It includes essential ingredients, such as the stellar properties catalog, which is propagated into the DV reports & DV summaries and the on-line Kepler objects of interest catalog. prevent those events from affecting the correlation of the Inputs: On-orbit data collected by the spacecraft, Documentation: KAM 2.3.7, KIH 2.6.3, KDPH 5.4. Location: Kepler Simulated Data (NASA Exoplanet Archive) under INJ1, INJ2 and INJ3. Like flux inversion, flux scrambling should remove the legitimate transit events, while preserving the systematics that trigger false alarms. (artifacts) manifest from thermally-driven focus changes, pointing Format: Flat ASCII text file using Robovetter input format, Outputs: Robovetter dispositions yielding planet-candidate catalogs suitable for occurrence rate calculations. These particular TCERT Vetting Forms are from Use Case (c)the result of inverting the presearch-data-conditioned fluxes (i.e., PDCSAP_FLUX, KAM 2.3.1), conducting a transit search (TPS), and evaluating the identified events (DV). The PA module constructs a photometric time series, i.e. the varying pixel response function across the focal plane. calibrated pixels, which are then passed to the Photometric Analysis (PA) elements: A schematic of the Kepler Processing Pipeline is shown below. provided in section 2.3.7 of the Kepler Archive Vetting Metrics & TCERT ReportsNominal Processing. Typical images stored within a TPF. here or can be downloaded directly by following the links For a large range of variable sources, the output of PDC The following diagram illustrates the categorization of the data products: Definition: The engineering and science data category includes all raw and calibrated pixel-level data collected during the Kepler mission, as well as some navigational information, engineering and commissioning data, and specialized data sets used for calibration (i.e., reverse clock, artifact removal pixel, background, and collateral). Kepler Data Processing Handbook (KDPH), which also includes the theoretical basis of the algorithms used to reduce data, and a description of residual instrument artifacts after pipeline processing. Kepler Science Data Processing Pipeline; NASA Kepler and K2 Page; MAST Archive: The Kepler mission archive at MAST contains proprietary and public light curves and pixel data, the Kepler Input Catalog, Data Release Notes and auxillary mission data. (total) photoelectrons collected during either a 1-minute or 30-minute Kepler is sensitive to an enormous volume of variability phase source. operation. data. and reducing the noise level. photometry. charge to ~4 adjacent pixels. Kepler Data Processing Handbook (KSCI-19081) describes how pixels downloaded from the spacecraft are converted by the Kepler Data Processing Pipeline into the data products available at the MAST archive3. science. Location: The planetary parameters (i.e., DV fits) are available for the TCE releases via the interactive tables at Kepler TCE Documentation (NASA Exoplanet Archive). datapoints. The principal elements of the pipeline are entitled (followed However, light curves the same smear signal. They have no specific release number because they apply to all data releases. may recover on a variety of timescales. Format: Interactive table available for download in various formats. Definition: The transit search results category includes the products associated with Keplers search of the pre-conditioned light curves for transit-like signatures. For bulk download options, see TCERT Reports at Bulk Data Download (NASA Exoplanet Archive). Use Case: Transiting planet search (TPS) is used to produce TCEs for five different use cases: (a) nominal processing, (b) supplemental data validation (DV), (c) pixel-level transit injection, (d) flux inversion, and (e) flux scrambling. These particular light curve files are from Use Case (b)the result of injecting simulated transit signatures into the calibrated pixel-level data. A further correction is applied such that the symmetric across the focal plane. obtained on orbit. Note that all reports/summaries for a given search are available through the TCE tables, but only for those TCEs promoted to KOI status through the KOI tables. when a second reaction wheel failed on the spacecraft. Event detection occurs first in the PA module flow, For K2, low-frequency motion due to solar pressure and subsequent thruster firings causes targets to drift across detector pixels. The PDC software module examines the calibrated light curves produced Changed EXTNAME from PRIMARY to "INJECTED LIGHTCURVE", Recomputed the checksum in the primary header keyword "CHECKSUM.". Source apertures are constructed to maximize Outputs: Average Detection Efficiency table of injections and resulting injected TCEs. light comes from the target, and 0 = all background. Definition: A value calculated for each TCE that indicates the false alarm probability given the amount of noise present in the light curve. PDC may flag eruptive phenomena as discontinuities, or attempt a fit which may unintentionally modify the data. The other products in this category include empirical completeness results, which provide ground-truth for selected stars, the Kepler PORTs tools, which can be used to generate contour plots, and a discussion of the limitations of the analytic and numerical models based on comparisons with the empirical results. Kepler observes continuously, with no shutter; therefore stars these papers still provide a useful overview that is largely relevant each pixel in the Kepler/K2 pipeline. conducted through NASA Roses and so do not have an official cycle For convenience, many of the metrics are concatenated into vetting forms that permit manual examination of individual objects and in electronic form for use as input to the Robovetter. Location: Kepler CBV Files (MAST) or the common entry point for Kepler ancillary files at Kepler Ancillary Files (MAST). Note that they contain both astrophysical and synthetic transit events, so they should not be used to identify or characterize astrophysical phenomena, as the injections are likely to perturb the data in ways that are hard to characterize. These Metrics and Dispositions for injected transits are useful for running the Robovetter and evaluating its performance on this data set. Data Releases: Q1-Q16, Q1-Q17 DR24, and Q1-Q17 DR25. However, DV Time Series are only available for Use Case (a)Nominal Processing. 2016 ApJS 224, 12, Q1-Q17 DR25: Thompson et al. These particular TCERT Metrics & Dispositions are from Use Case (c)the result of injecting simulated planet transit signatures into the calibrated pixel-level data (i.e., the output of CAL) with subsequent processing through the remaining pipeline modules to create light curves (PA/PDC), conduct a transit search (TPS), and evaluate the identified events (DV). Location: Go to Kepler KOI Documentation (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and select the data release of choice, or the cumulative table, which includes all KOIs from all data releases. Because of the failure of module 3 (see KDCH 4.6), the long-cadence data has 84 files/quarter for Q0-Q4 and 80 files/quarter for Q5-Q17 for a total of 1460 files. Flat field Definition: The full-frame images contain all 1132 x 1070 pixels for all 84 channels in the focal plane for the equivalent of one long-cadence time interval (i.e., 29.4 minutes). These are the Kepler FFIs, which After summing the counts within defined synchronized engineering data to the light curves. All science data is processed and calibrated through Outputs: Table of dispositions and metrics for each simulated false alarm TCE. pixel locations, and ancillary engineering data into calibrated counts K2 the average yield per Campaign is between 10,000 and 20,000 long Go to Kepler Completeness and Reliability (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and click on the data or documentation release, as desired. variable. the optimal aperture does not necessarily capture the total flux from The data for Kepler are hosted in two locations: There are over 40 different kinds of data products. Documentation: Online at Kepler Data Validation Documentation (Q1-Q16, Q1-Q17 DR24) and KSCI-19079-001 (Q1-Q17 DR25). Since the injection was done on the fly, the associated DV reports & DV summaries include all the normal pixel-level tests, but the injected target pixel data are not archived. archived at MAST are detailed here. Science Institute. An occasional diffuse illumination of portions of the focal plane lasting a few searches. data is unaltered for user interpretation. curve. Definition: The Numerical Completeness Model provides an estimate of the Kepler data processing pipelines completeness for each individual target as a function of planet radius and orbital period using the targets Window Function, One-Sigma Depth Function, and Pipeline Detection Efficiency. the signal-to-noise ratio of the light curves and take into account the Kepler pipeline from Principle Component Analysis and used to Documentation: TCE and KOI Catalog papers for DV fits and KSCIs for MCMC fits (KSCI-19084-002 for DR24 and KSCI-19113 for DR25). The quarter-stitched, gap-filled time series that were searched by TPS & DV are available, as are the the results of the bootstrap statistical test. discontinuities are introduced into the light curves by known Top. (a) Correct for thermal transients and differential velocity aberration. below. 2017, ApJS, 229, 30. cadence targets and 50 to 100 short cadence targets. Other astrophysical signals can mimic a transit signal, when either mass measurements or statistical validation reveal that these other possibilities are less than 1% likely, then the planet is considered confirmed and added to this list. 3. rebinned to match the sampling rate of the long and short cadence data. Format: A few FITS per month before/after science data collection, Inputs: On-orbit data collected by the spacecraft, Outputs: Used by dynablack to calibrate the pixel-level data, Documentation: KAM 2.3.8, KIH 6.8, and Kolodziejczak, J. J., et al. These particular TCERT Vetting Forms are from Use Case (b)the result of injecting simulated planet transit signatures into the calibrated pixel-level data (i.e., the output of CAL) with subsequent processing through the remaining pipeline modules to create light curves (PA/PDC), conduct a transit search (TPS), and evaluate the identified events (DV). Outputs: A disparate set of objects that is unsuitable for occurrence rate calculations in straightforward fashion. Documentation: See NASA Kepler Robovetter GitHub repository. Use Case: These results were used to statistically validate KOIs at the 99% level. 2015a, ApJ, 810, 95, Q1-Q17 DR24: Christiansen, J. L., Clarke, B. D., Burke, C. J., et al. This document contains a brief description of the products hosted at both archives, provides a comprehensive overview of the products, and provides a single location with links to all products and their documentation. The median Resolution . postage stamp images centered on the positions of targets of interest. affected pixels. Outputs: Robovetter dispositions for this very disparate set of objects that are not suitable for occurrence rate calculations. Values of 0.5% and 0.25% center-to-peak Observations affected by known anomalies are flagged to Reports the completeness and effectiveness of the DR25 exoplanet vetting. Each pixel in a given column of the image receives Ariel rider kepler manual. images. This switch For each observation, a timestamp is associated, defined Smoothly varying stars These transients last a few days (1 day = 48 30-min KAM 2.3.1), Outputs: Systematic-error-corrected light curves (i.e., PDCSAP_FLUX; KAM 2.3.1), Documentation: KAM 2.3.4, KDCH 7, KDRN 11-25, and KDPH 8.5.1. Note Cosmic ray cleaning Format and content of the collateral files is Source centroids response functions of the CCDs on which the source may fall. CAL converts raw data numbers into curves. Neither these injected TCEs, nor the injected light curves from which they were derived, should be used to identify or characterize astrophysical phenomena, as their attributes may be significantly perturbed by the injected transit events. calibration module, however we note a few aspects peculiar to the 2016, ApJ, 828, 99, Christopher Burke's KeplerPORTs GitHub repository, NASA Kepler KeplerPorts GitHub repository. Inputs: Raw pixel-level data (i.e., reverse clock data, artifact removal pixels, background pixels, collateral pixels, raw science pixels, raw full-frame images), focal-plane characterization models, and Kepler Input Catalog). process is termed cotrending in the Kepler documentation. Users of K2 data are strongly encouraged to read both the pipeline and and cadence. Use Case: There are two sources of planetary parameters: (a) DV fits and (b) MCMC analysis. calibrated pixels in the TPF. Resample ancillary spacecraft data A description of Kepler calibration and data processing is described in the Kepler Data Processing Handbook (KDPH, Jenkins et al. provide background measures. Format: ASCII table of injected planets and TPS results. 7). During its that the overall source variability is preserved by PDC. apertures, and crowding metric are defined for each quarter. For sources exceeding the variability The software searches for these events, and flags the Barycentric time correction This Paper. aside for this purpose, as seen in the figure above. Users of K2 data should note that much of the Kepler documentation is These injected DV reports/summaries are meant to provide ground truth for testing and characterization of the Robovetter. Some notable documentation links include: Data Characteristics Handbook data downloads for Kepler occurred Documentation: KAM 2.3.8, KIH 6.8, KDPH 5, and Kolodziejczak, J. J., et al. within the Kepler Input Catalog and an analytical model for the pixels, equivalent to 0.4 arcseconds. Definition: The Pixel Response Function (PRF) Data are 121 dithered, long cadences collected during spacecraft commissioning to measure the PRF. NASA mission archive manual from 2016. Exoplanet Archive primarily hosts data related to the Kepler and K2 mission planet searches while the MAST is responsible for hosting time series data and spacecraft calibration products for Kepler and K2. For some sources, the cotrending has been found to produce software. variability domain not previously accessible. The photocenter of each source is referred to as the source centroid. below. Note To the extent that this is true, the scrambled TCEs provide additional estimates of the Robovetter false-positive rate. These values are typically small, since each signal-dependent trailing undershoot in the image, traced to an The PRFs model the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the telescope with The For Q1-Q17 DR24, which characterizes pipeline build SOC 9.2, the ephemerides of the injected transits and the results of the pipeline search are archived (see Christiansen, J. L. 2015b, KSCI-19094-001: Planet Detection Metrics: Pipeline Detection Efficiency at KSCI-19094-001). Inputs: On-orbit engineering data collected by the spacecraft. (d) Fail to accurately track slowly rising or declining flux levels over a quarter. Neither these injected TCEs, nor the injected light curves from which they were derived, should be used to identify or characterize astrophysical phenomena, as these injections significantly perturb the data. See Threshold-Crossing EventsPixel-level Transit Injection for details of the injection technique and subsequent data processing. unacceptable results. apertures, estimating and subtracting background light, and adjusting four pixels, an 8x8 arcsec square, which are selected to avoid nearby stars and Outputs: Table of confirmed planets and their properties. variation has been used in different data releases. On order 200 cadence) or 58.89 s cadence (a.k.a. CAL performs a number of functions familiar to CCD photometrists to Within the pipeline, artifacts are mitigated for using a derivative of principle component analysis. 2017. as the modified Julian date at the midpoint of the observation. Documentation: KSCI-19110-001 These files comply with all Kepler standards for light curves, except for a few modest changes to emphasize the fact that they include injected transits and should not be used for general scientific purposes. exclude their use in systematic error corrections. The raw, calibrated, and uncertainty data are archived in separate files. Collateral data is collected onboard for the purpose of calibrating Light Use Case: The Robovetter (or the previous manual TCERT process) is used to promote TCEs to KOI status for five different use cases: (a) nominal processing, (b) supplemental data validation (DV), (c) pixel-level transit injection, (d) flux inversion, and (e) flux scrambling. panel presentation examples For each Kepler object of interest, some additional metrics are computed for use in dispositioning them as planet candidates or false positives, and additional fits are performed to infer their planetary parameters. An issue noted during pre-flight testing can be described as a large, Location: Robovetter Inputs on Kepler Simulated Data Page. Location: Go to Kepler Full Frame Image (FFI) & Engineering Data Search (MAST) and specify an Archive Class of Background Pixel (BKG). These CBVs may be used to remove common-mode instrumental effects when the standard PDC light curves are insufficient for a particular science goal or when the target pixel data are used to generate light curves. signal-to-noise ratio, taking into account the Poisson noise for the The Kepler spacecraft was repurposed for the K2 mission a year after the failure of the second of Kepler's four reaction wheels in 2013 May. Older CBVs that are applicable to earlier data releases are at Kepler CBV Index (MAST). Kepler Pipeline detection contours from many injections on each target. Inputs: NASA Kepler KeplerPorts GitHub repository, Outputs: Full detection contours for analysis of occurrence rates, Documentation: Detection Contour Documentation, KSCI-19111-002. on Kepler products. Compromised data is marked on a per a source, but for Kepler was specifically designed to minimize noise for maximum transit The associated light curves (Kepler Simulated Data: NASA Exoplanet Archive) enable the sensitivities of competing pipelines to be compared or characterized. compromised in the Kepler data. Tenenbaum P., Seader S. et al. and tips on Location: Go to Kepler Mission Summary Page (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and select the TCE or KOI interactive table of choice. are tagged with the same data release number as the input light curves. These files are also available via the MAST portal when searching for specific targets. from bright pixels, but the overall effect on light curve precision DV Reports & DV SummariesNominal Processing. These reports/summaries can then be viewed from the pop-up bubbles by clicking on the information icon () next to an object name. commanded attitude adjustments, and by unanticipated events, e.g., the in both background and source pixels, using a robust outlier Collateral pixels estimate the bias level, dark current Some of the currently available auxiliary data is Format: FITS (see KAM Table 2-1 for file naming convention and KAM Table 2-2 for file version number). K2 Handbook 2011). also compensates for the small timing offsets produced by readout of illuminate the CCDs during readout. 2015, ApJS 217, 31, Q1-Q17 DR24: Coughlin et al. Location: Go to Kepler TCE Documentation (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and select the data release of choice. Science paper on the stellar catalog used for DR25. peak-to-peak amplitude on a timescale of ~5 days. an additional 1D "dynamic" bias correction. science data. The figures show Manual. Outputs: Used by dynablack to calibrate the target pixel data. These the detector plane. corrected in the next processing step (PDC). Definition: The TCERT Vetting Forms include the DV Summaries, major results from the DV Reports, and additional vetting metrics computed outside the Kepler data processing pipeline. basis, using the estimated offsets. Use Case: When combined with the Pipeline Detection Efficiency, this can give a full picture of which planets were not included as candidates in the KOI catalog for occurrence rate measurements. Adjusting X-Class 52V Handlebars. Mighell, K. & Van Cleve, 2020KSCI-19150-001. the optimal aperture produced by the target. They are used to remove the zodiacal light and unresolved background stars from the data. Definition: The Planetary Parameters are the properties of the planet candidates as inferred from fits to the transit photometry. The TCE tables state the DV fits. Jenkins, J., Caldwell, D. & Gilliland, R. 2004, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for the Science Operations Center, (KSOC-21008-001). Noise adshelp[at] The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A You can also download this page as PDF. The light curve file format is defined in section 2.3.1 of the Kepler Archive These injected TCEs are meant to provide ground truth for testing and characterization of the Kepler pipeline and Robovetter. Astrophysical False Positive Probabilities Table, Certified False Positives interactive table, extract_one_d_black_from_blob.m, kplr-q<##>--dr<##>_1dblack.mat, kplr_2015111701_video_crosstalk_rec_src.csv. Ames. In the currently exported FITS light curve files, the output of 2017. Format: Interactive online or ASCII tables, Inputs: Robust RMS CDPP, Duty Cycle, Data Span, Effective MES Threshold, and Pipeline Detection Efficiency, Outputs: Completeness contours suitable for use in occurrence rate calculations. Identification and correction of discontinuities Based on the Kepler Archive Manual but reflects changes made to the MAST archive between 2016 and 2020. The output of this module is a photometric time series. Systematic error correction for quiet stars (short cadence) observations, as well as on the full frame included in the photometric aperture that maximizes target Summary The latest data release notes (DRN) and the TESS Instrument Handbook can be found at the MAST page for TESS. In addition to these papers, the user is also directed to the Kepler Definition: The planet candidate results category includes the products associated with Keplers planet candidate catalogs that were created by dispositioning the transit search results. executing a transit search, which was undertaken by the next module in images obtained during the commissioning period both before and after Format and content of the CBV files is provided in (e) Positive outliers which are not flagged as real events. photometric pixels to correct for spatial variations in pixel Similarly, the short-cadence data set consists of 3917 files (out of a possible 3956) because some channels contained no short-cadence targets during some observing months. Kepler mission, any given Kepler target will lie on a different CCD after each roll. the spacecraft, yellow are collected but do not contribute to the calibrated target pixel images within a pre-set aperture. Documentation: See KSCI-19085-001 for DR24 and KSCI-19101-002 for DR25 (both at Kepler Completeness and Reliability (NASA Exoplanet Archive), Christopher Burke's KeplerPORTs GitHub repository for a software readme file, and Burke et al. Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. associated background pixels. These Vetting Forms for inverted transits are useful in evaluating the performance of the Robovetter on this data set. corrected light curves (PDC), to ascertain the reliability of any Definition: The astrophysical positional probabilities tables provides information about how well a stars location matches the location of the transit signal. Format information for the cadence pixel files, the rawest, per cadence data files for Kepler and K2 data. Each processing step is executed via a software module, developed and Definition: The TCERT Detection Efficiency measures the fraction of injected TCEs that were dispositioned as Planet Candidates in the KOI catalog. The KDPH describes how pixels downlinked from the spacecraft are converted by the Kepler Data Processing Pipeline (henceforth just "the pipeline") into the data products delivered to the MAST archive. 2016. . These light curves are then passed to the Pre-Search TPFs. FFI data format is defined in section 2.3.3 of the Kepler Archive This KeplerPORTs is designed to compute completeness contours for individual targets as a function of planet radius and orbital period given the inputs appropriate for either model. This "staring" mode produces A flat field correction is the last step in CAL, applied to near-continuous time series. curve. The last two transit searches operated on uniformly processed light curves for all quarters, so the resulting outputs (i.e., TCEs, KOIs, pipeline completeness products, etc.) 2016, ApJ, 828, 99. Since each source aperture does not include This Definition: The Data Validation (DV) report is a multi-page document generated for every Kepler-observed target that contains at least one transit-like signature (a.k.a. to the K2 pipeline can be found in the pipeline release notes. 2015a, ApJ, 810, 95, Christiansen, J. L., Clarke, B. D., Burke, C. J., et al. The other products in this category are for advanced users who wish to perform their own pixel-level calibrations starting with the raw data. Complex lightcurves before summing ) in the next step, photometric analysis ( PA.! Each Simulated false alarm probability given the amount of noise present in photometric! Via interpolation D. A., Jenkins, J. M. 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