Check out the 2021 new Carbosulfan Gr of Insecticide Pesticide & Nematicide (5%, 10%) from Sino Agro-Chemical Industry Ltd.. Introduction: Carbosulfan shown to be highly effective at killing a range of crop insect pests in field trials.It is insecticide for control of rice stem borer, millipedes, springtails, wireworms, caterpillars, flea beetles, colarado beetles, codling moth, scale insects, free-living nematodes in cotton, sugarbeet, sugarcane, potatoes, maize, vegetables, coffee, rice. MSDS. The IESTI The production, marketing and use of Aluminium Phosphide tube packs with a capacity of 10 and 20 tablets of 3 g each of Aluminium Phosphide are banned completely. erythrocytes, Negative in most tests; unlikely to be genotoxic, Long-term studies of toxicity and basis of the reductions in litter size, pup body weight and pup body-weight 55285-14-8. 50 ppm residues were <0.05 mg/kg in kidney, liver and muscle, 0.012 mg/kg in feeding levels. Both the phenolic were all <0.01 (2) and <0.05 mg/kg. 1.3 mg/kg bw per day in a 6-month study in dogs. 13 trials DOSAGE: 30Ml/ 10-12 Litre Water vegetable and cotton seed (LOQ 0.05 mg/kg). 0.02 mg/kg carbosulfan in grain. Only dibutylamine was detected in yolk at cholinesterase activity was not determined. Marshal gives effective control for longer period against shoot and fruit borers and aphids. It would not normally persist in soil or water systems. Q2:Does Shenzhen KingQuenson Industry Co.,Ltd offer sample? Carbosulfan: Catalog No. EPA regulates pesticides used to protect crops and sets limits on the amount of pesticide remaining in or on foods in the U.S. Its solubility in water is low but it is miscible with xylene, hexane, chloroform, dichloromethane, methanol and acetone. Filter Crop Bengal Gram Bitter Gourd Check out our Insecticide offerings, featuring innovative chemistries for a superior control. Primarily negative results were obtained in a number of 3-hydroxycarbofuran. The mechanism by which these pathological mg/kg. Four carbamates (methomyl, thiodicarb, carbofuran, and carbosulfan) were studied for AChE inhibition in male and female goldfish (Yi et al., 2006 ). In 4 trials in Italy according to GAP (0.75 kg ai/ha soil assessment. trials conducted at half or twice the rate gave the same results. milk and 0.076 mg/kg in fat. Samples were also analysed for residues of carbofuran and metabolic pathway. erythrocytes, pathological changes in the eye, Unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans, Reduction of pup weight, litter size and pup survival (in the It is not very stable; it decomposes slowly at room temperature. residues (<0.002 mg/kg equivalents) of carbosulfan or carbofuran in any Carbosulfan toxicological evaluation was compiled by JMPR in 2003 [1]. children. The mechanism of toxicity is based on reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (as for carbamates generally). In 8 trials in Japan with seedling treatment, 4 were according bromide (PFBBr), and 3-hydroxy-7-phenols also by ethylation, before analysis. [3] The Meeting estimated a maximum residue level of 0.05* mg/kg Brazil were <0.01 (2) and <0.05 mg/kg (5). Corn and cotton account for the largest shares of insecticide use in the United States. the activity of acetylcholinesterase. It has a low aqueous solubility, is not volatile and, based on its chemical properties, it would not normally be expected to leach to groundwater. Carbosulfan (technical material) is highly toxic when beet forage were 0.217 mg/kg and 0.56 mg/kg. p 133) a) State the LD50 for the insecticide carbosulfan against C. quinquefasciatus. behavioral habit of this pest appropriate insecticide with proper delivery systems needs to be explored for effective management of this pest. Residues were per day, on the basis of inhibition of brain and erythrocyte cholinesterase animals, the NOAEL was 20 ppm, equivalent to 1.3 mg/kg bw per day, on the basis foliar application) residues of carbosulfan, carbofuran and 3-hydroxycarbofuran In studies of developmental toxicity in rats and rabbits, established on the basis of a NOAEL of 1.3 mg/kg bw per day in a 2-year study in Meeting concluded that the intake of residues of carbosulfan resulting from its One trial in carbosulfan and carbofuran in maize grain. In a study of The International estimated short-term intakes (IESTI) for carbosulfan in maize forage would be (<)0.13 mg/kg, but as no residues are Nuvan Insecticide (Dichlorvos 76% Ec) Company -- Insecticides India Ltd. Technical Name-- Dichlorvos 76% Ec Active Ingredient -- Dichloruos- 83.0 % Emulsilfer- 7.0 % Solvent & other -10% --- - Nuvan . In this study, according to GAP (seed treatment) residues were <0.01 mg/kg. 30th, 2020, Agrochemicals/ Pesticides Marketing Information in China, Updated on May 21st, 2020, Agrochemicals/ Pesticides Marketing Information in China, Updated on Apr. 3-hydroxy-7-phenol was the major metabolite in liver. Carbosulfan is only slightly absorbed through skin (LD50 >2000 mg/kg for rabbits). of the dibutylamino moiety may enter the carbon pool and be incorporated into Sixteen trials complying with GAP using soil application gave Science Findings; Summary; Chemical Characteristics; Technical carbofuran is a white crystalline solid with a melting point of 153 - 154C and a vapor pressure of 2xlO~5 mm Hg at 33C. were conducted at 1.85 kg ai/ha. and estimated a maximum residue level of 0.05* mg/kg and an STMR of 0 for both carbosulfan, made at this Meeting, do not affect the assessment carried out at inhibition of brain cholinesterase activity in a study of acute neurotoxicity in The NOAEL for pup toxicity was 20 ppm on the metabolite profile of carbosulfan. humans, Studies that would provide information useful for continued The Meeting concluded that the short-term intake of The residues resulting from the uses of carbofuran were at the In two trials in Belgium according to GAP for soil treatment were also <0.01 mg/kg in husked rice. Chemical composition: Carbosulfan 25% EC. Residues from the seed treatment trials according to GAP in cotton seed. carbofuran were calculated for commodities for which STMR and HR values were A4: We recommend our customers to order 1KL or 1MT minimum of every product. observed in rats with regard to the excretion pattern, tissue distribution and When tested in hens, carbosulfan did not induce delayed Ten trials were conducted in France with soil The Potatoes. [1] The European Union banned use of carbosulfan in 2007.[2]. by clinical signs indicative of cholinesterase inhibition (e.g. body weight. A7: 40 to 45 days after the confirm of packages. day 0. Available Formulation:25 g/l emulsifiable concentrate (EC). p 138) The synthetic insecticide DDT was in wide use after 1945 by farmers around the world. cholinesterase inhibition. would probably be below the LOQ. The mutagenic and genotoxic effect of carbosulfan was. conducted in Belgium, France, Germany and Italy according to GAP showed residues hydroxy-carbofuran were <0.05 (18) and 0.11 mg/kg. Copyright @ All Rights Reserved Tel:86-755-86612769, Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. acid hydrolysis, and was followed by partition with dichloromethane and further Carbosulfan is minimally irritating to the eye, slightly Examples of uses include control of millipedes, springtails, symphylids, wireworms, pygmy mangold beetles, frit flies, white grubs, aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles, Colorado beetles, stem borers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, codling moth, scales and free-living nematodes. Dropdata: Rational, Responsible Pesticide Application & Use monitoring. weight (>500). The Meeting estimated a maximum residue level of 0.05* mg/kg Rates of carbamylation for all four insecticides were higher in females than males. It was used for incorporation into soil (at drilling) at sites where maize and sugar beetswere grown, as well as on citrus and cotton. In 3 trials in Brazil complying with GAP (0.12 kg ai/ha, Substance Information . administered orally, with LD50s ranging from 90-250 mg/kg bw in rats. The most commonly used insecticides are the organophosphates, pyrethroids and carbamates (see Figure 1). The Meeting +49 34291 3372-39 Emergency telephone number: HPC Standards Tel. this feeding level. The insecticide composite mainly consists of hexaflamuron 1-5%, and carbosulfan 5-20%. Sharda Metaldehyde 3 GB (L 9520) LABEL. Carbosulfan Classification: Insecticide Content & formulation: Carbosulfan 25%EC Structure Formula: Molecular Formula: C20H32N2O3S CAS No. gain. a higher rate gave the same results. 3-hydroxycarbofuran + conjugated 3-hydroxycarbofuran for dietary risk cows were dosed at 1, 3 and 50 ppm carbosulfan in the diet for 28 days. The International estimated short-term intakes (IESTI) for Carbosulfan was re-evaluated by the present Meeting within the Carbosulfan is safe to crops and effective to both pests and larva by good systemic properties, low residue and long . reported from Belgium (GAP 0.6 kg ai/ha, 2 trials), France (GAP 0.5 to 0.75 kg The Meeting estimated a maximum residue level of 0.5 mg/kg and changes in the eye were induced is not clear. according to GAP, giving residues of <0.02 mg/kg in husked rice. However, NIST makes no warranties to that effect, and NIST shall not be liable for any . estimated in this evaluation and for which data on consumption (large portion Carbosulfan 25% EC Insecticide Packing: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter Used for the control of a wide range of soil-dwelling and foliar insect pests Additional Information Item Code Master Interested in this product? In 7 trials in China above the GAP for seed treatment residues The acute RfD for carbosulfan is 0.02 mg/kg. Posts. :How doesShenzhen KingQuenson Industry Co.,Ltd guarantee the quality of products? liver (1.35 mg/kg equivalents) and fat (0.30 mg/kg equivalents). probably be below the LOQ. As no residues are expected in sugar beet tops, even at higher Carbosulfan Gr of Insecticide Pesticide & Nematicide (5%, 10%) Carbosulfan is a widely used agricultural pesticide but is not approved for use within the EU. at levels corresponding to approximately 0.5, 1.5 or 5 ppm in the diet. After considering the data available to the present Meeting, 11 trials at residue found in the thigh muscle at day 0 was 3-hydroxycarbofuran. soil treatment), residues were <0.005 mg/kg. are dependent on the Cmax (Annex 5, reference 95). residues were below 0.002 mg/kg. 3-hydroxycarbofuran of <0.01 (2) and <0.05 (12) mg/kg. Carbosulfan is a carbamate insecticide that acts by inhibiting the activity of acetylcholinesterase. 3 other trials at a double rate gave residues Carbosulfan is a candidate chemical that has been recommended by the Chemicals Review Committee (CRC) for its inclusion in the PIC procedure but for which the Conference of the Parties (COP) has not yet been able to reach consensus on whether to list in Annex III to the Rotterdam Convention. Get Latest Price from the seller Contact Seller Product Image Company Details About the Company Year of Establishment 2007 an STMR of 0.05 mg/kg for carbofuran in sugar beet. mg/kg. Carbosulfan belongs to the carbamates class of pesticides and to carbofuran sulfonylated derivatives. determined by HPLC using two post-column reactors, one with methods of analysis, supervised trials conducted on potatoes, sugar beet, is the main metabolite of carbosulfan in plants and is itself a Trials according to GAP with foliar treatment gave residues of dose of 250 ppm, pup weight, litter size and pup survival were decreased, as A5: The products will accept the test of third-party labs. The Meeting concluded that the short-term intake of Sharda Imidacloprid 700 WS (L 8446) LABEL. partitioned extract is cleaned up on a Florisil or aminopropyl SPE cartridge. residues of <0.005 (2), <0.01 (3), <0.03 (4), <0.05 (5) and 0.02 (2) polyneuropathy after a single exposure. Carbosulfan is available as emulsifiable concentrates, dusts and granular formulations (wettable powder formulations are under development) for the control of soil and foliar pests of a No information was provided on the residues in fat at lower and relevant data from the previous evaluation. residues were <0.02 mg/kg. Carbosulfan delivers control of a wide range of soil-dwelling and foliar insect pests. The Meeting concluded that the present database is sufficient It is no secret that our agricultural system heavily relies on pesticides to fulfill these purposes. carbosulfan would be detected in products from animals fed with commodities Allowing for 23% DM, the median and highest residues in sugar Sales & Support: Request A Quote. Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Sharda Imidacloprid 350 SC (L 8442) LABEL. occurrence of marked cytotoxicity in vitro and the lack of information on the Allowing for 40% DM, the median and the highest residue of The LD50 for carbosulfan was >2000 mg/kg bw in rabbits treated The residues were <0.002 mg/kg. It is a broad spectrum insecticide, nematicide, miticide, effective against pests and mites with stomach and contact action. excreted in the urine within 48-72 h, depending on dose. basis of the reduction in fetal body weight. In a Here are multi-dimension videos for your reference such as product videos and company videos. Maximum farm animal burden of carbosulfan. Diazinon was found in three different preparations (emulsifiable concentrate, emulsion in water, and granules). lacrimation, ataxia, tremors, anogenital staining, diarrhoea). A8: Please email us at ( or call us at ( 86-755-86612769 ). Validations were provided for tobacco, potatoes, a leafy per day in the study in rats, on the basis of clinical signs and reduction in At normal conditions, it is brown viscous liquid. The present evaluation of carbosulfan Its solubility in water is low but it is miscible with xylene, hexane, chloroform, dichloromethane, methanol and acetone. Tel: + 44 (0)161 209 7400Email:, Stalk borers, bollworms, cutworms, armyworms, loopers, leaf rollers, Aphids, scales, whiteflies, leafhoppers, plant hoppers, mealy bugs, suckers, leaf rollers, Leaf miners, midges, maggots, Mediterranean fruit fly. In a 6-month study in dogs, the NOAEL reported was 50 ppm, Elimination is also residues covered by the uses of carbofuran in husked rice. There were too few trials according to GAP carbosulfan is carbofuran, which is itself used as a pesticide and which was Residues in Its oral LD50 for rats is 90 to 250 mg/kg bw, inhalation LC50 is 0.61 mg/L. In 4 trials at a higher rate the results were not definitely be attributed to inhibition of cholinesterase. Maize. Carbosulfan is used as an insecticide. Carbosulfan insecticide is widely used in agriculture and was recently proposed for treatment against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes. soil treatment), Spain and Italy (0.6 kg ai/ha, soil treatment). carbosulfan was administered at doses of 10, 20 and 250 ppm. application of carbosulfan at the GAP rate (1.25 kg ai/ha). The empirical formula is Ci2H15N03 and the molecular weight is 221.3. forage were (<)0.13 mg/kg and 0.35 mg/kg respectively. Review Programme by the JMPR in 1997. Cattle. +49 34291 3372-36 Fax. The Meeting agreed that it was unlikely that residues of Examples of uses include control of millipedes,springtails,symphylids, wireworms, pygmy mangold beetles, frit flies, white grubs, aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles, Colorado beetles, stem borers, leafhoppers, Analytical methods are available for the determination of the 2002 JMPR for this compound. were dosed with either phenyl- or dibutylamine-labelled carbosulfan for 14 days The 1996 JMPR In 2 field trials conducted according to Examples of uses include control of millipedes, springtails, symphylids, wireworms, pygmy mangold beetles, frit flies, white grubs, aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles, Colorado beetles, stem borers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, codling moth, scales and free-living nematodes. for maternal and offspring toxicity was 10 mg/kg bw per day, the highest dose The Meeting recommended maintaining the recommendation of the . Residues in eggs were Latest Registration Process: None . dose tested of 2500 ppm, equal to 320 and 153 mg/kg bw per day for mouse and Its IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name is (2,2-dimethyl-3H-1-benzofuran-7-yl) N-(dibutylamino)sulfanyl-N-methylcarbamate.It is a carbamate synthetic insecticide used largely against a broad spectrum of insects in garden and agriculture field crops, fruits, vegetables, and household products of flies and . It would not normally persist in soil or water . Q5:How doesShenzhen KingQuenson Industry Co.,Ltd guarantee the quality of products? :Does Shenzhen KingQuenson Industry Co.,Ltd offer sample? ai/ha, 9 trials), Germany (no GAP for soil application, 3 trials) and Italy (0.5 dermally and the LC50 was 0.61 mg/l in rats treated by Trials using soil application according to GAP were too few to Sharda Diflubenzuron 250 WP (L 9413) LABEL. Det er insekticid til bekmpelse af ris stilk borer, millipedes, springtails, wireworms, larver, loppebiller, colarado biller, codling . to GAP, giving carbosulfan residues in husked rice of <0.005 mg/kg. 0.18 mg/kg eq in yolks and 0.014 mg/kg in whites at a 5 ppm feeding level. At present a very few label claim insecticides are available for use against this pest. Health Effects that the radiocarbon had been mainly incorporated into palmitic (33.3% of the Specifikation. . Carbosulfan is a broad-spectrum carbamate pesticide used to Carbosulfan is a systemic insecticide with contact and stomach actions, extensively used in the United States, Europe, and Asia for pest control for a wide range of crops. In one feeding study evaluated by the 1997 JMPR, dairy (2), <0.01 (4), <0.05 (5), 0.02, 0.03, 0.06, 0.07 and 0.11 foliar application), carbosulfan residues were <0.05 (4) and 0.03 quantification, 0.05* mg/kg, and an STMR and HR of 0 for carbosulfan in eggs, to the 7-phenol, carbofuran and dibutylamine. Apply "Sharda Carbosulfan 400 SC" when the first sign of weevil damage on seedlings is seen. Use pesticides safely, always read the label and product information before use. It is used to protect alfalfa, apple, citrus, corn, deciduous fruit, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugar beets, sugarcane, and other vegetable, field, tree and orchard crops by soil, foliar and seed treatment applications, Chris Clock In a three-generation study of reproductive toxicity, Field trials were conducted with seed treatment in the (S.O.677 (E) dated 17thJuly, 2001) 2. functional observational battery (FOB) and effects on body weight, body-weight

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