, fair and trustworthy. Companies that have ethical leaders are generally more attractive to other companies, suppliers, distributors, consumers, and even employers. Most businesses have not only discerned the differences between a manager and a leader, but also appreciated the merits of leadership over management. These ethics are instilled from the leadership down to the employees. Analytical Writing Can Be Interesting and Adventurous! The character domain is, on the other hand, represented effectively by the virtue based on ethical leadership theories. A recent study conducted in 2010 among UK and some European companies, revealed that the most prominent ethical issues to organisations includes harassment, bribery, corruption and facilitation payments, and whistle blowing (Wesley et al. For those who may be atheist or agnostic, you may substitute God for your mother or any other figure you revere. All these theories and perspectives about ethical leadership bring us to the conclusion that in order to be an ethical leader, one should be able to pick out theories that work best for the specific situation and ensure that they are guided by moral constructs of right and wrong, goals and objectives set in the organization they represent, the needs and expectations of the society and their salient stakeholders. A team has often a leader in order to centralize responsibility in such a way that there is someone to take responsibility when things do not go as planned. This means that focusing on the long-term objectives is likely to protect the leader from unethical behavior. Ethics have been defined as a set of rules, most of which are written today, that govern the conduct of an individual within a given society. This generally means that in order to eliminate unethical leadership, all these gift-giving expectations must be shunned so that business interactions are conducted based on merit and not on the partners gift-giving capacity. If Person B does the task because he/she finds it personally rewarding, then Person A has been both successful (at getting the desired result) and effective (in affecting the attitude/motivation of Person B). Is often Evoke powerful emotions and strong personal opinion. By incorporating this fundamental principle of ethics, showing concern for the interest of others, you may avoid making an unethical decision. Ethical leaders intend to real positive changes Ethical leaders develop mutual purposes. Whether a leader is deciding to lay off an employee, or promote an employee, the ethicality of the leaders action must be considered. It seems a negative term. I perceive life [], Background The field of technology is quite intriguing. Its fascinating to see how different technologies operate and what they have in common. French and Raven's five bases of power are expert power, referent power, legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power; the effectiveness of a leader's influence tactics can be assessed . A model for examining and understanding ethical dilemmas. An organizations corporate culture is the way in which people inside the organization interact especially as far as decision making is concerned. Medical Ethics Topics. Among other things, the leader here is expected to act in a way that is truthful and fair, but only with respect to their subjects. It is a situation in which two or more deeply held values come into conflict It is a problematic situation whose possible solutions all offer imperfect and unsatisfactory answer. The family came to the writer secretly one night, after visiting their suffering relative, and asked if the suffering could be done by rendering assisted suicide with or without the doctors knowing about it, but the issue became even more challenging the next day when the patient himself, with as much effort as he could summon made the same request. Although we are living in a time of austerity, cutting back on ethics training is a short-sighted thing for companies to do, comments Simon Webley, Research Director of IBE and author of the survey. For example, an Indian manager would be comfortable receiving gifts as tokens of appreciation for doing business with an American company, whereas the American culture may not condone such an expectation, considering it an act of corruption. Ethical leaders focus on long-term outcomes, weaknesses, and strengths of the decisions they set in . The decision to take the matter to a higher authority was borne out of the fact that many physicians as well as nurses think it was unethical, morally wrong and against the Hippocratic Oath to take a persons life intentionally, even if the patient request it (Ardelt, 2003). This is the person who goes through life exercising proper judgment and engaging in the right course of action under the circumstances. harmony in order to life, The Importance of Ethical Leadership. This theory is highly inefficient in todays world although at some point it may have been popular in China, Germany, and India. In this theory, it should be mentioned that virtues are often universally acknowledged unlike moral obligations, which vary by different cultures. Yet the employee may be torn between loyalty to colleagues and commitment to the company. Personal Model of Ethical Leadership Others were even prosecuted, thus tainting their records for life. Retrieved from 97 views 7 pages ~ 1884 words. When looking for motivation to lead, the need for serving is a step in the right direction. However, the second opinion may reveal some factors that you may have not considered. The first component is the critical incident that generates the ethical dilemma for the decision maker. Reference. Employees who are treated well are more likely to focus on their work, thus ensuring that they generate as much output as expected of them by the organization. The political frameworkthe political ideology, system, and structure of a jurisdiction socializes people and enhances or constrains the decisions and actions they take. My supervisor uses me as a confidante and openly discusses another workers shortcomings with me, yet she never approaches the worker about it. My supervisor degrades me and makes personal comments about meusually negativeand sometimes in front of other staff. My coworker reads all day long and doesnt spend much time working with clients. Concentrate instead strictly on the actions. Let us help you get a good grade on your paper. Embedding justice into ones leadership practices ensures that they are always trusted to make the right decision even in a tough situation. Maintaining professional ethics in the supervisory process can pose unique challenges. Brown et al. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. These competing choices have been described as pulling leaders in different directions, and have been found to cause leaders great stress and anxiety. Ideally, all decisions should be made taking into consideration the ethical ramifications of ones actions. It is the study of moral judgments and right and wrong conduct. In response, both parties were told that the matter would be looked into and a report conveyed to them later. My perspective will include the path goal theory and the ethical practices, explain how ethics play a role in leadership and decision making. Ethical egoism is a theory, according to which the leader makes decisions based on their best interests. This is mainly because it has quite a number of benefits that include better organizational performance, employee retention due to the high levels of job satisfaction, efficient operational costs, and others. If Person B does what Person A asks only because of positional power, influence, or guilt, then the leader (Person A) has been successful in this scenario, but not effective. 3/3. An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. When an organization has ethical leadership, it is likely to follow the rules and regulations in its activities. In the field of healthcare, it is a common practice to seek second and sometimes third opinions. As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. Mostly, how ethics produce effective leaders will stress how good leadership is impossible without ethics. Consequently, this means that under the deontological theory of ethical leadership, the leader is able to hide their wrong actions and conduct themselves ethically when being in the public eye. It is simply not a viable business strategy to claim that there is no such thing as ethics in business this is a sure way of avoiding any personal responsibility for what is happening. When considering the definition of leadership, it is important to note that depending on the style of leadership used, the definition may vary. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Next, an explanation of how a leader can successfully translate theory into practice will act as the framework for a plan of action promoting ethical conduct from others. In most cases, this is very dangerous considering that it is all about the self, and such strong motivation becomes hazardous if unchecked. If doing what is right produces something bad, or if doing what is wrong produces something good, the force of moral obligation may seem balanced by the reality of the good end. Apart from three main domains of ethical leadership theories, there are a number of diverse perspectives on ethical leadership that will be discussed below. Regardless of the leadership style, it should be appreciated that a leader must be able to lead the way towards the goals and objectives set, whether by inspiration, example or coercion, which is simply determined by the conduct and character of the leader in question. Successful leaders incorporate all ethical values such as fairness, integrity, justice, and honesty which result in sustainable results (Brown and Trevio, 2006, p. 605). A new employee reported she is being abused by her live-in boyfriend. Now, assuming that they made the right decision, there should be no agonizing over it, and the need for Ambien for that decision should not existtest passed! Ethics concerning FASB. Discuss. It is an internal feeling or sense of obligation to do the right thing. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for . Assignment Description Professional Platform for Ethics and Leadership The role of the health care professional includes being a moral agent or a person whose actions affect themselves and others at a moral level. Ethical leadership is an important aspect that should be practiced by all individuals in leadership positions despite of whether the leadership is intentional or unintentional, or formal or informal. It is important to have a personal ethic or moral framework in which you ground your practice and professional relationships. Under the conduct domain, there are theories based on the concept of consequences with respect to the leader actions. ANALYZE THE CONSEQUENCES This theory suggests that the leader is likely to act in a way that is strict and very limiting towards the employees, but only so that they can minimize expenditure and maximize productivity. And ways they influence others decisions. Consider the range of both positive and negative consequences connected with each one. Herein, the leader carefully makes decisions that benefit them, their organization or employees, or even an interested third party depending on the prevailing circumstances. 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