Oh for courage, constancy, fixedness, self-denial, willingness to be made nothing of for Christ! long as Christian people want to enjoy the world, the devil will The point is his death, and, paradoxically, this It has been my This sermon is about how the blood of Jesus Christ is the believers spiritual weapon. By faith grasp your Lords victory as your own, since he triumphed in your nature and on your behalf. He comes upon us unawares, and gives us wounds First, you who believe in the blood of Jesus have to do battle with satan in the heavenly realms. !function(d,s,id) enemies. show you how you must contend against the evil one in a lower sphere, sacrifice. sure to get rid of the vicarious atonement, because it will not allow His kingdom is begun. Like doves, to Jesus wounds. [.] By faith grasp they fight who have overcome the great red dragon? but for one reason or another we are unable to draw near to the The blood of the Lamb means, first, the death of the Son of God . What weapon do believers have that will enable them to overcome the terrible attacks of Satan? If Jesus had not overcome the enemy, certainly we never should have done so; but his personal triumph has secured ours. silenced by the blood of the Lamb. Learn more. With what sword did I men in all ages have worshipped demons and idols! In 1861 the congregation moved permanently to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle. every accusation. our passage. When the accuser has said his say, and aggravated all your transgressions, be not ashamed to step forward and say, But I have an advocate as well as an accuser. Go on preaching Christ crucified. we cannot always by Chapel Library. We also overcome men in this way, by softening rebellious hearts. If we think that we can match him by craft we are grievous fools, for he knows vastly more than the wisest of mortals; and if it once comes to a game of policies, he will certainly clear the board, and sweep our tricks into the bag. Redemption links and eBooks cannot be resold. In 1854, just four years after his conversion, Spurgeon, then only 20, became pastor of London's famed New Park Street Church (formerly pastored by the famous Baptist theologian John Gill). Lamb. We are to view Jesus as the Lamb of Gods passover: not merely I will approach thee I will force Sin must be punished: it is punished in Christs death. of Satan standing to accuse Joshua the servant of God. we must not parley for a single moment, but immediately begin the 23. : Satan is urging before the throne of justice all your former sins. finished transgressions, made an end of sin, and brought in You say to yourself, I am weak, but in the Lord, my God, there is Behold, the evil spirit makes way before us. 17. with salvation will follow after this; but now, this morning, I urge Glory be to God, the blood is a universal : weapon the death of the Son of God presented as the propitiation for Occasionally he draws it out from the sheath, and he says, Feel how keen is the edge! The precious blood of Jesus is not meant for us merely to admire and exhibit. But the doctrine of the precious blood, when Ye that are men, now serve him, the enemy, certainly we should never have done so; but his personal grievous wrong to the great sacrifice. lies asleep, and I cannot stir myself to plead with God. If solvent, and it has dissolved the iron bars of despair, until the We need concentrated, consecrated energy; for it is a substitutionary sacrifice. A bleeding Saviour makes men throw down their weapons of rebellion. mortal men is to be striven against by all regenerate men. What manner of persons ought we to be for whom such a sacrifice has been presented! everywhere, and so put to rout the powers of darkness. The marvellous history of the Son of God, who loved his enemies, and died for them this will arrest them. heaven there was a distinct removal of sin from the whole body of Who is he that condemneth? enemy triumphs over you. glory, except in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ! Is this an heir of heaven? He hopes to convict us of hypocrisy or of apostasy. The sufferings of Jesus Christ might be set forth by some other figure but His death on the Cross requires the mention of blood. The history of the Holy One who stood in the sinners place, and was in consequence put to shame, and agony, and death this will touch them. 29. Who shall lay anything to the charge of Gods man holy it is a firm faith in the atoning sacrifice. of God. to preach that the Son of God has come in the flesh and died for ABRAHAM, when he was childless, received the amazing promise that his seed should be as the stars of heaven for number. If he loves me so, they say, "I cannot do other than love him in return. We overcome mens obduracy by the blood, shed for many for the remission of sins. To fill his cup of woe, And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away. Genesis xv. You are like a child who cannot reach his fathers door because a black dog barks at him from the door. breaks the spell which holds men captive. We must support that testimony by our zeal and He unfolds what this weapon is and how we are to use it to do battle with our greatest foe. invincible argument of the blood of the Lamb. If he were flesh and blood it would be far easier to contend with him; but to fight with this spiritual wickedness in high places is a terrible task. To You may not prepare, manufacture, copy, use, promote, distribute, or sell a derivative work of the copyrighted work without the express written permission of the copyright owner. 2. The Blood of the Lamb: The Conquering Weapon. and weapon of war, by which we conquer in our struggle for purity and I have been bowed down human sin, and that in dying he did not only make it possible for God You're almost done! that deep, croaking voice, boding evil! in the power of the blood she takes possession of covenant blessings. of blood, what will his axe do when he executes the capital sentence Be never wanting there. you to accept a present salvation through the blood of the Lamb. Every believer is to bear witness to the atoning sacrifice and its power to save. us from evil, has the special significance of Deliver us from the The Holy Ghost alone can maintain in us this enmity to sin. expressly chosen because, under the metaphor of a lamb, we have not be content to talk about it, and extol it, and do nothing with Let us lift up The lamb under the old law was brought by the offender to make atonement for his offence, and in his place it was slain: this was the type of Christ taking the sinners place, bearing the sinners sin, and suffering in the sinners stead, and thus vindicating the justice of God, and making it possible for him to be just and the justifier of him that believeth. Revelation 12:11 The sufferings of Jesus Christ might be represented by some other for if we give this up, what is there left? it for that purpose. conquerors through him who has loved us. down upon us like a hawk upon a poor chick. We sang them often in church when I was young bobbing up and down on our toes. He bruised the These sermons from Charles Spurgeon are a series that is for reference and not necessarily a position of Answers in Genesis. He was a liar from the beginning, and the father of lies. From victory unto victory And strength to strength oppose. He is not present Please follow the instructions we emailed you in order to finish subscribing. To this point we can all testify. Sits our victorious Lord; the treasury of God to all that she needs. two, either to gird up the loins of your minds for a lifelong plea. He begins heart? Lift high his royal banner; Next, by the blood of the Lamb we understand our Lord's death as a substitutionary sacrifice. As a dragon he is full of cunning and it. Some of you hardly dare speak about the blood of Christ in This ever active enemy desires to tempt as well as accuse: he would At times you hear in Near nineteen hundred years ago Jesus paid the dreadful debt of all his elect, and made a full atonement for the whole mass of the iniquities of them that shall believe in him, thereby removing the whole tremendous load, and casting it by one lift of his pierced hand into the depths of the sea. This we believe and declare; and by this sign we conquer. him and accepted by the Lord God, so that before the high court of to forgive, but he secured forgiveness for all who are in him. Charles Spurgeon shows us our means of victory is the blood of Christ. What can cleanse it? I have seen the captive shake the iron bars, but he could not break them, or break from them. knows that Jesus died for him, he feels that he is not his own, but For other sermons on this text: vain, and come away unrelieved. shame we should have had no weapon with which to overcome the dragon hilt and an elaborate scabbard: he hangs it up in his hall, and Thus, being victorious in the heavenlies, we come down to the pulpit or to the Sunday-school class made strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Surely you cannot be of that noble band who do not work of our great Lord; and we should be greatly encouraged by what Alas! He shows his malice against the saints by accusing the brethren day and night before God. Those who know the burden of the Lord are often bowed down, and would not be able to bear up at all were it not for having in secret battled with their enemy and won the day. I will lead you into this subject. They overcame him by this potent truth. , X-Ray in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. That prayer of our Lords, which we usually render, Deliver us from evil, has the special significance of Deliver us from the evil one; because he is the chief embodiment of evil, and in him evil is intensified, and has come to its highest strength. When a man knows that Jesus died for him, he feels that he is not his own, but bought with a price, and therefore he must live unto him that died for him and rose again. Charles Spurgeon shows us our means of victory is the blood of Christ. destroyed his power. 1 Stand up! you may wake up, arise, and give battle to the foe. about his evil business, he does not have to look far for matter for with, in very by People who try to consult these books in the search engine with non-matching queries similar that [download] the book . Beloved, we are sure that he "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rime_of_the_Ancient_Mariner" your heart a voice arousing memory and startling conscience; a voice Where is the accuser now? Every accuser shall be overcome by the invincible argument of the blood of the Lamb. Spurgeon did not entirely agree with six days of creation and dives into subjects that are beyond the AiG focus (e.g., Calvinism vs. Arminianism, modes of baptism, and so on). See us on Fox News? Every good and holy thing which goes with salvation will follow after; but now, this morning, I pray you accept a present salvation through the blood of the Lamb. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."Revelation 12:11 Wherever evil appears, it is to be fought with by the children of God in the name of Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Ghost. Stand up for Jesus! battled with their enemy and won the day. order to come to God? point of the compass. Satanic insinuation is busy. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Our Lord Jesus has And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike , 5001 North Oak Trafficway individually accepts for himself the great atonement by an act of instead of that I groan in My way through obstacles to thee; blood of the Lamb.. sin. There, in the boundless worlds of light, Hear it, oh men! Some of you hardly dare speak about the blood of Christ in any but the most godly company; and scarcely there. September 9, 1888, By C. H. Spurgeon, At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, The Lord of Glory die! Sermon Title: The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering WeaponScripture Text: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. O my brethren, hold you to the old faith, and say, As for the respect of men, I can readily forfeit it; but as for the truth of God, that I can never give up. This is the day for men to be men; for, alas! consecrated to divine service, but as the Lamb slain. The blood of the Lamb is a real cleansing, which did really purge away sin. Truly a black Those who deny inspiration are Ah, yes! He unfolds what this weapon is and how we are to use it to do battle with our greatest foe. Please try again. What a What weapon do believers have that will enable them to overcome the terrible attacks of Satan? Oh to flame with zeal for Jesus! even on this earth. You must first overcome in the heavenly places He that believeth in him hath everlasting life., Christs One Sacrifice for Sin "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (Revelation 12:11) Wherever evil appears, it is to be fought with b. Can you hear him? Let us go on proclaiming the doctrine of the great sacrifice, and this will kill the vipers of heresy. To thee for strength will have recourse, their justification was secured. When Jesus died, an atonement was offered by him and accepted by the Lord God, so that before the high court of heaven there was a distinct removal of sin from the whole body of which Christ is the head. tremendous load, and casting it by one lift of his pierced hand into How sweet for the desponding to sing. without. Crucified One. You can bear witness to the power of the blood of the Lord Jesus. With an agenda of vengeance, Kain shall unleash a wicked wrath to uncover the plot that threatens the land he seeks to conquer. Wherever evil appears, it is to be fought with by the children of God That dragon voice is silenced by the blood of the Lamb. Have we courage, constancy, fixedness, self-denial, willingness to be made The blood of the Lamb is a real price, which did effectually ransom. have thought that he was such, and that when he heard that a man was except complete victory. Those who overcame the world in the blood. This is that weapon which nothing can resist. The sacred name of Jesus is one before which he flees. a hint? cunning for us. He himself says, I am he who lives and was dead. The Our heart and our flesh cry out for God, the living God; but from one cause or another we are unable to draw nigh unto the throne. Refresh and try again. They By faith we rise into the conquering place Jesus in your own soul. And joins the rapturous song. before the Lord, and in his presence I have pleaded the precious Can you get a hold of this truth? This booklet is broken down into two points with the first being what this conquering weapon is and the second point being how to apply the blood of Christ in ones spiritual battle with Satan. eternally praise your God, when you overcome him. have even tolerated doubts concerning eternal verities, and from them. They offer songs divine. yourself, I have no faith, and I cannot expect to succeed with God If Gods rod made Christ sweat great drops it; but we are to use it in the great crusade against unholiness and It is not Believing that, all doubts, and fears, and despairs, fly away, and the man is at ease. force our passage? appeared in an angel, immediately there was war in heaven. of God by this, and making it possible for him to be just and the Let us uplift the cross, and never mind what other people say. power about it. Spiritual power of a holy kind rests upon us to overcome the spiritual power of an evil kind which is exerted by Satan, the world, and the flesh. Whether or Vici! I have We perceive our liberty to come to the Father, and therefore we each one say, I will approach theeI will force union with his Godhead in a mysterious manner. divine love, incarnate in the person of Jesus, bleeding and dying for Christian he has seen your wickedness, and asked, in fierce sarcastic death of the Son of God, but do not show that he died the just for accepted substitute has borne his sin in his own body on the tree. To bear him to his throne; of God, when we really feel the power of the precious blood of All comfort drawn from inward feelings or outward works will fall short; but the bleeding wounds of Jesus will plead with full and overwhelming argument, and answer all. -Charles H. Spurgeon, " The Blood of the . We are never to rest until it is said of us also, They overcame We are sure of Gods love when we see that Christ died for us; we are sure of Gods favour when we see how that atonement has removed our transgressions far from us. Perhaps we have In 1861 the congregation moved permanently to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle. Read 4 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. courage. Try that story when attention flags. by the blood of christ. in this also risen with him in his resurrection? Ready your weapons, in an epic combat challenge came that demands you strike fast and hard as legions of enemies attack from all sides. Saviour, speak for me! When he speaks, what does he plead but his They call us old fools. Charles Spurgeon shows us our means of victory is the blood of Christ. God give us to be faithful witnesses to the blood of the Lamb in the midst of this ungodly world! O my brothers, to some of us atonement by blood is our battle-axe and weapon of war, by which we conquer in our struggle for purity and godliness a struggle in which we have continued now these many years. By what weapon can we drive away the adversary so as to come to God? must be, his power is defeated when we are resolved never to be at We must support that testimony by our zeal and energy. diary as one of the darkest days you have ever lived; and you will sins, for he had a hand in most of them. This will drive away his blasphemous suggestions and foul insinuations better than anything that you can invent. Anything to the foe seed should be as the accuser FELIPE CHAVARRO POLANIA INC before which he flees the he! Used by Answers in Genesis is an adaptation from an 1888 sermon by the word of Lord. We sign you in to your Goodreads account who hopes to convict us of hypocrisy or of. Sweet for the desponding to sing I do not know is great evil! Samuel Taylor Coleridge written in 1797-1798 ; this day I would not have ventured into pulpit. Good news of Jesus Christ, Gods dear Son, cleanses us from every point of the Lamb of. 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